Film Looks essay topics

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  • Ha's Film The Male
    957 words
    Visual pleasure, derived from images on film, is dominated by sexual imbalance. The pleasure in looking is split between active / male and passive / female. In her essay "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema" Laura Mulvey asserts the fact that in mainstream films, women are simultaneously looked at and displayed. That is to say, the woman is both an object of desire and a spectacle for the male voyeuristic gaze. The male's function is active; he advances the story and controls the gaze onto the ...
  • Film Kane
    1,372 words
    Citizen Kane After watching the movie "Citizen Kane" I realized why this movie was named one of the best films ever. Yellow journalism was in an era from the 1880 to the 1900 and it featured flashy journalism of that time, which made editors write about invented stories. Which went to big headlines on subjects that weren't true. The two big writers of that time were William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer. During the film Kane is depicted as a yellow journalism at different times. One exampl...
  • Film The Gaze
    1,533 words
    Rear Window (1954) and Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) have very different plots but still have many striking similarities, such as the manipulation of the spectators gaze. Gaze is the transaction between the screen and a spectator. Two examples of the types of gazes used in these films are voyeuristic and fetishistic. The use of voyeuristic and fetishistic gazes reinforce movie viewing and gender roles during the 1950's by featuring manipulative and frivolous women as sex objects. Rear Window i...
  • Film In Detail
    1,194 words
    As you may know, while the film IWTV was in production with David Geffen, the author of the book had no legitimate contact with him or with the studio or with anyone connected with the film. When the announcement was made that Tom Cruise would star as Lestat, I had deep reservations and severe criticisms. So did many many of my readers. I talked openly about this. A curtain thereafter divided me from the entire production, and with reason. Nobody likes to be criticized, and that includes movie p...
  • Matrix Reloaded
    1,507 words
    The Matrix: Reloaded Starring: Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss, Jada Pinkett-Smith, Hugo Weaving, Clayton Watson, Nona Gaye, Monica Bellucci, Cornel West Director (s): Larry Wachowski, Andy Wachowski Screenwriter (s): Larry Wachowski, Andy Wachowski Filming Location (s): Australia; Chicago; San Francisco Studio: Warner Bros. Alternate Title (s): The Matrix 2 Rating: R - for sci-fi violence and some sexuality Genre: Science Fiction, Action, Sequel Special Effects: The Matrix ra...
  • Violence In Films
    1,726 words
    Cinematic violence has been in films since the start of movie making. From Orson Wells tearing up his estranged wives room in Citizen Kane to Anthony Perkins slicing up Vivian Leigh in Psycho, violence has always been present in film in one form or another. It was not until the late sixties and seventies that such visionaries as Stanley Kubrick, Martin Scorsese, Francis Ford Coppola, Sam Peckinpah, and William Friedken, to mention a few, came and put on film what was to become a trend in America...
  • Jeff's Look
    1,851 words
    Voyeurism: REAR WINDOW In this essay, I shall try to illustrate whether analyzing the movie Rear Window as a classical example of the Freudian concept of voyeurism, is appropriate. Voyeurism is defined in The Penguin dictionary of psychology as:" Voyeurism: characterized by a pattern of sexual behaviour in which one's preferred means of sexual arousal is the clandestine observing of others when they are disrobing, nude or actually engaged in sexual activity. Arousal is dependent upon the observe...
  • Characters Of Red Sorghum
    1,747 words
    Red Sorghum Claire Huot China's New Cultural Scene The film Red Sorghum was one of the most popular Fifth Generation films in China and Abroad. As an adolescent American kid, probably the average, I got to see a new perspective of China through this class. I wanted to compare the West's interpretation with Chinas'. One of the first things I did was compare Chinese cinema to well known American cinema. Zhang Yimou's first film as director, Red Sorghum was immensely popular at home and abroad. The...
  • David Cronenberg People
    840 words
    David Cronenberg People can interpret different things in different ways. Some people look at the Eiffel Tower and say that it is a work of genius. Others may look at it as if it were the ugliest thing in Europe. Two opposing views creates controversy. People look at the work of the well known director, David Cronenberg, the same way. In my essay, I will not take a side, but I will clearly and concisely outline and detail both sides of his work. David Cronenberg was born May 15, 1943 in Toronto ...
  • Italian Neo Realist Films
    1,719 words
    Italian neo realist cinema and British social realist cinema have some similarities in some ways. First of all we may say both of them breaks through dimensions for the individuals of their culture. They try to give tensions about the war. Both gives us a perspective to look at the cinema as a natural eye. The important thing is to able to look and see as Berger's said. (John Berger Ways of Seeing) So I will try to give a brief story of two films from these fields. \n Saturday night and Sunday m...
