Effective Use essay topics

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  • Ghbs Effects
    1,397 words
    Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate (GHB) Essay written by GHB, or Gamma-Hydroxy Butyrin Acid is an intoxicating chemical with medical, recreational, and potentially entheogenic uses. It is a normal component of mammalian metabolism. It is naturally found in every cell in the human body and is most properly considered a nutrient. It is believed to be a neurotransmitter, although it is still unknown as to whether it exhibits all of the properties required to be considered one. GHB was first synthesized about ...
  • Use Of Other Inhalants
    456 words
    SLANG TERMS Laughing gas rush whippets poppers snappers Inhalants are breathable chemicals that produce mind-altering vapors. People do not think of inhalants as drugs because most of the products were never meant to be used that way. Inhalants are ingested by 'sniffing' or snorting (through the nose), 'bagging' (inhaling fumes from a plastic bag), or huffing (stuffing an inhalant soaked rag into the mouth). IMMEDIATE EFFECTS Nearly all inhalants produce effects similar to anesthetics, which act...
  • 1 3 Mg Daily 2 3 X
    910 words
    Thorazine Indications / Use: Acute and chronic psychosis Usual Dosage: 200 mg per day, up to 1 g per day Side effects: Sedation, blurred vision, photo sensitivity Interactions / Contraindications: Hyper sensitivity, pregnancy or lactation Patient teaching / Labs: May cause drowsinessMellarilIndication / Use: Antipsychotic Usual Dosage: 50-100 mg 2 x daily, up to 800 mg daily Side effects: Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome, sedation, blurred vision Interactions / Contraindications: Other phenothiazi...
  • Depressant Effect On The Central Nervous System
    576 words
    Narcotics: Narcotics decrease the sensitivity to the sensory stimuli because it has a depressant effect on the central nervous system. Opium, morphine, codeine, heroin, meperidine, and methadone are types of narcotics. Natural and synthetic opiates are considered medically valuable because they are effective pain relievers. A reduction of physical activity and drowsiness are the effects of opiates. Once consuming opiate you might feel such uncomfortable feelings as nausea, vomiting and itching. ...
  • Different Dialogue Techniques
    671 words
    The differences between characters can often be shown using dialogue. David Williamson uses dialogue effectively in 'The Club', to show the different personalities and desires of the characters. Ali G is a great example of how dialogue can be used to show the differences between characters when he interviews English soccer star David Beckham. In many interviews, television shows, movies, novels, and performance scripts, dialogue is used to show the different personalities of characters. In 'The ...
  • Radical Groups Use Terrorism
    387 words
    Global problems affect the modern world. Todays rapid changes have made countries more interdependent than ever before, shrinking the world into a global village. As the world grows smaller, events in any one area have a greater impact on other parts of the world. National borders do not limit the effects of pollution or environmental destruction. Even poverty in some areas affects other areas because of migration and its impact on the world economy. Three examples of global problems that affect...
  • Effectiveness And Efficiency Of The Cognitive Interview
    705 words
    Agarwal and Tanniru conducted a field experiment to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of structured versus unstructured interviews, using both novice and experienced interviewers. The experiment was conducted to compare the efficiency and effectiveness of the cognitive interview with the standard information requirements interview. However, the experimental results did not indicate that structured interviews enhanced recall. This triggered the experiment using the Cognitive Interview. Th...
  • Beam Effect In Machine Performance
    891 words
    Beam-beam effect, or beam-beam interaction, is a recent research being conducted over many areas throughout the world, from European laboratories to American Institutes. Basically the issue involves the passing through of proton bunches which results in many different types of effect, sometimes including the unexpected. Aside from the shooting of particles across one another, usually the collision rate of the protons generates a certain amount of energy. Today, the issue is to focus on modifying...
  • Special Effects In Movies
    1,288 words
    Special Effects Special effects in motion pictures has evolved over the years into an involved science of illusion and visual magic. The following is a comprehensive perspective depicting the rapidly expanding realm of cinematography. In times of old, special effects in movies was limited to an individual's creativity and the constrictive limits of the tools available. However the results of early special effects masters astounded audiences in their age in the same manner that modern artists do ...
  • Use Road Salts
    317 words
    On Scholar's Day I attended the Environmental Science presentation entitled "The Environmental Impacts of Chemical Deicers and Road Salt". I was required to attend this presentation for my Environmental Issues class as well. The presentation was approximately 25 minutes long and included a powerpoint presentation. In the presentation itself, it stated the impacts of road salts and deicers, the state uses on the roadways during the winter months. The most commonly used road salt is sodium chlorid...
