Gun Violence essay topics

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  • Need For New Gun Control Acts
    1,752 words
    Freedom vs. Control Gun Control Is tougher gun control needed to keep people safe from gun violence? April 7, 2000 The right to bear arms has been a part of this country's constitution since its conception in 1776. Guns we originally a commodity that almost every household had. Firearms were used for hunting and protection. As the modern era came upon us, there became a lesser need to own a firearm because of a controlled police force and a surplus in food. The surplus in food and modern law enf...
  • Gun Control Wont Stop Gun Violence
    2,359 words
    FIREARMS: IS THIS OUR ANSWER The idea of gun control and regulation is becoming more and more popular throughout the U.S., although it may still bring up resistance among some people. Guns are sort of a foundation of American culture. This countrys freedom was won over bloody and heroic wars with guns. Guns are portrayed throughout television, movies, and video games. Guns are a popular symbol of power, control, authority, dominance, and can be associated with security and defense. The role guns...
  • Problem With Gun Violence
    1,119 words
    The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America asserts, A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. At the time when this amendment was passed, the country was still primarily an agrarian and hunting society, guns were a household item, and necessary for daily life. The armed farmer was the principal soldier in the revolution to establish an independent country. The frame...
  • Gun Violence
    744 words
    Society's Need for the Registration of Handguns Guns are an instrument that even the most careful of people could do harm with. Gun owners should go to firearm safety classes so they will be educated on proper handling and storage of the gun. While this should only be voluntary, something should be done to insure that guns are only sold to people who have a safe background and are of age. Congress should mandate the registration of handguns in order to keep criminals from possessing guns, to cut...
  • People Against Gun Control
    1,609 words
    Research Paper on Gun Control Americans are faced with an ever-growing problem of violence. The United States has the most heavily armed population on the earth, and are we not one of the world's most violent people societies Surely these facts must be at least casually connected. Therefore, the apparently desperate need to "do something" about the vast quantity of firearms and firearms abuse is obvious. Our streets have become a battleground where the elderly are beaten for their social securit...
  • Juvenile Gun Violence
    1,323 words
    Juvenile gun violence is an ever-increasing problem in our country. With a wave of school shooting behind us it is time to get this under control. Many studies have been done on how to effectively diminish juvenile gun violence. It is clear that this must be handled on a state and local level with the federal government backing the states. Prevention and law enforcement is the key to successfully eradicate our nation of the ugly stain caused by youth gun violence. Prevention should begin in the ...
  • School Violence In Their Community
    713 words
    There are many factors for the occurrence of school violence. The two most common factors are substance abuse, association with gangs, and guns. School laws try to prevent these factors from endangering the youths in the schools. Many school officials and citizens are convinced that the growing problems of student disruption and general lack of respect for authorities are attributable directly to an over emphasis on students' rights. The increase in violence, drugs, and weapons in schools has di...
  • People Against Gun Control
    569 words
    Gun Control Since the days of the pioneers of the United States, firearms have been part of the American tradition as protection and a means of hunting or sport. As we near the end of the 20th century the use of guns has changed significantly. Because of fast and steady increase in crime and the fight for the right to own a hand gun, the introduction of legislation for gun control, to try to reduce the crime in the United States, has been a hotly debated issue in recent years. Although many peop...
  • Gun Violence
    591 words
    Firearm regulation has had little effect in decreasing the violence in California. Laws were passed to restrain in the rising percentages of violence. One example of such a law is the Brady Bill. The bill was passed in 1993 and enforced a fifteen-day waiting period for firearm purchases. Due to the passing of gun control laws in the state of California, a lot of controversy has risen because many citizens consider being able to carry a firearm a part of their legal. Ironically, restriction on fi...
  • Gun Violence In America
    593 words
    Preservation of the 2nd Amendment When our forefathers sat down to write the bill of rights they made ten basic rules or freedoms that all Americans are entitled to. For hundreds of years no one has questioned any of those freedoms, that is until recent years. The second amendment gives Americans the right to bear arms. The purpose of this amendment is to be able to form a militia in order to be able to overthrow a repressive government. In recent years the availability and number of guns in the...
