Elisa essay topics

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  • Feminine Power Elisa
    2,430 words
    The Chrysanthemums John Steinbeck, in his short story "The Chrysanthemums" depicts the trials of a woman attempting to gain power in a man's world. Elisa Allen tries to define the boundaries of her role as a woman in such a closed society. While her environment is portrayed as a tool for social repression, it is through nature in her garden where Elisa gains and shows off her power. As the story progresses, Elisa has trouble extending this power outside of the fence that surrounds her garden. El...
  • Tinker About The Care Of The Chrysanthemums
    460 words
    Sharing Love, Not Chrysanthemums The effects on Elisa from sharing her plants are not normal, at least compared to an ordinary gardeners sharing of plants, in Steinbecks The Chrysanthemums. Elisa is a sexually frustrated woman who cares for chrysanthemums in order to gain the happiness and stimulation that she doesnt get from her husband, Henry. After reading the beginning of the story, Elisa could be described as an unclean and unattractive woman with no real reason to care for her body. Henry ...
  • Conversation Between The Tinker And Elisa
    1,497 words
    My Analysis of the Short Story: "The Chrysanthemums" The short story "The Chrysanthemums" gives insight into the life of its author. John Steinbeck was born on February 27, 1902, in Salinas, California. The locale of the story is of key resemblance to the Salinas in which Steinbeck was born and bread. "Salinas was a typical American small town, [differing] only in location and a few distinctive features" (McCarthy 3). The protagonist of this story, Elisa Allen, also resembles Steinbeck's first w...
  • Elisa's Routine
    598 words
    In John Steinbeck's The Chrysanthemums, the reader is introduced to the seemingly timid and shy Elisa Allen. Elisa is routinely planting her yearly sets of Chrysanthemums, which appear to be the sole receptor of her caring and gentle touch, but all the while it is evident that "the chrysanthemum stems seemed too small and easy for her energy". Her hidden eagerness seems not only out of place, but out of touch with her dry and wilted surroundings, of which her husband, Henry, abruptly interrupts ...
  • Steinbeck's The Chrysanthemums Elisa
    745 words
    In Steinbeck's 'The Chrysanthemums' Elisa, poster woman for the feminist movement is a victim of her environment by disconnected. Working attempts to change and coming to realization that she will remain oppressed. Elisa opens her door of acceptance to T inkerman. She yearns for someone to understand her quest for adventure. Buried in the third world of individualism, behind her fenced flowers, she longs for escape. Despite her efforts, she looks forward to the recognition of her circumstance an...
  • Feminine Power Elisa
    1,245 words
    ... ty' at first, to agreeing that they have a 'good bitter smell' as Elisa replied. As he plants a story about needing some chrysanthemums for another customer, she once again begins to warm to him. Elisa now welcomes this man into her world, she invites him, 'Come into the yard'. Now inside the gate, she forgets about acting like a lady to the outside world: 'The gloves were forgotten now. She kneeled on the ground by the starting bed and dug up the sandy soil with her fingers and scooped it i...
  • Elisa's Inner Feelings
    1,357 words
    Analysis of Character and Setting: "The Chrysanthemums " John Steinbeck's 'The Chrysanthemums's hows the true feelings of the main character, Elisa Allen, through the use of setting and her interactions with other characters in the story. By way of vivid descriptions, Elisa's feelings of dissatisfaction over the lack of excitement in her life are portrayed. Her role as a mere housewife and then the subsequent change to feelings of a self-assured woman are clearly seen. These inner feelings are m...
  • Astronomer's Wife And Elisa Allen
    915 words
    Recently, I saw a movie about female tennis champion - Billie Jean King, and although I have never been into the feminism (neither can I say that I quite understand it), her character woke up some other kind of sensitivity in me. After this - to me significant change - I could not help myself not to notice different approaches of John Steinbeck and Kay Boyle to the similar thematic. They both deal with marital relationships and it was quite interesting to view lives of ordinary married couples t...
  • Elisa's Strength
    1,563 words
    "The Chrysanthemums" is a short story in The Long Valley, a collection of short stories by John Steinbeck. This story dramatizes the efforts made by a housewife, Elisa Allen, to compensate for the disappointments which she has encountered in her life. Steinbeck makes it clear that Elisa yearns for something more in her life then the everyday routines of farm life. While Elisa is portrayed as strong, in the end, her strength serves to be insufficient in having the courage to effect any real chang...
  • Elisa Allen As A Stereotypical Female
    725 words
    Most women have a sense of freedom and independence from their male counterparts, but they will not reach out away from their sheltered lives with a male to a new challenge or a new life. Women whom breakout of the their molds made by their significant other take a chance with life and try to become the independent woman others dream about at night. On the Allen's farm, chrysanthemums flourish, but does Elisa Allen flourish with them? With tender care, the flowers grow heartily and healthily, th...
  • Elisa's Chrysanthemums
    749 words
    Symbolism in "The Chrysanthemums" At first glance John Steinback's "The Chrysanthemums's e ems to be a story of a woman whose niche is in the garden. Upon deeper inspection, the story reveals strong symbolisms of children, vulnerability, and connection-being the most important, of the main character. Elisa Allen is the main character who is at her strongest and most proud in the garden and weakened when she becomes vulnerable and loses her connection to the outer world. Elisa shows a new aura of...
  • Peddler For Being Deceptive And Elisa
    710 words
    Elisa's sense of beauty causes her to become defenseless against the peddler's beguilement. When the peddler asks about her chrysanthemums, she describes them as being beautiful, so beautiful. She then progresses into to telling him of how to care for the flowers and does so very excitedly. This happens again when she starts talking about how it would be so nice to live in a covered wagon, spending the nights under sharp-pointed stars. Her enthusiasm toward these things uncovers her true sentime...
  • Isolated Elisa
    1,202 words
    She was wearing "a man's black hat... clod-hopper shoes, heavy leather gloves" and "a big corduroy apron" doing her best to cover up her femininity. In John Steinbeck's short story, "The Chrysanthemums", we are introduced to Elisa Allen. Elisa is living during a period after the Great Depression when women's rights issues were becoming a topic of public concern. Steinbeck uses the character Elisa Allen to portray the women's struggle for equality. She is a woman deprived of social, personal and ...
  • Elisa's Garden
    1,041 words
    John Steinbeck wrote The Chrysanthemums in 1938. Steinbeck, as in many of his novels and short stories, depicts the life of poor, hard working people. In The Chrysanthemums, Steinbeck writes about a farmer's wife living in California. The couple lives on a farm, as many individuals did in that time. Steinbeck describes the physical and mental hardships of families living off the land. In the short story, The Chrysanthemums, Elisa is constantly with held from life because she is a woman. "On ever...
  • Emotional Effects On Elisa
    1,053 words
    Literary Analysis: The Chrysanthemums In The Chrysanthemums, Steinbeck accurately portrays what it was like to be a female in the 1930's. He shows how isolated someone, especially women, could be. Many things in the story are obvious to the reader, however many events have underlying symbolism and depth. These events have to be read into and understood by the reader in order to get the full effect of Steinbeck's symbolism and parallelism between Elisa and the 1930's. Elisa is a middle-aged marri...
  • Elisa A Compliment
    490 words
    The story "The Chrysanthemums" written by John Steinbeck centers on a lonely woman named Eliza Allen. Eliza was a 35-year-old married woman with no apparent children. She was married to Henry who appeared to be a very stable man and also a good provider but not very attentive. Eliza is a frustrated woman. She is bored with her husband and her life. I don't think Eliza realized how mundane her life had become until she crossed paths that afternoon with the tinker. It appeared that from the very b...

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