Live Music essay topics

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  • Sure Some Music
    897 words
    Why Criticize People For Helping Themselves? There are many things in this world that seem offensive. Some of what is considered offensive is necessary to how some people make their livings. Court systems, parents, and other groups have come to believe that what is said in music, movies, and video games, contribute to the actions of some individuals as youngsters. To me this is wrong; I have always felt that way. It has actually helped the people saying the stuff, more than it has every hurt any...
  • Style Of Rap Music
    989 words
    In our society today, music is a very important part of our lives. With all the many different types of music out there, it allows everyone to enjoy the style they prefer. Even though people of all ages listen to music, teenagers for the most part are the main audience in today's music world. For the past 20 years, rap has played a major role in the lives of teenagers, but it had seemed to fade away for quite a few years and now it seems to be on an up rise with the young people once again. The ...
  • Red Violin
    747 words
    The Red Violin offers some interesting messages about the universality of the language of music. The acting and sets are spectacular, and the actors through the eras do very credible jobs of playing the magical violin. Lastly, the secret of the red violin's color turns out to be an apt symbol for the level of commitment that true musical devotion demands. "The Red Violin" takes its audience on a journey spanning five countries and three centuries. As the violin passes into five principal lives, ...
  • Views On Punk Music
    932 words
    Introduction: Often when people think of punk music they still think of the eighties down with government beat the hell out of your neighbor get wasted stereotype. It ones without saying that punk music has earned its reputation for being high impact, loud, energetic and intense. However people often associate the message of all punk music as containing nothing more then violent anti-government statements and messages of alienation. Many people share the view that it has nothing to say and has o...
  • Popular Artists During The Disco Era
    1,637 words
    Christopher Edge Ms. Gali peau 1/31/02 Final Paper 1 What happened to Disco? Bellbottom, afros, music, sex and drugs can best describe the Disco Era. The Disco Era was a care-free time in which there were no rules. People danced the nights away. Most of the people of the Disco Era lived normal lives, working nine to five jobs during the week, but when the weekend rolled around they put on their bellbottom's and dancing shoes and hit up the Disco Clubs. This is an era that will never be forgotten...
  • Musical Rent
    1,299 words
    The 1996 hit musical RENT stars an amazing cast, each with his / her own powerful voice. This musical, Jonathan Larsons first produced show, has become one of the biggest things ever on Broadway. The concept of the show is nothing immaculate. RENT is a musical updating La Boheme and setting it in NYC's East Village on Christmas Eve. In the opera, the Parisians are afflicted with tuberculosis. This plague was modified to todays equivalent of the AIDS virus. This rock musical has a majority of its...
  • Known As Tagore Songs
    1,109 words
    Rabindranath Tagore is India's greatest modern poet. He was the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913 for Git anjali, a collection of poems where he put his thoughts with imagination, deeply religious emotion and love of nature and his homeland. He was a great educator and philosopher as well as a major dramatist and novelist. His poems captured the heart of his native Bengal, and all of India; and when he traveled to the West, his acceptance as one of the finest writers of the world w...
  • Music Of The 1960's
    481 words
    The United States of the 1960's and the United States differ from each other in great amounts. A lot of what they differ in, changes as time progresses. Of these categories are politics, entertainment, Music, Styles, Culture, memorable events, and the progression of the cold war. The presidents, of the 1960's were John F. Kennedy, and Lyndon B. Johnson after Kennedy's assassination. But while Kennedy was in office he had many accomplishments. One of them was the disarmament Cuba of Soviet missil...

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