Homer's Iliad essay topics

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  • Homer's First Epic Poem
    982 words
    Homer: His Life and His Works Greeks had used writing since c. 1400 BC, but it was not until the late 8th century BC that their literature was first written down. Greek literature began in Ionia with the brilliant epics of Homer, the Iliad and the Odyssey. These mature products of a long tradition of oral poetry brought together a vast body of divine and heroic myths and sagas that served as a foundation for much subsequent Greek literature. The epic view of humankind had a lasting influence on ...
  • Crawford Pg 4 Homer
    756 words
    By: KON JURE THOUGHTS Book Review The Iliad The name "Homer" is synonymous with great tales of heroic poetry. Although this genre of poetry hails the distinctness of being "Homeric" it is not certain that Homer himself actually existed. The book Prolegomena ad Hoe rum, published in 1795 CE. written by F.A. Wolf, translated "The Homeric Problem", set in motion numerous debates among scholars concerning Homers existence, and the fact that Homer may have been a group of writers, and not just one ma...
  • Odyssey And The Aeneid
    1,357 words
    Comparative Analysis of the Aeneid, Odyssey, and Iliad The Iliad and the Odyssey are two of the best Greek epics written by Homer. Despite their popularity, almost nothing is known about the author beyond the existence of his masterpieces. Surprisingly enough no concrete evidence of his existence is available; not even to confirm the same person created the two works. The authorship of the Iliad and the Odyssey were debated even in the times of the ancient Greeks. Many scholars have argued that ...
  • Homers Iliad Achilleus
    340 words
    Achilleus Achilleus leader of the Achaians and son of Peleus a mortal king and The sea-goddess Thetis is an important character of the Iliad. Achilleus is a well-respected warrior; the Achaians needed Achilleus to help them fight the Trojans. In book XXII Achilleus showed that he was heartless when he killed Hector. Achilleus also showed that he was sympathetic towards elders by returning Hectors body when Priam begged for it. In Homers Iliad Achilleus was portrayed as a well-respected warrior, ...
  • Dantes Infatuation With The Iliad
    441 words
    Dante makes many references to Homer and the Iliad throughout the Inferno. The fates of favorite characters are described during the course of Dantes travels. Beginning with his vision of Homer in Limbo, continuing through increasingly gory levels of Hell until Dante reaches the eighth bolgia where he meets Ulysses who is engulfed in fire. Dantes infatuation with the Iliad is clearly illustrated in his Divine Comedy. Dante introduces Homer early in the Inferno. After the writer passes the gates ...
  • Greeks And Trojans
    617 words
    Theme Analysis In Homer's Iliad, war is depicted as horrible, bloody, and fruitless. There are no clear winners in The Iliad. Many people die in vain because of arrogant and emotional decisions made by men. Achilles directly causes the death of his friend by first refusing to fight, leaving the Greeks at a disadvantage, and then poorly advising his friend Patroclus to join the other fighters. Even the initial cause of the war, Paris' kidnapping of Helen, a Greek woman, is a rash and selfish act....
  • Difference In Communication Between Homer And Sophocles
    1,702 words
    Comparing and Contrasting the Purposes and Methods of Communication of three important literary works: The Iliad, Oedipus the King, and Aristotle's Poetics. Upon reading a piece of literature, one of the first things a reader does is to identify the purpose and the mode of communication employed by the author. This knowledge is extremely important in order to fully understand the complete message presented by the author. This essay will treat three major literary works taken from Greek culture: ...
  • Contrasting Heroism Between Hektor And Achilleus
    1,398 words
    Every civilization throughout history has had its heroes, those who represent the values of their society to the highest degree. In today's society, we think of heroes as super-humans who run faster than a speeding train and leap over buildings in a single bound. In ancient Greece, heroes were people who demonstrated great feats of strength and tremendous courage in battle. Greek heroes possessed wealth, power, and courage which earned them respect and honor in the community. In the Iliad, Homer...
  • Homers Epics
    906 words
    The Odyssey is one of only a few epics still in existence today. An epic is a long narrative poem which focuses on the lives and struggles of a great hero or heroes. Homer used many literary techniques to make his poetry more fully understood. He was very versed in his Greek gods and uses them as great heroes. The Odyssey was written approximately 2500 years ago. Top scholars have spent much time attempting to confirm who created these epics, The Odyssey and The Iliad, when they were written, an...
  • Epic Quality In The Iliad
    465 words
    In order to be considered an epic, there are certain qualifications and standards that a piece of literature must meet. The themes and motifs incorporated in these stories are universal and the plot lines are both historical and entertaining. These epics are long poems that were originally expressed orally and later transcended into written works. The Old Testament, The Illiad, and The Odyssey are all classical works of literature that are considered epics today. The Old Testament is considered ...
  • Major Echo From Homer In The Aeneid
    1,877 words
    Oprah, Uma. Uma, Oprah. 1 Homer, Virgil. Virgil, Homer. The Aeneid, the greatest Latin epic of the battles and wanderings of the Trojan hero, Aeneas, and his founding of the ruling line for the Roman Empire was written by the great Latin poet Virgil. Or so it seems. When one is reading the Aeneid and has also read both Homeric epics, one can almost instantly see many parallels between Homer and Virgil. Not only are there parallels in the actual style of writing, but the most prominent parallels ...
  • Best Of The Achaians
    348 words
    In Homer's Iliad, men are defined by the glory they win on the field of battle. This system of honor creates a mythos about those warriors who excel beyond ordinary men. They become god-like in the eyes of their followers and are revered as such. The heroes of The Iliad are characterized by their strength, valor, and skill in battle. Although Achilleus is the very definition of this Grecian hero, he falls somewhat short by modern standards in his pride and lack of compassion. Achilleus is the st...

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