Dinner Party essay topics

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  • Ken Gorman And His Wife Chris
    894 words
    Neil Simon's farce, Rumors, gives readers an in-depth look at the lives of ten wealthy individuals attending a dinner party. In an attempt to stay within the social crown, the characters start unsubstantiated rumors about their friends in an attempt to make themselves look better. The hosts of the party, Ken Gorman, and his wife Chris must cover up the fact that a friend of theirs, Charley Brock, has been shot in the ear lobe. They do not know how he got shot, but they decide that he must have t...
  • Five People To A Dinner Party
    548 words
    Given the opportunity to invite five people to a dinner party, I thought about what I should serve, who would be my server, and which five people I will invite. To start off this infamous dinner party I chose to have it at the Santa Barbara Hotel in California. I picked out the largest banquet room, and had it stocked with art supplies, music equipment, and various other items. I chose to serve anything and everything, sushi, watermelon, pasta, meat, liquor, etc. I chose to invite five very diff...
  • Popular In Roman Dishes
    1,790 words
    Ancient Roman Meals The ancient Romans were similar to today's generations in their eating habits but never ate three hearty meals a day. Ientaculum and were merely appetizers that filled their stomachs unit the large cen a, the event they look forward to since awakening. They had names for their meals similar to ours, breakfast, lunch, and dinner (cen a). Breakfast, was usually taken about nine o'clock and consisted of merely a few pieces of bread sprinkled in salt or dipped in wine, and with a...
  • Nation's Factories
    349 words
    Gilded Age During the 'Gilded Age,' every man was a potential Andrew Carnegie, and Americans who achieved wealth celebrated it as never before. In New York, the opera, the theatre, and lavish parties consumed the ruling class' leisure hours. Sherry's Restaurant hosted formal horseback dinners for the New York Riding Club. Mrs. Stuyvesant Fish once threw a dinner party to honor her dog who arrived sporting a $15,000 diamond collar. While the rich wore diamonds, many wore rags. In 1890, 11 million...
  • Main Course And The Dinner Plates
    584 words
    At one time or another in our lives we will all host some sort of informal dinner party. While for many people, spur of the moment entertaining may be fine, others find it easier to plan the details of a party well in advance. It is actually quite simple to do so. In order to host an informal dinner party, you have to select the menu, set the table, and serve the food. Informal meals usually include salad, the main course, and dessert. First courses may also be included. Appetizers, such as chee...
  • Thanksgiving Dinner
    676 words
    Thanksgiving dinner was like a fairy tale in a book. The people, the food, the noise, and the joy were so incredible. At this occasion my family and I happened to be alone. My dad had been in India with my grandpa and uncle to put my grandma's ashes in the ocean. Then he was off to Taiwan for business. So for Thanksgiving dinner we happened to be invited to two places, one at my family friend's house and at my older sister's friend's house. My sister's, Shaina, friends party began at 4: 30. So w...

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