Growth Hormone essay topics

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  • Human Growth Hormone Human Growth Hormone
    384 words
    Human Growth Hormone Human Growth Hormone is a chemical formula that prevents biological aging. To most people, the only thing known to do the same as HGH is "the fountain of youth". HGH is one of many endocrine hormones found in the human anatomy, like estrogen, progestorene, testosterone, melatonin and DHEA, which decline in production with age. Many of these hormones can be replaced to deter some of the effects of aging. HGH is by far more superior than any other of the hormones not only beca...
  • Anterior Pituitary Hormones Thyrotropin And Adrenocorticotropic Hormone
    1,109 words
    Hormones are organic substances that are secreted by plants and animals and that function in the regulation of physiological activities and in maintaining homeostasis. They carry out their functions by evoking responses from specific organs or tissues that are adapted to react to minute quantities of them. The classical view of hormones is that they are transmitted to their targets in the bloodstream after discharge from the glands that secrete them. This mode of discharge (directly into the blo...
  • Isolated Growth Hormone Deficiency
    475 words
    The Pituitary Gland and Dwarfism The Pituitary Gland is situated at the base of the brain and it produces hormones which control growth. Too large an amount of these hormones causes giantism, a condition where facial features, hands, etc. become abnormally large. Too little causes dwarfism, where the overall stature of a person is very small. Dwarfism is the condition of being undersized, or less than 127 cm (50 in) in height. Some dwarfs have been less than 64 cm (24 in) in height when fully gr...
  • Hormones Of The Posterior Pituitary Gland
    1,337 words
    Diabetes Insipidus, rare disease caused by deficiency of vasopressin, one of the hormones of the posterior pituitary gland, which controls the amount of urine secreted by the kidneys. The symptoms of diabetes insipidus are marked thirst and the excretion of large quantities of urine, as much as 4 to 10 liters a day. This urine has a low specific gravity and contains no excess sugar. In many cases, injection or nasal inhalation of vasopressin controls the symptoms of the disease. Pituitary Gland,...
  • Progesterone And Testosterone The Sex Hormones
    876 words
    Along with the above-mentioned sexual hormones, scientists, in the recent times, tend to associate pheromone with sexual attraction as well. Pheromone, odor produced by an animal that affects the behavior of other animals. The way pheromones work is analogous to the way hormones in the body send specific chemical signals from one set of cells to another, causing them to perform a certain action. The study, led by psychologists Kathleen Stern and Martha McClintock at the University of Chicago in ...

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