Four Lines essay topics

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  • Line Two The Speaker
    1,006 words
    Bryan Snyder February 19, 2001 Prof. Castro English 220 Langston Hughes The writing style of Langston Hughes is best described as reflective of the lyric style and format of the blues, a musical genre that became popular in America at approximately the same time as his poetry. The lyrics of a stereotypical blues song start with a line. This line is immediately repeated almost verbatim. The final line of a blues stanza then concludes the emphasized thought of the first two lines. This form is dem...
  • Reason For Euclids Use Of Common Notions
    941 words
    In Elements book one, Euclid incorporates stylistic devices in the process of proving a series of mathematical theories. One stylistic aspect of Euclids writing is his use of common notions, such as the whole being greater than the part, and postulates, such as drawing a line from any point to any point. His early use of common notions and postulates do not merely help to prove the particular proposition, but is used in later propositions to persuade the reader of his proofs as well as to instil...
  • Safe Line Eleven
    2,532 words
    Siegfried SassoonBiographyWith war on the horizon, a young Englishman whose life had heretofore been consumed with the protocol of fox-hunting, said goodbye to his idyllic life and rode off on his bicycle to join the Army. Siegfried Sassoon was perhaps the most innocent of the war poets. JohnHildebidle has called Sassoon the 'accidental hero. ' Born into a wealthy Jewish family in 1886, Sassoon lived the pastoral life of a young squire: fox-hunting, playing cricket, golfing and writing romantic ...
  • Beloved And Nights
    837 words
    Sonnet 43, A Touching Love Poem If one were to ever receive a love poem, Shakespeare's Sonnet 43 would be and excellent poem to receive. The sonnet is addressed to the beloved of the speaker. The speaker talks about how the best thing he sees is upon the closing of his eyes, when he then pictures the beloved. The speaker talks about how the rest of the world is unworthy to look upon compared to the beloved. The speaker talks about how sleep is the best time, because that is when he can see the b...
  • Scene Four From Line Five
    832 words
    In Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, he makes extensive use of Dramatic Irony to induce laughter from the audience. According to the Oxford Concise Dictionary, Dramatic, or Tragic, Irony is when a characters words convey a certain meaning to the audience, of which the character is unaware. For example, in Scene two, lines sixty two and sixty three, the captain tells Viola that he will help her to deceive the Duke into believing that she is an Eunuch, and says that if he tells anyone, he may go blind....
  • Line Twenty Four
    922 words
    If If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies, Or, being hated, don't give way to hating, And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise; If you can dream – and not make dreams your master; If you can think – and not make thoughts your aim; If you can meet with triu...

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