Hester On The Scaffold essay topics

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  • Powerful Scaffold Scene
    632 words
    The Scarlet Letter: The Scaffold's Power Recurring events show great significance and elucidate the truth beneath appearances. In The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne chooses the scaffold scenes to show powerful differences and similarities. Each scaffold scene foreshadows the next and brings greater understanding of the novel. By beginning with the first, continuing with the middle, and ending with the last platform scene, we can gain a better understanding of this masterpiece. At the beginni...
  • Hours Upon The Scaffold And The Truth
    1,061 words
    Forum of Hidden Truth Dictated and governed by a set of religious laws, Puritan society restricted those who lived within its limits to mundane, ordinary lives. The theocratic based community was forced to live under the harsh, and often strict, guidelines of the Puritan church. Any one sin could be punished severely, whether it is a minor infraction or an offense condemnable by death. A person could not speak out or show any emotion lest they were willing to face the consequences of their seemi...
  • Second Scene Of Scaffold Revelation
    1,764 words
    Within the Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne the imagery of revelation works as a reoccurring theme to bring the reader into the characters view of the incidences going on before them. These 'revelations', scattered throughout the story, work as awakenings or realizations of the current situation that the character is presently in or situations they may have to face in the future. All of the characters presented into the story have revelations of some sort. One key discovery theme used in th...
  • Symbolizes Dimmsdale's Personal Acceptance Of His Sin
    1,008 words
    Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in Salem, Massachusetts in 1804 (net). He attended Bowdoin College with famous writers such as Horatio Bridge and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (net). In 1850, Hawthorne published The Scarlet Letter (1222). It is considered by many that The Scarlet Letter, "represents the height of Hawthorne's literary genius. At this time, Boston was the center of a very Puritan society. Throughout the novel Hawthorne uses many symbols. For example, one prominent symbol is the scaffold...
  • Metaphors Throughout The Scarlet Letter
    725 words
    Hawthorne manages to create many metaphors within his novel The Scarlet Letter. The rose bush outside the prison door, the black man, and the scaffold are three metaphors. Perhaps the most important metaphor would be the scaffold, which plays a great role throughout the entire story. The three scaffold scenes which Hawthorne incorporated into The Scarlet Letter contain a great deal of significance and importance the plot. Each scene brings a different aspect of the main characters, the crowd or ...
  • Hester's Love Towards Dimmesdale
    706 words
    In Nathaniel Hawthorne's, The Scarlet Letter, the author uses three scaffold scenes to mark the development of Hester Prynne. The image of Hester atop the scaffolding is a metaphor for her forced solitude; for her banishment from society; and for the futility of her punishment. In the first scene, Hawthorne uses the scaffold to explain how Hester can not believe that the 'A'; and the baby are real. In the second scaffold scene, Hawthorne tries to convey to the reader that Hester has fully repent...
  • Evade Reality
    631 words
    The Scarlet Letter: The Unavoidable Truth Chapter II (pg. 59, 60, 64) The isolation and courage that Hester Prone felt when she walked to the scaffold to face reality brought out my deepest sympathy and respect for her. Hester, followed by a crowd of 'stern-browed men,' 'unkindly visaged women,' and " curious school boys,' begins the walk from the jail to the scaffold. She seems to be proud and dignified. However, internally, she feels great agony, for she was scorned and mocked by the accusing ...
  • Second Scaffold Scene Dimesdale
    514 words
    The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne uses many things for symbolism and in my opinion the most symbolic were the scaffold scenes. There are a total of three scaffold scenes and each has its own purpose and meaning. Without the scaffold scenes this book would basically leave you clueless to what was really going on because the scaffold scenes really tell you what is going on and why. The first scaffold scene is basically an introduction to the whole book. You learn who all the main charters...
  • Hester On The Scaffold
    518 words
    The Scaffold The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, is characterized by three major events that occur on the town scaffold. What takes place on this platform will determine the path which the three main characters, Hester Prynne, Mr. Dimmsdale, and their daughter Pearl will follow. The three scenes mark the beginning, middle, and end of their ignominy. The scaffold is a platform where criminals are punished before all the townspeople. In this case, the criminal is Hester Prynne and the crow...
  • Hester's Judgement On The Scaffold
    834 words
    Appearance vs. Reality Nathaniel Hawthorne's, The Scarlet Letter, a dark tale of sin and redemption, centres around the small Puritan community of Boston during the seventeenth century. Things and places in The Scarlet Letter are not always what they seem to be. There are major differences in the appearance of something to the actual meaning and significance it carries. In the middle of the town market is a... weather-darkened scaffold... (Hawthorne 234) where sinners are made to face the condem...
  • Name Of Hester's Lover
    5,378 words
    Chapter 1: Hester Prynne has committed adultery. Two years ago her husband in Europe sent her on ahead to America while he settled some business affairs. Alone in the small town of Boston, Hester has shocked and angered her neighbors by secretly taking a lover and bringing forth a girl child. The Puritans of Boston are shocked that she has done this thing. They are angry because she will not reveal the name of the father of the child. Although the usual penalty for adultery is death, the Puritan...
  • Plot In Times Of Confession And Truth
    530 words
    Utilized as the classic metaphor, light and dark represents good and evil. However, in his book, The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne's usage of light and dark as a metaphor is an aberration from the classic. Throughout the novel, Hawthorne uses sunlight and darkness in recurring events. He plays with his words carefully, adding underlying symbolism in order to make the unfolding of the plot more complex and intricate. Sunlight exemplifies passion or love, and also presents truth and confessi...
  • Three Scaffold Scenes
    896 words
    In Nathaniel Hawthorn's The Scarlet Letter, the Puritans constantly look down upon sinners like Hester Prynne, both literally and symbolically. The use of the three scaffold scenes throughout the course of the novel proved to be an effective method in proving this theory and showing how Puritan society differs from that of today's. In the first scaffold scene, Hester is being led from the prison where she has spent the last few months, towards the scaffold clutching her newborn baby to her bosom...
  • Three Times Hester And Pearl
    473 words
    The Scarlet Letter: Symbolism-Triads A bald eagle is a symbol for America. A lion is a symbol for of courage. A symbol is a sign or token of something, but when it comes to literary symbols things become more complex. The symbols in literary work do not have easily recognizable meanings. The meaning of the symbol comes from the works from which they are a part of. The use of triads, sets of threes, in The Scarlet Letter can mean birth, life, and death or beginning, middle, and end. The character...

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