Irish Culture essay topics

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  • Irish Artists Outside Ireland
    3,113 words
    The Country of Ireland Population Ireland has been inhabited since Stone Age times. For more than five thousand years peoples moving westwards across the European continent have settled in the country and each new group of immigrants, Celts, Vikings, Normans, English, has contributed to its present population. In 1841, shortly before the Great Famine, the area comprising the present Irish State had a population of over 6.5 million. The next census (1851) showed a massive decline to 5.1 million f...
  • Money Agnes Children
    816 words
    The Mammy The Irish tale depicts the life of a woman named Agnes Browne. The cards have fallen more than once for her, but with the love of her 7 children and faith, Agnes never losses her strength. The author, Brendan O'Carroll, adds elements of humor, tragedy, and love to this novel, which makes it hard to stop reading. Follow me as I talk about The Mammy and how her culture plays a part in her everyday life in the late 1960's, in Dublin, Ireland. The book begins with the death of Agnes Browne...
  • Irish Language And Culture
    3,618 words
    Irish-American Culture and Society Throughout the course of time, Ireland has suffered many losses. Ireland has been conquered, invaded, repressed, and tormented over many centuries. Because of Ireland's isolation and separation from the rest of the world, Irish history is very rich. Although Ireland had to live apart from the world, the people prevailed as a community that was, and still is very influential tothe rest of the world. Ireland has a very interesting social culture. The people and t...
  • Irish Culture
    521 words
    During the 1840's in Ireland, there was a terrible potato famine. Many people died. Those who didn't came to America, where the streets were "paved with gold". Or in this case, potatoes. When the Irish arrived here, however, they found the streets were not paved with gold, or even the beloved potato. The store owners and other employers would not hire the Irish because the Irish like to drink aplenty. It is true that Ireland is home to some of the finest beer in world, and the Irish drink it; of...
  • Translation From Irish To English
    1,053 words
    How does the title "Translations" direct the audience's attention to the issues Friel is trying to raise in the play? The play Translations, revolves around the subject of names and their relation to identity, culture, and the possession or dispossession that comes with naming. Sarah, who struggles with saying her name, and consequently with establishing her identity, is silenced once the colonisers arrive. The efforts of Maire and Yolland to understand each other were unsuccessful, because of t...
  • People Face Challenges
    955 words
    People face challenges every day. Without challenges, life would be trite and boring. However, there are different levels of challenges. A challenge could be something as simple as making a decision. It could also be facing and accepting a total change to one's way of life. When one leaves their country and home for somewhere new, hopes are often high about where one is going. But moving into a different culture and surroundings is a challenge to any person who faces it. Many different types of ...

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