Employee Stress essay topics

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  • Program For Individual Stress Management
    3,283 words
    Over the past few decades, many people are hearing more about job related stress. With many households depending on duel incomes, people are working more and having less leisure time. Many claim that job stress has contributed to such illnesses as heart disease, depression, gastric problems, exhaustion, and many other related illnesses. This paper will focus on the background issues surrounding stress; as well as, the steps that need to be taken by one " self and the employer. According to The R...
  • Electronic Monitoring In The Work Place
    559 words
    Electronic Monitoring vs. Health Concerns Is privacy and electronic monitoring in the work place an issue that is becoming a problem? More and more employees are being monitored today then ever before and the companies that do it aren't letting off. While electronic monitoring in the work place may be the cause of increased stress levels and tension, the benefits far exceed the harm that it may cause. Employees don't realize how often electronic monitoring happens in their work place. An estimat...
  • Certain Level Of Employee Work Stress
    3,133 words
    Work Stress 1.0 Introduction Throughout the eighties and into the nineties, work stress have continued to rise dramatically in organizations across North America. The eighties saw employees stressing out from working in a rapidly growing economy. During the nineties, beginning from the recession of 1992 till present day, employees are stressed by their own job insecurities in the face of massive downsizing and restructuring of organizations in order to be competitive on the global stage. Work st...
  • Signs Of Stress In Other People
    2,344 words
    Coping With Stress In An Organization 26 November 1994 Table of Contents I. Introduction II. Defining Stress. Types of Stress IV. How to Handle Stress V. Recognizing Stress VI. The Military and Stress VII. Summary. INTRODUCTION Since the beginning of mankind there has always been some kind of stress affecting how people feel, act and cope with situations. In this paper we will look at the definition of stress and what causes people to have stress. Then we will see how different people handle str...
  • Stressful Jobs
    376 words
    none Stress in the Workplace Stress by definition is; any circumstance that places special physical and / or psychological demands on a person such that an unusual or out-of-the-ordinary response occurs. No one is immune to job related stress, making its existence a serious problem for employers and employees alike. Stressful jobs span an organization's ladder from the bottom rung to the very top. Since starting with UPS, I have seen many symptoms of work related stress. The symptoms can range f...
  • Costs For Employers Of Work Place Stress
    722 words
    Fifty percent of workers have suffered some form of stress at work in a 12-month period. The statistics in healthcare professions were even higher. Stress in the workplace is becoming a major concern for employers, managers and government agencies, meaning the Occupational Health and Safety legislation's are requiring employers to practice a 'duty of care' by providing employees with safe working environments which also cover the psychological well-being of their staff. One of the costs, for emp...
  • Stress On The Job
    433 words
    Stress and the Workplace The health and wellness of employees can either help or hinder the success of an organization. If the employees miss work due to illness that turns into more work for others. Workplace stress is a major reason for sick leave. Other stressor's can be not enough sleep, bad management, thought of losing a job, interpersonal relationships, workload, long work hours and other personal and financial problems that exist at home. Job stress poses a threat to the health of worker...
  • Employees About The Signs Of Stress
    573 words
    Worker Stress Because of the stress, employees are having problems at work. This kind of stress is called "desk rage". There are some research's and studys about causes, consequences and solutions for this 'anger'. Nowadays "employees are stressed to epidemic proportions" (as cited in "Worried at Work: Mood and Mindset in American Workplace") because, even they always have encountered workplace stress, it's more intense currently due to economic and social tendency. Furthermore they have other p...
  • Internet Access For Employees
    693 words
    Trends in Organizational Behavior MGT 331 September 27, 2004 Trends in organizational behavior have an impact on employees. Many factors in our daily lives can cause stress, but how does technology play a role in impacting stress? Does technology affect us positively or negatively? Is there anything unethical about technology and the way it is utilized in the workplace? This paper will reveal both the positive and negative impacts of technology on work-related stress and discover some influentia...
  • Environment Causes Stress And One Employee's Stress
    1,684 words
    Introduction In this essay it is my intention to show how stress appears in working environment, what causes it and how it affects the workplace. I will start by defining what stress is and how it might be perceived. Then I will take a look at the factors that cause stress and how these might show in result when working. I try to look at all the possible reasons for stress and through that hopefully to show how to avoid a stressful environment. I will not try to put straight answers on to paper,...
  • American Organization With Stress As A Problem
    1,809 words
    Stress CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Statement of the Research Problem How do you cope with stress in the workplace to achieve a more balanced lifestyle? Stress is a part of everybody's life. Depending on the level of stress, it can control our lives, especially in the workplace. We begin to spend several long hours at work, and thus have less time for other things. Stressed employees may be unhappy and thus produce nominally. Stress can deteriorate social and family relationships and eventually burn y...
  • Job Stress
    655 words
    Job stress poses a significant threat to employee health and consequently to the health of an organization. Therefore, it is important for both employees and employers to recognize and understand stress and its causes. Often employers confuse job challenges and job stressor's. Most employees view a job challenge as a motivating factor, which enables them to grow within their positions. This motivation has the potential to produce positive results for both employees and employers. However, when c...
  • Cause Of High Turnover Among Tellers
    957 words
    There are multiple causes behind the problem the bank is experiencing with a high turnover rate among tellers. One primary cause is an inadequate hiring process. The current hiring process is focused on filling open positions and not on hiring qualified individuals who represent the aspects necessary to succeed as a teller. While the bank has standards for hiring tellers, the standards are not high enough to insure only qualified candidates obtain the open positions. Further, the hiring process ...
  • Relationship Between Technology And Workplace Stress
    758 words
    The debates over whether technology has increased or alleviated workplace stress are endless. One argument maintains that technology has created a more stressful work environment; electronic handcuffs that employees can never escape. Conversely many argue technology reduces workplace stress, allowing more efficient communication, enhanced learning, and the ability to work from anywhere. Regardless, management must be conscience of the ethical concerns involving the relationship between technolog...

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