Drug Programs essay topics

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  • Prisons For Housing Offenders Of Drug Abuse
    1,528 words
    JAIL BASED SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT PROGRAM Substance abuse and addiction have changed the nature of America's prison population. Alcohol, drug abusers, addicts, and those who sell illegal drugs dominate state, federal prisons and local jails. Crime and alcohol and drug abuse go hand in hand. Much of the growth in America's inmate population is due to incarceration of drug law violators. With appropriate treatment for substance abuse and addiction, rehabilitation is possible for many of today's...
  • Prison Drug Treatment Programs
    3,206 words
    The link between drug use and crime is not a new one. For more than twenty years, both the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the National Institute of Justice have funded many studies to try to better understand the connection. One such study was done in Baltimore on heroin users. This study found high rates of criminality among users during periods of active drug use, and much lower rates during periods of non use (Ball et al. 1983, pp. 119-142). A large number of people who abuse drugs come...
  • Treatment Of Drug Use As A Disease
    2,401 words
    The use and abuse of non-prescription drugs has been a problem in America since colonial times. Historically, the reaction to this problem has been the enforcement of prohibition laws and providing total abstinence education. This has resulted in big business in America; according to the United States Office of National Drug Control Policy, the federal government spent $19.2 billion dollars in 2003 on the war on drugs (1). Unfortunately, the abstinence based education and prohibition laws that a...
  • Main Drug Use In Schools
    775 words
    I would like to commend the apparent effort of the Pulaski County Board of Education in their developing the new Drug / Alcohol Screening Program now in effect in both local high schools. I am grateful to see that some advance has been made to valorize the education process in our community. However, I am discouraged to see that the main focus of this program is centered around some of the most valued students in our schools. It is to my knowledge that this program is designed to screen students...
  • Drug Court Program
    576 words
    Looking at the Law: Drug Courts With the Hon. Paul F. Chaiet The Drug Courts are new to the Monmouth county area but not new to the United States. The first Drug court was established in Miami, Florida in 1989. There is at least one Drug court in each of the 50 states. Camden, Essex, Passaic, Mercer and Union were the first five counties in the New Jersey to start the Drug courts in the states. The Hon. Paul Chaiet after being assistant persecutor for Monmouth County for 14 years, he was appoint...
  • Number Of Drug Addicted Babies
    615 words
    CRACK CRACK, Children Requiring a Caring K ommunity, is a program that was established to sterilize drug addicts. Barbara Harris started this program because she was frustrated by the politicians unwillingness to do anything about the rising number of babies being born addicted to drugs, in particular crack cocaine. Crack babies do not have a good chance for a long, happy life. Many babies are either stillborn or die within the first few years of life. The babies that survive often suffer from l...
  • Illegal Drugs
    449 words
    Goals - In order to solve the problem of drugs in this country, supporters want to implement programs by stepping up enforcement of already existing drug laws and enforcing new ones. The war on drugs, should eventually become a responsibility shared by the federal, state, and local governments, along with every citizen of this country. This approach wants to eradicate drugs completely from the United States. Strategies - The first thing that should be done using this approach, is to strengthen c...
  • Part Of The Dare Program
    1,010 words
    Drugs have been affecting our society for many long years. Actions of preventing drugs being distributed to young teens have been a big issue to control. American authority wanted to control such horrible actions being witness in America. Drugs somehow got to our young teens in rural cities across America. A solution must be taken into action to stop the insanity. DARE a program that was developed by LAPD in conjunction with Los Angeles United School district is a program thought to enforce drug...
  • Drug Abuse Resistance Educational Program
    1,966 words
    Illegal Drug Abuse On the bus ride to school little Joey has to make a choice. Yesterday, on the bus Joey was offered a cigarette, not sure of what to say, he told the boys "maybe tomorrow". Well, it is tomorrow now and the boys are approaching him. What to do now Many children and also adults are faced with choices like these every day. Illegal and also legal substances are everywhere you look. The hardest thing is trying to avoid them. Everyone learns when they are young to "Just Say No", but ...
  • Drug Programs
    721 words
    Children face many challenges in today's society. There are many sorts of obstacles that students must face in their everyday lives, but one of the most important is, the use of drugs. Not only our communities are faced with this problem, but communities throughout the world. To help solve one of our most plaguing problems, there have been many programs that have developed over the years to try and solve the national drug problem. Out of many drug programs, there have been two programs that have...
  • Dare Program
    1,345 words
    Crack, Mary Jane, yayo, and coke. Everybody knows what these names are and many have experienced them. These are just a few names for the many kinds of illegal drugs. If you thing drugs just appeared on the scene recently you dead wrong. Drugs have been here since the beginning of the very first civilizations. It caused the Opium War of ancient China and has also caused hundreds of millions of murders involving the transfer of drugs. Drugs are anything but bias hence they " re colorblind. They s...
  • Drug Use Of High School Students
    902 words
    The street drugs that can be found by most any kid today have many severe consequences on both themselves and the world they occupy. No matter if you have children or not, it has become everybody's problem. From the expense of state dependant health care for the ones who suffer from the ill effects of drug abuse to the cost of thief and damages concurred by their acts to buy the drugs. Addiction can affect any age from the newborn to the elderly. Maybe some of the most vulnerable and easily mani...
  • Drug And Alcohol Programs In American School
    1,175 words
    Drug and Alcohol Programs in American School. Are they effective? Drugs and kids, It's a reality that every parent must face. You can not deny it. You can not ignore it. But as parents and other concerned caregivers, you are your children's greatest resource. Drug and alcohol use is widespread among American children. Despite the fact that it is illegal for virtually all high school students to purchase alcohol beverages, nearly all high school seniors have tried alcohol. The implementation of f...
  • Teen Drug Addiction
    1,745 words
    The use of drugs by teenagers has led to a rapidly growing number of teenagers who are seriously addicted to anything from alcohol to heroin. As a consequence of their constant interaction with drugs, these teens eventually get caught using. When this happens, they are put into the juvenile penitentiary system. With each offense, more and more time is spent in county facilitated juvenile detention centers, otherwise known as correctional facilities or juvenile halls. The current approach to solv...
  • Regular Use Of Local Needle Exchange Programs
    1,892 words
    A. Needle Exchange Controversy A. Needle Exchange Controversy Essay, Research Paper Needle Exchange Programs: The Best Solution? The United States of America has been contending with adverse social and economic effects of the drug abuse, namely of heroin, since the foundation of this country. Our initial attempt to outlaw heroin with the Harrison Narcotic Act of 1914 resulted in the U.S. having the worst heroin problem in the world (Tooley 540). Although the legislative actions regarding heroin ...
  • Affective Alcohol And Other Drug Abuse Prevention
    1,421 words
    Alcohol and Drug Prevention and Control Program ADAPCP The Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Program (ADAPCP) is a substance abuse treatment program used in the Armed Forces. The DA's policy on alcohol is that "abuse or excessive use of alcohol will not be condoned or accepted as part of any military tradition, ceremony, or event. ' This program is mandated by the public law 92-129, which is a law that mandated a program (ADAPCP) for the identification and treatment of drug and alcoh...

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