Jem And Atticus essay topics

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  • Main Character Like Jem Finches
    439 words
    To Kill A Mockingbird: The Brave Jem Finch The book To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, has many characters and themes. The main themes are racism and the interaction of colored and white people in the south. The setting is May comb County, Alabama. The main characters are the Finch family; father Atticus, daughter and narrate r Jean Louise (Scout), and her older brother, Jem Finch. Jem was a brave boy. He was brave enough to stand up and do the things he had to, even if they scared him. An ex...
  • People Like Atticus And Scout
    547 words
    To Kill a Mockingbird To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee is an ageless classic that takes place during the 1930's. In the fictional town of Maycomb, Alabama, there was a deadly racial attitude towards the people who were different then the general public. In a town of tunnel vision and hatred, Atticus and Scout stood out with open minds. Atticus was the anchor of reason in Maycomb. He understood many people in town and taught his children how to understand other people's feeling as well. Attic...
  • Jem And Scout
    344 words
    Essay on Atticus Finch To show love to a child, parents usually will talk, spend time, and have fun with their children. In To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee, Atticus Finch uses these normal ways to show his children that he loves them. He shows he loves his children by spending time with them and by caring for them. Atticus demonstrated his love for Jem and Scout by spending time with them. For example, he often read to Scout. Atticus makes Scout feel wanted by considering her interests abov...
  • Lesson Of Tim Johnson Scout And Jem
    775 words
    An Episodic Novel Harper Lees, To Kill A Mockingbird is clearly a bildungs roman. Bildungs roman is defined as, the development of the protagonists mind and character, as the character passes through childhood into adulthood. Harper Lee enriches and builds her novel by using an episodic format. She teaches Scout and Jem lessons by giving them out in little sub stories. In chapter ten, the lesson of Tim Johnson, Scout and Jem see that some people have unspoken talents. The lessons are contained w...
  • Atticus Character And The Theme
    286 words
    " 'Forgot to tell you the other day that besides playing the Jew's Harp, Atticus Finch was the deadest shot in Maycomb County in his time. ' " (P. 98) The speaker of this excerpt is fellow friend and neighbour, Miss Maudie, who is having a conversation with Scout and Jem. Miss Maudie's words were uttered shortly after Atticus had shot a mad dog, Tom Johnson, with a rifle. To his own displeasure, Atticus' heroic performance was before his stunned family, his neighbourhood, and even the sheriff of...
  • Scout And Jem Walk Home From School
    936 words
    The novel To Kill a Mockingbird begins with narrator, Scout Finch, introducing to the reader her brother Jem, her father Atticus, and her town, Maycomb, Alabama. She tells us a little of her family history, and then begins her story: It is the summer of 1933. Scout is five, and Jem is nine. They pass the summer happily with their new friend Dill, a six-year-old boy who has moved into their neighborhood for the summer. The yare very curious about one of their neighbors, Boo Radley, who hasn't bee...
  • Jem And Scout
    1,466 words
    Harper Lees character Jem (Jeremy) Finch from her famous novel, To Kill A Mockingbird is very interesting because during the course of the novel, he undergoes a great maturation process, through which he comes to understand all the events which are occurring around him. There are many such events which affect this maturation process, and causes it to speed up. All these events can assembled into three groups; those which are directly related to his fathers (Atticus) trial to defend a black man i...
  • Atticus's Advice Regarding Mrs Dubose
    497 words
    Although at first it doesn t seem like it to Jem, His neighbor Mrs. Dubose is full of courage. Infact one of the people she criticizes the most (his father Atticus Finch) considers her to be "the bravest woman I ever knew". Before Jem actually got to encounter Mrs. Dubose on a daily basis, he and many of the other neighborhood children were petrified of her. They knew that any time they would walk past her she would yell at them for absolutely no reason. One one particular day it was the day aft...
  • Jem And Scout
    1,436 words
    To Kill a Mockingbird "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee is a story of national magnitude that contains complex characters. Harper Lee deals with the emotions and spirits of the characters insight fully. A few of these characters display courage at one point or another in the story. These flashes of courage come during turbulent times of the story, and often led to success. Atticus Finch displayed courage on numerous occasions. Without his wife he had to raise Jem and Scout alone for most of ...
  • Atticus
    1,262 words
    Show Atticus is a role model as a father, a lawyer and a person. Everybody needs a role model to look up to. This person teaches morals and lessons to life. Atticus Finch is a perfect example of a role model in every way of his person: as a lawyer, as a father and as a person in general. Throughout Harper Lee's novel To Kill a Mockingbird, there are so many examples of this that they fill this masterpiece with lessons to be learned and morals that one should live by. Firstly, Atticus proved hims...
