End Of The War essay topics

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  • Germany 2
    2,341 words
    History: War I WWI Never Ended by Scott Doane Southwestern Michigan College English 103 Fall 1997 Doane ii Outline Thesis statement: WWII could have been avoided if WWI had ended differently. I. Introduction A. Explanation of Title B. Thesis II. Body A. Events Leading To WWI 1. Nationalism 2. Imperialism 3. Dominos 4. U.S. Involvement B. Repercussions of the Treaty of Versailles 1. Germany 2. Political 3. Psychological 4. Economic C. Nazi Rise to Power 1. Hitler Comes to Power 2. Fall of German ...
  • Trial At War's End
    1,035 words
    'The Good German', by Joseph Kanon can be categorized by placement in a variety of genres, Thriller, Mystery, Historical Fiction, Love Story, and more. The work is certainly all of these, however I believe much more important is the study of twelve years of human behavior, presented within the context of events primarily following the close of The European phase of World War Two. I don't know that any other conflict has generated more literature than the one symbolized by the swastika, the word ...
  • Civil War
    921 words
    When a war occurs, it takes years for the society or societies involved to return to a more normal, calm state. In the case of the American Civil War, many aspects of the country were disrupted after the war ended in 1865. Relations were strained, land had been destroyed, families torn apart, and much more. The economy struggled, and many Southerners did not want to accept a loss. The death count for the American Civil War was also an amazing number, and made a large dent into families, business...
  • Used War As A General Term
    3,653 words
    When a person sees all the grisly images of war on the television set they cannot help but think, "This has got to stop". But what reasons can this person justify their decision on? There are many people in the world who can only argue their opinion through what they see on TV, which of course is not what war is. In William Earle's essay "In Defense of War" and Trudy Govier's "Nuclear Illusion and Individual Obligations" we respectively see a pro-war and an anti-war opinion. We must differentiat...
  • America's Worst Fought War
    1,210 words
    A.P. United States History War of 1812 Essay Answer the following: Is it valid to call the War of 1812 "America's worst-fought war"? Was the cause of the failure essentially military, or was it an inevitable result of the political disunity over the war's purposes? Provide support for your stance and "discredit" the opposing view. Maximum of 2 pages/ 15 Points The War of 1812 was fought between the United States and England. Ending in 1815 with the Treaty of Ghent, the war did not accomplish any...
  • Year World War
    939 words
    About the end of the end of the world, well I can say... plenty. This final event has been troubling mankind for years, when is it going to happen? We " ve been asking ourselves this one question for centuries. Nobody will ever really know the answer until the inevitable finally happens. Many people have their own theories and beliefs on when they think it's going to end. But in my opinion, the only one that knows the answer to this age-old question is the Creator, our heavenly father... God. Sh...
  • Somalia And My Views On War
    852 words
    Somalia and my views on war. Somalia, or Somali Democratic Republic is a third world country located in Eastern Africa. Somalia is a peninsula surrounded by the Gulf of Aden to the north, the Indian ocean to the east and south, Kenya to the southwest, Ethiopia to the west and Djibouti to the northwest. The total area of Somalia is 637,757 square km. (246,200 square miles). It has a long coastline of 3025 km. (1880 miles). The northern part of the country is covered in mountain ranges with averag...
  • End To The Peloponnesian War
    1,320 words
    Aristophanes Aristophanes was a comic writer who lived between 450 and 385 BC and composed about forty plays in his lifetime. His plays were all comedies, which usually addressed very serious political and social issues in a direct and crude manner, which, like much of today's comedy, is what made them funny for the audience to watch and appreciate. Many of the comedies would even go as far as mocking members of the audience or making personal attacks upon contemporary political personalities. A...
  • Cities
    373 words
    answers. One of the improbabilities of Lysistrata starts in a very first scene. The original plan outlined the women stay home to conduct their sexual boycott of their husbands, but by the end of the prologue, all the Athenian women proceed to the Acropolis where they eventually try so hard to escape from. Also all the cities of Greece were supposed to participate in the strike, but the agreement ends up only between the city of Sparta and Athens. All the women from other cities disappear from t...
