Irish Catholics essay topics

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  • Irish Immigrants In Boston
    2,776 words
    The life of Irish immigrants in Boston was one of poverty and discrimination. The religiously centered culture of the Irish has along with their importance on family has allowed the Irish to prosper and persevere through times of injustice. Boston's Irish immigrant population amounted to a tenth of its population. Many after arriving could not find suitable jobs and ended up living where earlier generations had resided. This attributed to the "invisibility" of the Irish. Much of the very early m...
  • Caused Many Irish People
    4,582 words
    The Irish Republican Army Introduction The troubles currently plaguing the Island known as Ireland are by no means new. They lay deeply rooted in it's long and complicated history. Currently, the conflict is seen as the republicans and their belief that Ireland should be united and independant clashing with the people who live in what is known as Northern Ireland who are loyal to British rule. This is most definatly not the only issue, as many other factors such as religion and economic problems...
  • Money Agnes Children
    816 words
    The Mammy The Irish tale depicts the life of a woman named Agnes Browne. The cards have fallen more than once for her, but with the love of her 7 children and faith, Agnes never losses her strength. The author, Brendan O'Carroll, adds elements of humor, tragedy, and love to this novel, which makes it hard to stop reading. Follow me as I talk about The Mammy and how her culture plays a part in her everyday life in the late 1960's, in Dublin, Ireland. The book begins with the death of Agnes Browne...
  • Joyce's Writing
    1,050 words
    In selecting James Joyce's Ulysses as the best novel of the twentieth century, Time magazine affirmed Joyce's lasting legacy in the realm of English literature. James Joyce (1882-1941), the twentieth century Irish novelist, short story writer and poet is a major literary figure of the twentieth-century. Regarded as 'the most international of writers in English! K [with] a global reputation (Attridge, pix), Joyce's stature in literature stems from his experimentation with English prose. Influence...
  • Irish Free State And Northern Ireland
    2,727 words
    History: Early Days: The first people arrived in Ireland and came from Scandinavia to Scotland and then from Scotland to Ireland. They were a Stone Age people and lived by hunting, farming and fishing. The next groups were the Bronze Age people from southern Europe who skilled metal-workers. The Celts followed around 200 BC coming to Ireland from France and Spain. They brought their own language and iron weapons and tools. The Beginning of Christianity: Saint Patrick was born in Great Britain. I...
  • Halloween
    471 words
    Halloween and Christianity Michael Williams Religion 10/28/96 It is often said that Halloween is not the 'harmless' holiday it is thought to be, instead it is believed to be a pagan ritual which dates back to the ancient Celtic Druids. According to the article 'Should Our Kids Celebrate Halloween?' in Catholic Digest Halloween's origin is very much Christian and American. Although the ancient Celts celebrated a minor festival on the 31st of October, it fell on that day because the Feast of All S...
  • Northern Ireland Government
    665 words
    The Northern-Irish conflict Kort om konflikten i Nord-Irland. The Northern-Irish conflict dates back to not only one, but probably several historical incidents. 1170 In 1170, Henry 2 of England attempted to attach Ireland to his kingdom. He did not succeed, but established control in a small area outside Dublin. For the remaining Irish clans, England now became their major enemy and threat, against their customs and way of life. 1609 By the end of Queen Elisabeth's reign, military conquests had ...
  • Dispossessed Irish Catholics
    934 words
    Sources: 1.) Whelan, Kevin. The Tree of Liberty: Radicalism, Catholicism, and the Construction of Irish Identity. 1760-1830. United States: University of Notre Dame Press, 1996. Irish History Tree of Liberty Paper The Protestant Landowners in the 1690's grew tired of attempting to collect taxes from a relatively poor Irish population. Middlemen were therefore appointed to manage the lands, collect taxes, and ensure profitability. The owners of the lands may have been Protestant but the workers w...
  • Irish Stereotypes
    536 words
    Irish Stereotypes The Irish people have been on the receiving end of many racial stereotypes. When they migrated to America because of lack of jobs, poor living conditions, and many other reasons they were treated as the lowest member of the social class. They were given jobs that were thought to be too unsafe for blacks to carry out because the loss of a slave was an out of pocket expense (Kinsella, 2002). But The Irish were not only discriminated against in America, but in their own country as...
  • Irish Language And Culture
    3,618 words
    Irish-American Culture and Society Throughout the course of time, Ireland has suffered many losses. Ireland has been conquered, invaded, repressed, and tormented over many centuries. Because of Ireland's isolation and separation from the rest of the world, Irish history is very rich. Although Ireland had to live apart from the world, the people prevailed as a community that was, and still is very influential tothe rest of the world. Ireland has a very interesting social culture. The people and t...

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