Communist State essay topics

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  • Case Against Ethel Rosenberg
    1,924 words
    While the United States was fighting the Cold War to preserve its freedoms, the fears and anti-Communism the Cold War helped cause at home undermined some of those freedoms. One of the most notorious examples of this is Senator Joseph McCarthy. In his search for Communists in the U.S. government he infringed upon civil rights and freedoms, such as freedom of speech, provided to all Americans by Constitution. His actions caused a lot of innocent people, mostly government employees, to loose their...
  • Communist Leadership To The American People
    1,797 words
    Thesis: The "Red Scare" of the 1950's caused a massive movement for the people of that time period. I. Introduction II. The Basis of Communisim A. Communisim: Defined B. Political Aspects 1. Communist associations 2. Communist fears C. Physical Aspects 1. Incidents 2. Blacklisting. Propaganda A. Recruitment B. The "Red Scare" 1. Communist propaganda 2. Anti-communist defenses IV. Leaders in the movement-McCarthy A. Obsessions 1. The conspiracy 2. Focus on his campaign B. Accusations 1. Alger His...
  • Chambers And Hiss
    2,421 words
    The Alger Hiss Spy Case During the late nineteen forties, a new anti-Communistic chase was in full holler, this being the one of the most active Cold War fronts at home. Many panic-stricken citizens feared that Communist spies were undermining the government and treacherously misdirecting foreign policy. The attorney general planned a list of ninety supposedly disloyal organizations, none of which was given the right to prove its loyalty to the United States. The Loyalty Review Board investigate...
  • China During The Cold War
    381 words
    When the Japanese invaded China in 1937, a civil war was raging between the Nationalists and the Communists. The Communists held an advantage in northwestern China with the help of their leader, Mao Zedong. They won Chinese peasants' loyalty by preparing them for war, putting forth effort to teach literacy, and improved food production. This section of the Chinese army controlled much of northern China by 1945. During the Communists's uc cess in northeast China, the Nationalist forces dominated ...
  • Cold War To The Soviet Communists
    1,535 words
    Since Joseph McCarthy's name has become synonymous with persecution and the suppression of dissent, is it accurate to describe the so-called 'Red Scare' as McCarthyism? What other factors were there to explain this intolerance? On the 29th of June 1940, The United States Congress passed the Alien Registration Act, making it illegal for anyone in the US to advocate, abet, or teach the desirability of overthrowing the government. The main aim of the Alien Registration Act was to weaken the America...
  • Communist Manifesto
    1,171 words
    West Enlightenment Thomas Z ahora / Tip Ragan December 10, 2003 Communist Manifesto & We Question #1 Select some characteristics of communist society as envisioned by Marx and Engels in the Manifesto, and compare them with the imagined realities of Zamyatin's "We". Questions to ponder: 1. what has gone wrong, as far as society is concerned, in Zamyatin's novel? 2. In what ways is (or is not) the society in "We" a necessary result of the application of communist ideals in real life? In The Commun...

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