  • End Of World War II
    512 words
    Soon after the end of World War II, the United States was again engaged in war. This was the Cold War. The Soviet Union and the United States were locked in battle to see who would become the most powerful military presence in the world. Because of this, each country was constantly pushing the limits of their technology. These technological advancements inaugurated the Space Age. Sputnik, the first in a series of launches, was the reason the United States entered the Space Race. Some historians ...
  • Wwi The War
    475 words
    WWI was the most deadly conflict the world had ever known at the time. Soon after the United States entered the war, over 100,000 American lives were lost. Families were devastated and all were shocked. How could a war that was only supposed to last several months take so many lives The American public needed to be reassured that something so horrible would not happen again. Under his own reasoning, President Wilson did exactly that in declaring WWI the war to end all wars. One reason for Wilson...
  • Gunpowder And The Invention Of The Cannon
    701 words
    The developments of gunpowder and the cannon were the most important advances during the Middle Ages. If it weren't for these inventions, who knows how we would be fighting today, possibly still the wars of Ancient Rome. The development of gunpowder meant that soon the use of knights would be useless because of the projectile that could easily knock a knight off his horse, rendering him helpless. The gunpowder enabled this projectile. The development of the cannon goes hand-in-hand with the gunp...
  • End Of War
    1,494 words
    The 20th century has been a period that has seen things such as great political and social change, great advancements, and great catastrophe as well. From World War I in 1914, through the beginnings of the nuclear age in the 1940's, to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in 1990, the century has been full of major and influential occurrences that have strongly affected our global society as a whole. The century has seen two full-scale global wars, and a series of smaller wars to go along with great change...
  • Vietnam War In An Effort
    736 words
    The beginning of the century is characteristic for the massive migration - the number of European immigrants reached 13.000. 000 between 1900-1914. When Cuba revolted against Spain in 1895, American sympathies and interests led to war with Spain (1898). Victory brought the U.S. its first overseas territories (the Philippines, Puerto Rico). However, the U.S. had to pay for their great-power status. Eventhough President Woodrow Wilson promised neutrality in World War 1., the U.S. was unable to rem...
  • Partisans And The Occupying Forces
    1,233 words
    Looking at the remnants of what was once Yugoslavia it is hard to understand the hatred and violence that has ripped that nation apart, engendering mass atrocities and policies of genocide not seen in Europe since the days of Adolph Hitler. First Slovenia, Croatia and now Bosnia-Herzegovina have sunk into a brutal civil war, which defies every effort to end the violence. While some causes of this war are as ancient as the centuries-old split between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox church...
  • War On Bosnia
    299 words
    In this essay, I aim to discover if WWI was stoppable or not. There is one rule which will make this easy to discover: if a trigger set it off, then the opening of the war was entirely dependent on that single thing. However, if the war began because of a trend, then the war began because this trend had been going on so long that it had reached boiling point, and something would have to be done. In this essay, I will be looking at several trends and triggers, and at the end, I will come to a con...
  • War Governments
    2,300 words
    Social, Political and Economic Effects of WWI "Everywhere in the world was heard the sound of things breaking". Advanced European societies could not support long wars or so many thought prior to World War I. They were right in a way. The societies could not support a long war unchanged. The First World War left no aspect of European civilization untouched as pre-war governments were transformed to fight total war. The war meta morphed Europe socially, politicaly, economically, and intellectualy...
  • Ellen Favors Jethro
    583 words
    English Extra Credit Reading 3/23/03 Title: Across Five Aprils. It is called that because the war passes by five Aprils. Publisher: Pacer Books. It was published at New York, NY. No. # of Pages: 188. Setting: Its in The mid 1800's in Southern Illinois. Jasper County, Illinois is where the story's setting is. Most of the people of Jasper County are on the North's side, however there are people that are secretly on the south's side. Critique: The unforgettable story of young Jethro Creighton who c...
  • Of The Most Popular Radio
    2,366 words
    The 1940'S HISTORIC EVENTS The forties are pretty well defined by World War II. US isolationism was shattered by the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor. As President Franklin D. Roosevelt guided the country on the homefront, Dwight D. Eisenhower commanded the troops in Europe. Gen. Douglas MacArthur and Adm. Chester Nimitz led them in the Pacific. The discovery of penicillin in 1940 revolutionized medicine. Developed first to help the military personnel survive war wounds, it also helped increase ...

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