Judah essay topics

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  • Son To The Misfortune Of Tamar
    558 words
    The law of the levirate was a standard male-centered practice in ancient Israel. It also was the only way that Tamar could ensure her dependent status within her late husband's family and evade the shame of returning home. The WBC explains her predicament precisely, "Even more anomalous is the young childless widow who has no hope of becoming a fruitful member of her husband's clan once the husband is dead. Indeed, she has altogether lost her tie with that clan. Yet she, like the barren wife, no...
  • Judah's Wife Merriam
    1,076 words
    The Guilt of Committing a Crime or Misdemeanor In the movie Crimes and Misdemeanors, the main character, Judah Rosenthal, make a life changing decision when he decided to kill his mistress. For Judah, there were no other alternatives to keep his affair a secret. His mistress, Delores, wanted to confront Judah's wife Merriam to tell her about the affair that had been going on for the last past three years since Judah could not tell her himself. He knew that if Merriam found out she would not forg...
  • Judah Water And The Guard
    1,202 words
    Ben-Hur was transformed from bible scripture to a movie because it is the most read scripture in the Bible. The scripture tells the story of a man, Judah Ben-Hur, who trades his life as the prince of Jerusalem with the life of a slave. The story tells of his journeys and triumphs as a slave. The story starts with the five wise men as their journey to find Jesus. When they arrive in Bethlehem they come bearing gifts for the newborn king. After the birth of Jesus the movie changes to two Roman sol...
  • 2 Kings 25 And The Two Articles
    1,886 words
    Controversy of the Exile After reading 2 Kings 25 and the two articles, the main source of contrast between these two source is the amount of detail they go into on different aspects of the Exile. The Biblical reading mentions King Nebuchadnezzar and his capture of King Zedekiah, the efforts of General Nebuzaradan and his detailed destruction and pillaging of Jerusalem and the Temple, the capturing and execution of Judah's chief officers and priests, Judah's revolt against Gedaliah and fleeing t...
  • 594 B.C. King Zedekiah Of Judah
    484 words
    Caught Between the Great Powers This paper will show how Judah aligned itself with Egypt, who was in a bipolar struggle for power with Babylon and how it eventually led to their destruction. Small nations caught between two larger powers struggling for supremacy find it impossible to remain in a state of neutrality. They must choose a side to align with and hope they make the right choice in order to survive the struggle. Judahs downfall began in 609 B.C. when Pharaoh Necho II led his army throu...
  • Judah Ben Hur
    606 words
    For many centuries, the Roman Empire dominated the known world. Several great emperors brought Rome from a small city in central Italy to the largest world power to date. It didn't happen all at once, but was a sluggish process. Rome began her quest for power in the last centuries B.C. and continued well into the time of Jesus. Rome ruled with an iron fist and wouldn't allow anyone to speak out against the empire. Their plan of conquest consisted of taking an area over by force and then acting f...

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