  • Atticus And His Children Of Being
    1,155 words
    Compassionate, dramatic, and deeply moving, Harper Lee's, To Kill a Mockingbird takes readers to the roots of human behavior, to innocence and experience, kindness and cruelty, love and hatred, and the struggle between blacks and whites. Atticus Finch, a lawyer and single parent in a small southern town in the 1930's, is appointed by the local judge to defend Tom Robinson, a black man, who is accused of raping a white woman. Friends and neighbors object when Atticus puts up a strong and spirited...
  • Scout And Jem
    1,160 words
    Analysis of Major Characters Scout - Scout is a very unusual little girl, both in her own qualities and in her social position. She is unusually intelligent (she learns to read before beginning school), unusually confident (she fights boys without fear), unusually thoughtful (she worries about the essential goodness and evil of mankind), and unusually good (she always acts with the best intentions). In terms of her social identity, she is unusual for being a tomboy in the prim and proper Souther...
  • Courageous Atticus
    366 words
    To Kill A Mockingbird: Courage of Atticus Finch In the story To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, Atticus is a very courageous character. In the novel Atticus tried every way to help others, who were in the need of it. First of all it is courageous of Atticus to take the Tom Robinson case. Even his own family disagreed of taking the case. The reason was because of the bias. He risks in many was when taking the Tom Robinson case. He risks the chance of by the people that live in the Maycomb coun...
  • Walter Cunningham And Jem And Scout
    1,398 words
    The book 'To Kill a Mockingbird' is a story of life in an Alabama town in the 30's. The narrator, Jean Louise Finch, or Scout, is writing of a time when she was young, and the book is in part the record of a childhood, believed to be Harper Lee's, the author of the book... The story begins as Scout describes her family history and her town, Maycomb during the time of the Great Depression. Atticus is a prominent lawyer and the Finch family is reasonably well off in comparison to the rest of socie...
  • Fights Atticus
    508 words
    In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee suggests that Atticus is a model parent. Atticus gives guidance to Jem and Scout, and he treats them with fairness and honesty. He tries to bring them up as best he can as a single parent. Atticus is always guiding Jem and Scout with advice so that they will become more compassionate people. Atticus sets a good example for the children when Mr Ewell confronts him. Even though he is provoked and insulted, Atticus simply has a "peaceful reaction". This shows th...
  • Atticus A Nigger Lover To Jem
    581 words
    The definition of a good father is as individual as the individuals involved themselves. A good father is able to support his childrens strengths, along with being able to help them overcome their weaknesses. He is able to do this without appearing to be a know-it-all. The ability to show by example how to live life, while not being afraid to make mistakes and not to be perfect all the time are also very important characteristic. Atticus was by that definition a very good father. Whenever Scout ...
  • County Jail Atticus
    720 words
    Atticus Finch, a nearly fifty defense lawyer for small Maycomb County, is the honorable father of main character Jean Louise (Scout) and Jemermy (Jem). He is the lawyer for accused black rapist, Tom Robinson, and he tries to change injustices and racism in his small hometown. Atticus' inner conflicts and moral dilemmas are expertly written in To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee. Atticus's physical appearance doesn't play a big part in the novel. Atticus is nearly fifty and wears glasses because...
  • Atticus
    505 words
    In the novel "To Kill a Mocking Bird" by Harper Lee, one of the main characters is Atticus Finch, a defense lawyer for May comb County, Alabama. He's also the honorable father of main character Scout and Jem. He is the lawyer for accused black rapist Tom Robinson and he tries to change injustices and racism in his small hometown. Atticus inner conflicts are expertly written in this novel. Atticus's physical appearance doesn't play a big part in the novel. Atticus is nearly fifty and wears glasse...
  • Atticus Finch
    1,066 words
    In this fine book, there are many pieces of evidence which cover the aspect of this question. One of the first of many begins on page 35. Scout has just finished eating her dinner, and Atticus asks her whether she is ready to read. However, like many young children do, Scout explains to him that she is feeling under the weather and didn't think she'd go to school any more... if it was ok with him. Atticus was taught by his father but never went to school. The gentle father cleverly extracts what...
  • Atticus One Flaw
    1,064 words
    Though there are many different characters in the novel To Kill A Mocking Bird by Harper Lee, there is only one who deserves to be given a special honor for his values and morals. Even though some people have bad streaks, Atticus is surely one of those people who has few, if any. His reactions are fair and his judgments are equal. In life it is easier to be a con artist and lie, but Atticus turns that around and shows that some people can be equally right and earn the trust of men of all race. F...

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