Flag Desecration essay topics

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  • Burning Of The American Flag
    527 words
    Flag burning is absolutely not a valid form of political expression under the first amendment. Though the Supreme Court, in the case of Gregory Johnson, ruled that it was in fact constitutional to allow people to burn the flag, the evidence against this ruling is overwhelming. First, the first amendment does provide protection to demonstrators wishing to voice their political opinions vocally and symbolically, the amendment does not allow for the desecration of sacred objects such as flags, ceme...
  • Flag Protection Amendment
    2,132 words
    The issue of flag desecration has been and continues to be a highly controversial issue; on the one side there are those who believe that the flag is a unique symbol for our nation which should be preserved at all costs, while on the other are those who believe that flag burning is a form of free speech and that any legislation designed to prevent this form of expression is contrary to the ideals of the First Amendment to our Constitution. Shawn Eichman, as well as the majority of the United Sta...
  • Desecration Of The American Flag In 1968
    974 words
    Flag Desecration Flag desecration is not American. People who burn the American flag lack respect for themselves, America, and the many people who have died to preserve American freedom. The people who desecrate the American flag have no right to call themselves Americans. They are unpatriotic, two faced, cowards, and worse of all un-American (communist). To be patriotic a person must love and defend his own country against all foreign and domestic threats. These unpatriotic people are two faced...
  • Supporters Of The Proposed Flag Desecration Amendment
    2,916 words
    Is it more important to protect the icons of our country, or to ensure the right to extremely offensive expressions The issue of flag burning asks America just that question: Should America tolerate, or condemn Flag burning does seem to be the ultimate act of symbolic protest used to express dissension against the American Government. There is simply no questioning the fact that flag burning offends people, but the controversy of flag burning tests the dominion of the First Amendment to the Cons...
  • Flag Protection Act
    900 words
    In the late 1800's there was a movement across the nation to protect the American flag. They called it flag desecration laws, it was a crime to desecrate, or show disrespect for the American flag. Back then there was little concern about flag burning. The Supreme Court had not related free-speech claims to conduct in those early days, nor applied the limitation of the first Amendment to the United States of America. It was not long until the state court rulings began striking down the state flag...

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