Italy essay topics

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  • Italy And Greece Report Italy
    594 words
    Italy and Greece Report Italy is located in southern Europe. Rome was once capital of the Roman Empire, but today is the capital of Italy. Nearly all Italians are Roman Catholics, although many do not attend church regularly. There are about 100,000 Protestants. Italy also has a very small Jewish community. Roman Catholicism was made the official religion of Italy in 1929. Italian is the language the majority of the people speak in Italy. The rich art and culture of Italy reflect Italy's ancient...
  • Best Meal Of Italian Food
    538 words
    Imagine riding through the waterways of Venice, Italy, taking in all the beautiful sights and smell of perfectly cooked pasta streaming from numerous waterfront restaurants. If I could be any place in the world right now, this is where I would be found. Italy's rich culture and celebrated history combined with its breathtaking scenery makes it a desired destination for anyone. Some of the main reasons why I would like to be there is to find out more about my family history and see the many worth...
  • Italy And France
    676 words
    The revolutions that occurred in Europe in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century were brought about by both ideas of Enlightenment and the growing population throughout the continent. The many hardships that faced the people, of not only the middle and lower classes but also the nobles, made life during these times stressful and unruly. The revolutions that took place in these trying times were the first steps towards making European countries the way they are today. Two main revoluti...
  • Line Travel Guides To Italy
    396 words
    The Internet Tourist Guide Of Italy - A city by city guide to Italy. Also has maps and transportation information. TravelEurope's Italy Travel Guide - More than 4000 web pages about Italy including art, history, tourism and hotel information. Sorted by city. Excite's Guide To Italy - What to Do, Where to Eat, Where to Stay, Travel & Tourism Sites, Weather, City Guides, Rick Steves Reviews Italy - Information and personal travel stories from the world famous author's Italy guidebook. Yahoo's Guid...
  • Italian Christmas Bread Tradition
    425 words
    Boat-shaped Italy, which covers 116,303 square miles, forms a bridge across the center of the Mediterranean sea from Europe almost to Africa. Italy is compared in size to Georgia and Florida. The full country name is Italian Republic. The population is 57.6 million with the capital city of Rome having 2.6 million people. Most Italians speak standard Italian, but other languages include German, French, and Solvent. The majority of Italians are of Roman Catholic faith as many as 85%, with only abo...
  • Famous Chinatown And Little Italy
    697 words
    Chinatown and Little Italy Have you ever taken a stroll down the lower east side of Manhattan? It's a great place to be indeed. The many smells of fine Chinese and Italian food flood the streets. Yes this is where the famous Chinatown and Little Italy is located in New York City. There are more then just fine foods, shops, and people. In fact there is a lot of history behind these two towns that many people do not know about. How they came to be and what makes each town unique. First you have th...
  • Italy
    663 words
    Before the Congress of Vienna the French occupation had far reaching affects on Italy. The power of the Church and the Pope was reduced, changes were made in landownership and land was redistributed. A new middle class began to appear. Agriculture was improved and the peasants were freed from their old feudal ties and obligations. Then when Napoleon was defeated and the restoration of the old regime and monarchs was started, Italy again became a country divided into eleven independent states, ex...
  • Italian Communist Party And Communist
    2,283 words
    Relations Between the US and Italy Between 1952-1954"The Communist Problem " The "cold war" loss of Italy to Communist control would result in profound political, psychological and military damage to the free world (p. 1567) Draft Statement of Policy by The Planning Board of The National Security Council After the end of World War II the United States embarked on years of an uneasy alliance with Italy. The recovering Italian Fascist government was highly unstable and looked as though it could fa...
  • Italy The Country
    467 words
    Italy The country I picked to do my report on was Italy. Italy, officially the Italian Republic, is an independent nation in southern Europe. The word " Italy' comes from the ancient Oscan language and means 'Calf'. Italy is a fairly small, important mediterranean country of about 116,328 square miles. Its capital city 'Rome' is both the industrial center as well as the cultural center of Italy. Romes current population is about 2,786,307 people. With the countries over all population estimated ...
  • Of Italy's Important Industries
    917 words
    Introduction Italy is located northwest of France and south of Austria and Switzerland. The estimated population of Italy is 58,262,000 as of 1995. In addition to the mainland Italy also has two large islands in the Mediterranean Sea called Sicily and Sardinia as well as some smaller islands called Capri, Ischia, Elba, and Li pari Islands. The capital of Italy is Rome and this city is also the largest of all of the cities in Italy People and Birth Rate The great majority of the population in Ita...
