Election Of Lincoln essay topics

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  • Lincoln As President When Lincoln
    2,568 words
    Abraham Lincoln Lincoln, Abraham (1809-65), 16th president of the United States (1861-65), who steered the Union to victory in the American Civil War and abolished slavery. Early Life Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809, near Hodgenville, Kentucky, the son of Nancy Hanks and Thomas Lincoln, pioneer farmers. At the age of two he was taken by his parents to nearby Knob Creek and at eight to Spencer County, Indiana. The following year his mother died. In 1819 his father married Sarah Bush Johnsto...
  • Lincoln's Election
    774 words
    Though Douglas won the senatorial election, Lincoln had made his mark by the debates; he was now a potential presidential candidate. His first appearance in the East was in Feb., 1860, when he spoke at Cooper Union in New York City. He gained a large following in the antislavery states, but his nomination for President by the Republican convention in Chicago (May, 1860) was as much due to the opposition to William H. Seward, the leading contender, as to Lincoln's own appeal. He was nominated on ...
  • Civil Wars A Commander In Chief Lincoln
    2,352 words
    Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, guided his country through the most devastating experience in its national history-the Civil War. He is considered by many historians to have been the greatest American president. Early Life Lincoln was born on Feb. 12, 1809, in a log cabin in Hardin (now Larue) County, Ky. Indians had killed his grandfather, Lincoln wrote, "when he was laboring to open a farm in the forest" in 1786; this tragedy left his father, Thomas Lincoln, "a wander...
  • November 1864 Lincoln
    1,286 words
    Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 in a log cabin in the Kentucky wilderness. When be was a little boy his Grandfather fought in the Revolutionary War. He had a little sister by the name of Sarah. As he went to school he met a boy by the name of Austin. They instantly became friends more so best of friends. At first Abe wasn't allowed to go to school because he didn't have a good pair of britches. In his pastime he loved to read. When Abe was eleven, his mother died of what they calle...
  • Lincoln's Election
    432 words
    Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States. Born in a log cabin in the backwoods, Lincoln was almost entirely self-educated. In 1831 he settled in New Salem, Ill., and worked as a storekeeper, surveyor, and postmaster while studying law. The story of his brief love affair there with Anne Rutledge is now discredited. In 1834 he was elected to the state legislature, and in 1836 he became a lawyer. He served one term (184749) in Congress as a Whig; in 1855 he sought to become a sen...
  • Democratic Senator Stephen A Douglas
    708 words
    Lincoln was born on Feb. 12, 1809, near Hodgenville, Kentucky, the son of Nancy Hanks and Thomas Lincoln, pioneer farmers. At the age of two he was taken by his parents to nearby Knob Creek and at eight to Spencer Co., Ind. The following year his mother died. In 1819 his father married Sarah Bush Johnston, a kindly widow. Lincoln grew up a tall, gangling youth, who could hold his own in physical contests and also showed great intellectual promise, although he had little formal education. After m...
  • Lincoln
    496 words
    History Abraham Lincoln I was born Feb. 12, 1809, in Hardin County, Kentucky. My parents were both born in Virginia, of undistinguished families-second families, perhaps I should say. My mother, who died in my tenth year, was of a family of the name of Hanks... My father... removed from Kentucky to... Indiana, in my eighth year... It was a wild region, with many bears and other wild animals still in the woods. There I grew up... Of course when I came of age I did not know much. Still somehow, I ...
  • Lincoln's Campaign
    510 words
    The Election of 1864 took place in the midst of the Civil War, a time when our country was in a crisis that could change the future drastically. Abraham Lincoln had just finished his previous term as president and had been unanimously nominated as the Republicans candidate for president. In spite of this, Lincoln had doubts that he would succeed in winning re-election. Lincoln was strongly anti-slavery and wanted for the Civil War to be fought out successfully in order to end this crisis correct...
  • Lincoln's Agenda By Southern Leaders
    1,450 words
    By 1860 the feud between President James Buchanan and Stephen Douglas had cancelled out the political aspirations of both men. The strain the slavery issue had resulted in the Democratic Party being split into two and severely weakening its political control. This created the opening for the newly reformed Republican Party, mainly Abraham Lincoln, to win the White House. The election of Lincoln, who was clearly opposed to slavery spreading to the outside of the existing states, was the last step...
  • Nation As Lincoln
    408 words
    more joined when hostilities began between the North and South. A bloody civil war then engulfed the nation as Lincoln vowed to preserve the Union, enforce the laws of the United States, and end the secession. The war lasted within more than four years with a staggering loss of over 600,000 Americans dead. Midway through the war, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed all the slaves within the Confederacy and changed the war from a battle to a preserve the Union into a battle ...
  • Abraham Clinton Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln
    263 words
    Abraham Abraham Clinton Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, was very important to the past history of our country. He helped to abolish slavery in this country and kept the American Union from splitting apart during the Civil War. At 22, he moved to New Salem, Illinois. With his gift for swapping stories and making friends, he became quite popular and was elected to the Illinois legislature in 1834. In his spare time, he taught himself law and became a lawye...
  • Several Other Candidates Besides Abraham Lincoln
    3,538 words
    Abraham Lincoln agreed with other presidential candidates of his period; he felt that it was undignified to campaign actively. During his election campaign, he stayed quietly in Springfield for the most part. But his followers more than made up for his inactivity. It cannot be said that nothing happened during his campaign though. One very important thing happened between he and his biggest political rival, Stephen A. Douglas, shortly before his campaign started. The issue between them was slave...

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