Holden's Life essay topics

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  • Catcher In The Rye Holden
    1,379 words
    The Catcher in the Rye In Jerome David Salinger's book The Catcher in the Rye the difficulties In Holden's life sends you through a thrilling adventure through all Holden have been through. The short story Uncle Wiggly in Connecticut also shows the drama of a little girl named Ramona. Ramona has an alcohol addictive mother who thinks Ramona is in serious trouble. Ramona's mother creates an imagery friend from Ramona to help her out with things and to keep her company while she is playing. In The...
  • Figure Of Speech For Holden
    570 words
    Sally Hayes is dim person whose phoniness blinds her from Holden's cries for help and dismisses him when he needs her most, her phoniness changes Holden and he himself is forced into bad decisions because of it. When Holden is waiting for Sally in the lobby of New York's Biltmore Hotel, the place is filled with girls his age, and he's watching them". [I] t was sort of depressing' (123), thinking about what's going to happen to most of the girls he sees. They " re all going to have conventional l...
  • Holden's Relationship With D.B.
    596 words
    Throughout "The Catcher in the Rye", Holden Cau field longs for intimacy with other human beings. One of Holden's main problems is that he sees childhood as the ideal state of being. He thinks that all adults are phonies. One of the first relationships that is mentioned in the story, is Holden's relationship with D.B., his brother. Throughout his childhood, it is obvious that Holden has idolized his older brother. Now that D.B. is a writer for Hollywood, Holden considers him a phony, and accuses...
  • Holden's Conversation With Mr Antolini
    889 words
    The Catcher In The Rye: Book Review December 14, 1996 The Catcher In The Rye, written by J.D. Salinger, is a fictional novel that was first published in 1965. The novel takes place in New York City and in Pennsylvania over a duration of four days. This novel tells the story of an emotionally disturbed teenager who has been kicked out of a boarding school. The story is told from the point of view of a teenager who is the narrator of the story. The main character in this novel is Holden Caulfield....
  • Holdens Speech
    2,202 words
    Comparing Catcher in the Rye and Pygmalion and the Themes They Represent In J.D. Salinger's novel The Catcher in the Rye, the main character, Holden Caulfield, muses at one point on the possibility of escaping from the world of confusion and phonies while George Bernard Shows main character of Pygmalion, Eliza Dolittle, struggles to become a phony. The possible reason for this is that they both come from opposite backgrounds. Holden is a young, affluent teenager in 1950's America who resents mat...
  • Holden
    387 words
    The overwhelming pain that Holden had suffered during the past was nonetheless an impact, which stained his future life. Some evidence that implies Holden's characteristic is how he grudgingly criticizes and scorns at almost everyone he knows. After he leaves Pence Prep School, he falls into a dilemma where he faces loneliness and depression. More so, he desperately seeks company from clubs, bars, and hotels to have someone to accompany him. The factors that affect this isolation of him are most...
  • Book Holden
    681 words
    Holden as a Hero Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger is a story about the trials of life and the toll it can take on the psyche. I believe that Holden Caulfield is an under credited hero. He is a teenager forced to grow up in a time of turmoil with severe emotional handicaps placed upon him by family, friends and life in general. Holden is one confused kid trying to beat the Man in the 1950's. He grew up ignored by his parents, drifting from school to school in search of a purer lifestyle. On pa...
  • Life The Other Characters
    636 words
    Catcher in the Rye Catcher in the Rye by Jerome Salinger is based on a 16 year old young man. The story takes place in New York where the main character, a seventeen-year-old Holden Caulfield, has many friends. He was kicked out ofPencey Prep, along with the two other schools before that, and is afraid to go home and tell his parents. He was supposed to leave Pence Prep on a Wednesday and finish out the semester and then go home during Christmas break. Instead he leaves a few days earlier and ve...
  • Real World And Holden
    582 words
    In Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield goes through many events in just three days that seemed to impact his life a lot. He began to realize things about himself, and changes occurred within him. Now it's 35 years later and Holden has grown up, and has finally entered the real world. Holden now works for a high school as a student counselor, and deals with problems of children everyday. He is very well liked at the school and he has only been there for three years. He sometimes gets attached wi...
  • Holden's Loneliness
    885 words
    Life's Many Obstacles In J.D. Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye" the protagonist, Holden, is faced with many obstacles. Like most tragic heroes, he is a man who is reasonably happy at the beginning of the tragedy, but as the tragedy develops, some failure in his personality begins to affect events, so that his progress is a movement from happiness to misery. The ultimate misery results from his final awareness of his personalities limits or failures. Much of Holden's misery is a result of his i...