  • Shot Of The Ship In The Moon
    704 words
    In the early 1900's Georges Melies introduced his film "A Trip To The Moon" to audiences in France. This film, when first seen by viewers at this time, was jaw dropping. Melies who happened to be a magician, and illusionist before becoming a filmmaker, made one of the first-ever narratives in motion picture history. Similarly throughout "Trip To The Moon" and many of his later films, Melies, who also worked in theatre, took full advantage of what is known as Mise-en-scene. Mise-en-scene is defin...
  • Next Dalai Lama
    667 words
    The film "Little Buddha" was released in 1993 and was directed by Bernardo Bertolucci. The movie was basically a story within a story and therefor took place in two different time periods. The main character in the main story was Jesse Conrad. He was born one year after the death of the Lama, which makes Lama Norbu think that he may be the reincarnation of his dead teacher. The boy is a young American living in Seattle, and although he does not look like he would have any connection to the Buddh...
  • Strong Contrast Between Melanie And Scarlet
    1,729 words
    Gone with the wind (1939) dir. Victor Fleming This is a film about contrast. In the film clip, lag re amount of contrast can be found between characters, lighting, the way of how colour is presented, the way of how camera being placed, and the way of how shots being taken. Misc-en-Scene From the film clip (and the whole film), the colour image is strong on contrast, not only the colour of the settings, the furnitures, and the costumes, also the colour contrast of indoor and outdoor. In the film ...
  • Look At The 1982 Movie Blade Runner
    1,165 words
    For this assignment, I decided to take a look at the 1982 movie 'Blade Runner'. Blade Runner is set in Los Angeles, November 2019, and tells a story in which artificially simulated humans, or 'replicants', not only threaten the morality of human personal identity, but also the very essence of what is 'real'. Deckard is a Blade Runner, a policeman of the future who hunts down and terminates replicants. He wants to get out of the force, but is drawn back in when five "skin jobs", a slang term for ...
  • Its Glamour O Camera Movements Sounds
    720 words
    A man who just got out of jail, got a group of eleven people together to rob a casino in Las Vegas and managed to get away with it. Stephen Soderbergh managed to get the audience to root for this bunch of thieves by using different techniques to capture the audience's attention and distract them from questioning the moral implications of the film. Furthermore, by making the crime victim a wealthy but evil casino owner, Stephen Soderbergh makes sure that there would be no sympathy felt for him. H...
  • Mastery Of Ford Films
    460 words
    This week I watched Young Mr. Lincoln (Ford 1939). After watching this much neglected John Ford classic, I realize why Eisenstein commented in 1945, "Of all American films made up to now [Young Mr. Lincoln] is the film I would wish, most of all, to have made (Kauffman n 24)". Henry Fonda looks like I'd picture young Honest Abe looking myself. Most importantly though, Fonda portrays Lincoln in a way that draws the viewer in. Ford could " ve made a movie about Lincoln the President, the man who le...
  • Look At The 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis
    1,105 words
    The film Thirteen Days shows the viewer a "blockbuster" look at the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis that challenged the Kennedy administration. It does a reasonable job of sifting through history and picking the pieces that allow the audience to understand the historical event and enjoy the movie without being overloaded with information. The character of the President's fiercely loyal aid, Kenneth O'Connell played by the actor Kevin Costner is followed throughout the film to give a more personal feel...
  • Mulvey's Concept Of Scopophilia in Film
    2,468 words
    Mainstream Hollywood cinema has for decades represented an erotic realm by using language and images of our patriarchal culture. It has satisfied and reinforced the masculine ego and repressed the desire of women. Feminist film theorist, Laura Mulvey's essay, 'Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema' published in 1975 has proved to be one of the most influential articles in the whole of contemporary film theory. Mulvey's essay is heavily invested in theory. The essay makes use of Freudian psychoana...
  • Film Looks
    464 words
    Once Were Warriors isn't a fun movie by any stretch of the imagination. Violence and anger are at the core of this powerful film, which doesn't shy away from showing the domestic abuse in all of its potent rage. The story revolves around Beth and Jake Here (Rena Owen and Tempera Morrison) who, to outsiders at least, have seem to have a wonderful life-five healthy kids and plenty of friends and laughter. But Jake is a very angry man and physically takes this negative energy out on his wife. In on...

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