  • People Gun Control
    3,226 words
    Guns are instruments of destruction. Although some people say that guns are for protection, for hunting, or even to scare off possible criminals, in reality their sole purpose is to maim or kill either an animal or worse a human being. Guns are most definitely not for everyone, because certain individuals can not handle a gun safely, and still others choose to inappropriately use firearms for criminal acts. While the National Rifle Association's credo, Guns don t kill people, people kill people,...
  • Gun Control Policy
    1,401 words
    The violence in today's world, has become ordinary and common. This violence causes a staggering number of deaths and injuries throughout the world. The main weapon used to engage in violence is the gun. That's why I want a strict gun control policy that would nearly abolish guns and make the world a safer place. This policy would make it impossible to buy guns and would only allow hunters to "rent" guns. By doing this, violence, related to guns, would greatly and rapidly decrease. On April 20th...
  • Marketing Of Guns
    743 words
    There are many products sold which can be classified as inherently dangerous. If one thinks about it, almost every product sold or and marketed if used in the wrong way could be harmful to oneself. Inherently dangerous products are those that even if the buyer uses it properly it can be harmful. As we saw in the video guns are an inherently dangerous product, they are meant to kill. The sale of guns is an issue because of the fact they might get into the wrong hands but I feel what is really the...
  • Gun Violence
    957 words
    Gun Control is a very controversial issue in American society today. Gun Control is an issue that has been fought over for many years and still has not been resolved. Many groups (organizations) have formed due to the issue of gun control, some being extremely large and powerful. These groups include; PAX, The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, and the NRA. PAX and The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence are two very strong anti-gun groups. Both of these groups also have very strong arguments. One of th...
  • Decline In Gun Purchases And Firearm Violence
    584 words
    GUN CONTROL Source Summary: Josh Sugermann is the executive director of the Violence Policy Center and the author of NRA: Money, Firepower, and Fear. Mr. Sugermann talks about how the Brady Bill, witch mandates a national waiting period for buying handguns, will not help in gun control in fact it will have a reverse affect on society and give more money and business to the gun manufactures. Mr. Sugermann began in talking about that gun violence is in fact a public health crisis, witch in turn wi...
  • Gun Violence In America
    324 words
    Michael Moore's movie "Bowling for Columbine" uses the shooting rampage at Columbine High school as a touchstone. Moore sets out to examine why Americans have such a fascination with guns, shooting, and, as a result, killing. He gives many good supporting reasons why gun violence is so high in America. The one I am going to criticize is his view that the reason gun violence is so high has something to do with the legacy of slavery. Instead of zooming in on proving this, Moore puts most of his fo...
  • Gun Violence And The Number Of People
    780 words
    In the movie Bowling for Columbine by Michael Moore, talks about the violence that faces the United States of America and other countries. The movie illustrates gun violence, and the number of people killed by guns. Bowling for Columbine, also talks about different countries views on poverty, violent history and the break up of the family unit. In America, television news programs try to instill fear into the hearts of the people. The news focuses on violence and death, when asked a news reporte...
  • Guns To School For Self Protection
    1,053 words
    This paper investigates the issue of school violence in low-economic urban areas as it pertains to general strain theory. Recent school shootings such as the incident at Columbine High School, although traumatic, are relatively infrequent when compared to national statistics of urban school violence. Psychoanalytic and personality theories best explain school massacres, which are beyond the scope of this paper. An increase in the severity of school violence over the past few years is due to the ...
  • Stricter Regulations On The Control Of Guns
    673 words
    You " re sitting in your living room talking to your mom and hear a gun shot. You run out hoping it's not a loved one but sadly your brother or sister has just been shot. What do you do? Since the shootings at the schools have happened I have taken an interest for gun control. There's so much violence out there that have guns involved and I want to stop that. There should be stricter regulations on the control of guns. To get my point across we have to see the history on guns, the laws an d how ...
  • Pro Gun Control Argument
    1,574 words
    The conflict over gun-control and handgun regulation in the United States has become increasingly controversial over the past few years. Well developed arguments from both sides have created a major controversy over the topic. The basis of any argument over the issue of gun-control lies primarily in the cause of violence in America, and possibly across the world. Advocates of handgun limitations or complete abolishment of them feel that the guns themselves are responsible for the increased numbe...

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