Environment And Population essay topics

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  • Once Healthy Peregrine Falcon Population
    918 words
    Peregrine Falcons: On the road to recovery The peregrine is the world's fastest bird; it can reach over 200 miles as it dives from tall cliffs onto smaller birds (1). It circles high searching for prey and when a smaller bird like a pigeon takes off it plummets to the earth and kills it with razor sharp talons. The Peregrine's identifying characteristics include its large size, long pointed wings and dark mustache set against white cheeks (11). The female has a wingspan of about 4 feet and often...
  • Organisational Environment
    1,055 words
    Various theories in management take the view that organisations are in a constant struggle with the environment. This essay will examine three theories in seeking to determine whether this widely held view is demonstrated in these theories. It will examine population ecology theory, systems theory, and contingency theory, firstly defining what each is and then second relating the various theories to the environment. Population ecology takes the view that the environment is dominant, and organisa...
  • Human Population
    331 words
    Over population is the root cause of all environmental deterioration. Global warming, the ozone hole, rain forest destruction, desertification, the "greenhouse effect", and all kinds of pollution, weather breakdown, and natural disasters are only symptoms of this already deadly monster. In recent years, some prominent economists have argued that there is no upper limit to human population growth, that finiteness in resources is meaningless, and that prosperity can be had by all. Biologists have ...
  • Modern World Faces Many Major Problems
    305 words
    The modern world faces many major problems to which there are no easy solutions. These include unemployment, helath, over-population and of course the environment. All have a bearing on all our lives, but is the environment really the most important? If people are unemployed, they are unable to earn money ant it is a fact of life that without an income it is difficult to live. Of course, work provides more than financial support; it gives people self-esteem and pride. Unfortunately, technologica...
  • Amphibians
    810 words
    It has been noticed by all biologist that there has been a decline in the amphibian population due to many various causes. But, why should this be so important, and more specific why should we care as much? Various groups of animals, reptiles, mammals, have been on this Earth, and have been long extinct. Why should we be so concerned about the decrease of amphibians? There are many reasons why amphibians are important, and that is why we should stay concern about their population decreasing. Thi...
  • Every Bird In The Population
    346 words
    Every organism at one time or another has to learn to adapt to a new environment. This is why evolution of organism is needed in order to survive changes to its environment, such as the case of the flightless birds. For one reason or another over a period of 100,000 years the need for wings was unnecessary to their survival. There could be many reasons why the birds evolved to be more adaptable to their environment. A small population of birds would have to replenish and start a new population. ...

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