Leaves Of Plants essay topics

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  • 25 Foot Tomato Plant
    1,033 words
    Hydroponics Introduction NAME HERE and I became fascinated by hydroponics and the idea that one doesn't have to get their hands dirty to be a great gardener, and if your like us that's a good thing. The idea of hydroponics has been around since the pyramids where build, but in all these years it never seemed to catch on. It took about forty-six hundred years before the first scientist took a look at hydroponics and adapted it to grow crops, this was a professor at the University of California, a...
  • Rhododendron The Plant Rhododendron
    694 words
    Rhododendron The plant rhododendron belongs to the family Ericaceae which also includes the Heath, and there are about eight-hundred fifty species which grow worldwide (Turner and Szczawinski, 171-2). The Heath family is a large one with so many species, all of the poisonous species fall into two of its subfamilies, one of which is the rhododendron. These cultivated plants occur naturally in temperate regions of the northern hemisphere and in the mountains of Southeast Asia. They are located in ...
  • Bacterial Spot Infected Leaves Show
    2,379 words
    Bacterial Spot (bacterial - Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria) Infected leaves show small, brown, water soaked, circular spots about one-eighth inch in diameter. The spots may have a yellow halo. This is because the centers dry out and frequently tear. on older plants the leaflet infection is mostly on older leaves and may cause serious defoliation. The most striking symptoms are on the green fruit. Small, water-soaked spots first appear which later become raised and enlarge until they are ...
  • Cherokee Medicine
    452 words
    My grandmother grew up in Americus, GA, a rural town over 100 miles south of Atlanta. Her parents were of Cherokee descent, so I asked her about any herbal remedies passed down to her. She told me of several, but the one that she remembered with the most clarity was rabbit tobacco. Rabbit tobacco is also known as lasting, everlasting, sweet balsam, white balsam, feather-weed, and sweet cudweed. Its scientific name is Gaphalium. These annual herbs reach a height of 1 to 3 feet and have erect stem...
  • Growing Season The Plant
    1,151 words
    To many people's surprise, the Venus flytrap is not native to some tropical, exotic country or steamy rainforest. The Venus flytrap is native only to the coast of North and South Carolina, in a radius roughly 100 miles around Wilmington. It is a small rosette plant, generally six to eight inches in diameter. The leaves consist of leaf stems, or petrels, that may be heart-shaped and flat on the ground, or thin and upright. The trap is the actual true leaf, and sits at the end of the petrel. The t...
  • Aloe Plant
    388 words
    Aloe Aloe (Agave) is a genus of plant that has more than 150 species. Agave is native to South Africa but has been brought to America and is best-known here as American aloe (Agave americana), or century plant. An aloe plant has a short stem, fleshy, lanceolate leaves that form in rosettes at the end of each stem, and red or yellow tubular flowers in dense clusters. The different species of aloe differ in size from a few centimeters to more than thirty feet. The plant only blooms one time betwee...
  • Use Of Plant Hormones
    2,530 words
    The Role of Hormones in Plants The majority of people know that hormones play a vital and important part in animal growth and development. The common layperson knows that without certain chemicals in their bodies, they would not function right. An example of a hormonal problem would be in the case of a dwarf in which a person does not produce enough growth hormone and grows only to a small height. What most people do not know is that plants also require hormones to grow and develop. This is not ...
  • Ideal As Plants Need Water
    2,152 words
    In many ways, plants are far more versatile and successful to life on earth than animals and have been here for far longer. They were the first to colonise this planet and without them we would not exist, for we are totally dependent on them. Even today with all our technology they continue to amaze us with their ability to inhabit places we humans could not survive, from the frozen Antarctic to the intensity of a volcanic spring, plants utilise their environments to their own advantage and evol...
  • Their Bract Colors
    723 words
    Nature's Antidote to the Winter Blahs Want to color up those dull December days Look no further than poinsettias, nature's antidote to those winter blahs. Elegant and unusual, with bracts fanning over emerald foliage, Euphorbia Pulcherrima as it is known scientifically, not only displays seasonal drama but is one the most decorative plants year round. They adorn tables, fireplaces, hallways and yuletide arrangements and many other holiday displays. Harvested by the Aztecs for their dye, poinsett...
  • Plotkin's Use Of Lists
    1,215 words
    In Chapter 3 of Tales of a Shaman's Apprentice, Plotkin's use of long lists, detailed descriptions, and analysis forces us to understand the value of his expedition because these well-kept secrets in the rainforest have numerous possibilities as medicines which are in demand right now in our world. Mark Plotkin talks about many plants that serve as healing products. These plants can be found in the jungle and used for all kinds of different pains or diseases. From page seventy to page seventy-on...
  • Beach Over The Sand Dunes
    1,012 words
    Gazania Gazania is a plant which grows along the ground. The leaves are green on the upper side and have a whitish felt on the underside. Flowers on the gazania are yellow orange and are 5-8 cm in diameter. The fruits on the Gazania are hairy and have a series of scales at the top. This plant flowers in summer and is found in many gardens as well as on the dunes. Gazania plants grow low to the ground which helps it to be protected against strong winds. The leaves grow rather small so that there ...
  • 4 Leaves Per Plant
    1,734 words
    EXCITING PLANT STUDY LUPINS AIM: To investigate the effect that different concentrations of Rhizobia has on the growth rate of the Lupin, Lupinus arboreus. HYPOTHESIS: I think that as the concentration of Rhizobia increases the growth rate of the Lupin will also increase. RATIONALE: The Lupin is usually in the early to middle stages of a succession as it is able to grow in poor quality soils, because of this it helps to stabilise the soil and provides shelter for the growth of other species. Lup...
  • Six Feet In Diameter
    718 words
    The Broom snakeweed is perennial weeds common on rangelands. Sheep and cattle have been poisoned from eating snakeweed. The plant is most toxic during leaf formation and the early rapid growing period. The next plant is the Compass Barrel cactus, and it generally grows as a single stem. It will grow up to about ten feet tall and a foot in diameter. The spines are dense and usually reddish. The longest stem may get up to five inches long. They flower in late spring early summer, right after the w...

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