  • Main Industries Resources Italy
    657 words
    Location and Population Italy, is a boot shaped country in south-south eastern Europe. Italy, also known as the Italian Republic, is one of the seven most industrialized countries in the world. This lineup includes: United States, Russia, Germany, England, Japan, China and Italy. Italy is about the size of North Carolina and it has a population of around thirty-seven million people as of 1991. An interesting fact about the population of Italy is that it is neither growing nor shrinking. During t...
  • End Of The War Italy
    2,015 words
    Italy is a country that has gone through many changes throughout its history. It has faced many obstacles but has remained nationalistic and eager for unification. The political history of Italy is quite extensive. The Greeks were the first to settle in Italy and established colonies in the southern part of the country and in Sicily. There was not a sense of political reality as much as there was a civilization (Windows on Italy- History). While the Greeks controlled the south the Gauls, or Celt...
  • Judicial Branch Of Italy's Government
    1,857 words
    History Italy's birth as a nation began in 1861 when the city / states of the peninsula and the islands of Sardinia and Sicily united under the regime of King Victor Emmanuel. Originally Greeks had settled in the southern tip of the Italian peninsula in the 7th and 8th century B.C. Etruscans and Romans populated the central and northern regions By the third century A.D. the peninsula had been unified under the Roman Empire along with the neighboring islands. The Empire dominated the Mediterranea...
  • Location 1 Italy
    717 words
    LOCATION 1.) Italy is located in Europe near the Mediterranean Sea. Italy is in the northeast hemisphere. 2.) Italy is located 44 degrees north and 11 degrees east. 3.) Switzerland is located to the north of Italy. 4.) Greece is located to the east of Italy. 5.) Spain is located to the west of Italy. 6.) Malta is located to the south of Italy. 7.) Rome is the capital of Italy. Vatican City, Sicily, and San Marino are some of the major cities in Italy. 8.) The population of Italy is 58 million. 9...
  • Most Important Natural Resource Of Italy
    3,120 words
    Italy Italy is a country located in southern Europe. Italy occupies a boot-shaped peninsula that extends into the Mediterranean sea from southern Europe. The country also includes two large islands, Sicily and Sardinia. The History Italy has had a long and colorful history. For much of its history, Italy has been divided into many small and often warring city states. This occurred after the break up of the Roman Empire when much of Europe became feudal. In 476, Odoacer defeated the last emperor ...
  • Wealth In Italy
    501 words
    The Renaissance of Italy has been noted to come from early European history. More over, Italian Renaissance is closest to the middle Ages and the birth of the Philosophy of humanism As French forces began to prey on the Italian states in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth century, Rome became the focus of Italy's collective defense, and the pope the architect of that defense. Milan had fallen, and the northern states were under pressure, but they could survive as long as Rome remained strong...
  • Allied Landing At Salerno
    422 words
    THE BATTLE OF SALERNO American and British strategies for defeating the Germans differed. Americans thought an attack across the English Channel, through France and into Germany was the quickest way to victory; however, the British thought that an attack on the Mediterranean was the best. The British and Americans both agreed that the best way to defeat the Germans in Italy was to neutralize the Fascist ally. Winston Churchill, Britain's Prime Minister, convinced President Franklin D. Roosevelt ...
  • Italy And Other Countries In The Eu
    1,706 words
    Italy a Forgotten Market With a large population of over 57 million Italy is an untapped market that on it's own is having trouble supplying enough food to feed the consumers. Italian consumers have found it acceptable to eat non-traditional foods, which indicates the need for imported food items. Therefore, exporting food items to Italy from the United States has become a very lucrative business. One of the emerging trends in Italy is prepared foods and ready to eat snacks. The traditional meal...
  • Northern And Italian Humanists
    454 words
    While war, plague, famine, and death ravaged Europe, a new culture was developing in Italy. The fourteenth century brought many changes in Italian thought and society. In the fifteenth century, these changes spread out of Italy and influenced Northern European society. Humanism, which is the emphasis on human beings, their achievements, interests, and capabilities, is the outcome of the renaissance attitude of individualism and secularism. Northern Europeans interpreted these Italian ideas in te...
  • Unification Of Italy And Germany
    651 words
    Describe three key events each from the unification of Italy and Germany. Why do you think Germany became a strong nation, while Italy remained weak? Italian unification failed in 1848. In the 1850's leadership in the Risorgimento fell to Camillo di Cavour, premier of Sardinia. Cavour began by liberal reforms within Sardinia and created an image of modern progressivism. He also brought the French into an alliance against the Austrian overlords of Italy. In the war that followed Cavour's diplomat...

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