  • Result Of Holden's Alienation Mr Antolini
    1,620 words
    Adam McRae Period 2 It's nothing new, that everybody feels depressed at some time or another in their lives. However, it becomes a problem when that depression is so much a part a person's life that she can no longer see the happiness right in front her. (As tragically happens to the young boy, Holden Caulfield in J. D Salinger's novel, The Catcher in the Rye.) Mr. Antolini accurately views the cause of Holden's depression as his lack of personal motivation, his inability to self-reflect and his...
  • Holden And Esther
    677 words
    The Bell Jar and Catcher In The Rye In the book The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, a young adult by the name of Esther Greenwood tells her story of her everyday struggle with life. Her coming of age is very difficult, and she does not know where she fits in society. In The Catcher and the Rye, Holden Caulfield also is trying to find his way in life. He too faces many mental and social challenges. In both novels, these characters go through many struggles to find their path in life. In both books, Hol...
  • Holden's Life
    1,389 words
    ... ally flawless human being and even though has passed away, he still lives on in Holden's life. He places Allie on a pedestal, and regularly talks to him out loud. Phoebe is his pride and joy and respects her in every way. He sees them with a perfect life and envies their childhood. His joy comes out of his memories and reminisces with the past when he used to play with them, which he always does. Everything he encounters, he compares and contrasts it with his two younger siblings. 5. Stradle...
  • Cliff Hidden In The Rye Like Holden
    1,148 words
    Holden's Journey As we pass through this life it is our duty to discover our destiny. Some of us go to college and become Doctors, Lawyers, Architects. Others of us cherish the finer things in life and find our places on farms and Dude Ranches. The point is, every living creature has a place in this world and we are ultimately steered in its direction. Holden Caulfield's voyage began when his brother died of Leukemia. Holden was emotionally destroyed by the loss of not only his brother, but his ...
  • Holden Caufield
    535 words
    Catcher In The Rye: Holden Caufield Holden Caufield was a high school student at a boy's academy by the name of Penny Prep. He feels as though he had fought the world and lost, everyone is against him and that little can bring him joy. He had lost his innocence, and saw himself as a 'catcher in the rye', trying to save children from his fate. Holden is quite the eccentric individual. I say this because of the incident with Sally Hayes where he proclaims his love for her and how they should run o...
  • Holden's Ideals And Igby's Values And Beliefs
    1,569 words
    Comparative Essay The Catcher In The Rye by J.D. Salinger and Igby Goes Down by Burr Steers are both displayed as rites of passage texts. The respective protagonists of these two texts are Igby Slocum b and Holden Caulfield. These two characters are both on a journey motif, a journey of self discovery in which they both attempt to find meaning in life and understand societies values and attitudes. The two protagonists demonstrate non-conformity and rebel against the apparent hypocrisy present in...
  • Holden's Realization
    2,545 words
    Catcher In the Rye: The Quest For Love In many novels in J.D. Salinger's library of books, there is a recurring theme of the loss of innocence of children, the falling and the confusions of childhood, and many other ideas that apply to the ideas of adolescence and the life of the average teenager growing up. Many of his themes occur in a short period of time in a child's life that affects him / her in a very profound and significant way. The idea of love is also a major theme that arises in many...
  • Holden's Life
    1,422 words
    Part one: 1. Holden's Hunting cap: His hat is something that makes him stand out from the crowd and society. To Holden, wearing his hat says that he's not going to be like all the rest of the phonies. It's also something that he really likes and he constantly talks about it being different. On page 22 he refers to his hat as a people shooting hat, meaning he shoots people down when he wears it because he feels like he rising above everyone and standing out and living uniquely. The carousel: I th...
  • Subtleties Of Holden's Life In The Story
    608 words
    The whole story is based around Holden Caufield. Holden is your typical rebellious teenager: na " ive, defiant, pessimistic and indifferent to what goes on around him. He does not care about doing well in school, as proven by his lack of effort in school and his expulsions from other schools. Basically, Holden is about to be expelled from his current school, so he embarks on a bit of an "adventure" to New York. And that's basically the plot. The plot may be a bit superficial on the outside, but ...
  • Novel Pheobe And Holden
    951 words
    In the novel, Catcher In The Rye, Phoebe plays many important roles in Holden's life that leads her to be his ideal person. She is a major part of Holden's life, even though she is only a mere child. Actually, one of the reasons Holden likes Pheobe so much is because she is only a child. He is attracted to her innocence and youth, but at the same time to her maturity. She is the person that Holden turns to in his times of need or when he just wants to talk with someone. He confides in her and sh...

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