  • Used Form Of Birth Control
    1,172 words
    Robert Ston um Eng. Writing 101 M W 1 - 2: 15 CONTRACEPTION Almost 3,500 years ago, men in Egypt wore condom-like sheaths as attractive and eye-catching penis covers. By the 18th century, condoms were being made from sheep intestines. In Victorian England, sexual stimulation was believed to shorten one's life, so sex once a month was considered more than enough. In the ancient Middle East, Arabs placed pebbles in the uterus es of female camels when they set off on long journeys. They thought tha...
  • Satire In An Effective Fashion
    268 words
    Throughout the story, V.S. Naipaul uses stereotypes and racial prejudice to create humour through satire. The following are a couple particularly effective examples. There were many different cultures inhabiting Trinidad when the story takes place, and a predominant effect of prejudice among the local people was that one needed to be of a particular culture to be successful in certain vocations. The protagonist losing his job at the newly converted grocery store he used to bake at, due to his be...
  • Primary Causes And Effects Once
    839 words
    As you develop your causal analysis essay, consider how you can use one or more other patterns of development. For example, you might use narration to help explain the effects of a particular community problem. In an essay about the causes of a current fad, you might compare the fad to one that is obsolete. Or you might classify rising college costs in an essay covering the causes and effects of that phenomenon. Consider Your Purpose, Audience, and Point of View Once you choose a topic, your nex...
  • Aeur The Use Of Harsh Words
    1,161 words
    Seamus Heany,'s ^aEURoeMid-Term break^aEUR and Louis MacNiece,'s ^aeuroei Prayer Before birth^aEUR are two poems, which differ from each other in many ways, including the authors, use of language, all of which will be explored in detail later in this response. Heany,'s poetry conveys a strong and harsh environment with an effective use of soft and hard sounding assonance and alliteration to continuously change the mood of the poem. While Heany,'s poetry delivers a harsh atmosphere, Louis MacNiec...
  • Useful In Cause And Effect Essays
    1,784 words
    The Assignment Write a one- to two-page, type-written, double-spaced cause and effect essay on one of the following topics or one that you choose. Your essay may consider causes, effects, or both. Your audience consists of your classmates or members of the community in which you live. 1. The popularity (or lack of popularity) of a particular sport in China 2. The popularity (or lack of popularity) of a public figure 3. A miscommunication or misunderstanding between two people or two groups 4. Ch...
  • Pcp's Bad Psychological Effects
    552 words
    PCP or Phencyclidine is a very deadly drug in today's society. PCP was developed in the 1950's as an anesthetic. Use of PCP in humans was discontinued in 1965, because it was found that patients often became agitated, delusional, and irrational while recovering from its effects. PCP is illegally manufactured in laboratories and is sold on the street by such names as "diabolic"wet" and "digital". The variety of street names for PCP reflects its bizarre and irrational effects on those who use it. ...
  • Medical Use Of Amphetamines
    808 words
    The medical use of amphetamines was common in the 1950/60's when they were used to help cure depression and to help the user lose weight. An amphetamine is a drug that is a stimulant to the central nervous system. Amphetamines are colorless and may be inhaled, injected, or swallowed. Amphetamines are also used non-medically to avoid sleep, improve athletic performance, or to counter the effects of depressant drugs. Amphetamines are addictive. Because of this, when the user discontinues use or re...
  • Research Of Environmental Estrogens
    364 words
    1. Environmental estrogens are a variety of natural compounds, and synthetic chemicals that are like the female sex hormone, estrogen. Hormones are the chemical messengers of the body's endocrine system. Environmental chemicals alter the function of the endocrine system by imitating and either triggering or blocking a response to the body's natural hormones. 2. Environmental estrogens occur in nature and may be found in plants, or in one's diet. Synthetic environmental estrogens, can be found in...
  • Scientific Evidence For The Placebo Effect
    775 words
    The word "place re" means to please from the Latin language for the word placebo (Carroll, 2002). The use of placebos has always been an interesting and controversial concept. The placebo effect is a mental relief of the patient than the actual effect on the disorder. This essay will describe what the placebo effect is, how it will be used to treat patients and the limitations of placebos. Doctors or administrators believe that a placebo is a medication or treatment that is inert or innocuous, b...
  • Mini Thin Adrenaline Stimulant Side Effects Ephedrine
    209 words
    Ephedrine Effects On Athletes Ephedrine Effects On Athletes Essay, Research Paper a Ephedrine Effects on Athletes Ephedrine mild, slow-acting drug used to treat moderate attacks of bronchial asthma and to relieve nasal congestion from hay fever or infection of the upper respiratory tract. Non-addictive, ephedrine may cause insomnia and restlessness. Comes from Ephedra plant also known as Ma Huang. Uses for Ephedrine-? Asthma sufferers.? Weight Loss-Increases Metabolic Rate? Performance Enhancer?...

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