Many Stories essay topics

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  • Talpa And Yzur
    972 words
    There are many fascinating stories in the collection of Contemporary Latin American Short Stories. Pat Mcneese, the editor of this book, has put together great short stories that catch many readers attention and interests. Two stories that caught my eye and that I believe have many themes in common, are Talpa and Yzur. These two stories have many ideas and thoughts, that both authors share. I recognized many similarities between these two stories concerning, success for their their loved one thr...
  • Writing Techniques Of Steinbeck
    433 words
    Authors often use many styles and techniques in their novels. They use certain methods in order to make their stories seem more real. John Steinbeck uses many literary techniques in The Grapes of Wrath to help the reader better understand the story. The interchapters in The Grapes of Wrath often foreshadow the regular chapters. They are more of a general picture as to what went on during that time period in America. The regular chapters are meant to represent a specific family, the Joads, and do...
  • Only Similarity
    408 words
    Rob Reynolds In the short stories "The Gift of the Magi", and "The Necklace" there are many things that can noticed that are similar. The settings of these two stories are very similar: first of all, they both occur around fall or winter. They also occur around the turn of the century. Both of the families are middle to low-class. There are little, if any differences in settings, except for that they most likely occur in different towns. In "The Necklace " and "The Gift of the Magi", the plots a...
  • To Kill A Mockingbird Boo Radley
    459 words
    Boo Radley: Misjudged By Many It's simple to judge others before actually getting to know them. In Harper Lees novel, To Kill A Mockingbird Boo Radley, the neighborhood eccentric, is often misjudged by the community. Stephanie Crawford, the neighborhood gossip, makes up many stories about the Radley. She justifies that she knows everything there is to know about them. An interesting story she revealed about Boo Radley was that she saw him watching her through her window in the middle of the nigh...
  • Language And Story Flow
    425 words
    Delia, a flower in a rough of weeds. That is what I got from this story in one sentence, although knowing my grammar possibly not. Hurston's tale of a shattered woman, gives us a glimpse into what was possibly the life of women at that time. There were many convictions against men in the story, although it may have been unintentional, not to say she was a hard-core feminist there were episodes of male remorse. Narrator, this was a third person account, thus leaving much to the imagination. The c...
  • Story Of The Hobbit
    497 words
    The Hobbit I was fascinated by the story of The Hobbit. I thought this book was very good, and I liked it very much. The Hobbit is full of exciting events and action, making it difficult to put down. I enjoyed many things in this book, specifically the characters and the setting. Each character Tolkien created in The Hobbit is a separate and unique individual. Bilbo Baggins, the leading hobbit in the story, is very laid back and hesitant to go out with the dwarves on their journey. Tolkien does ...
  • Prometheus Character
    549 words
    Though long engraved into history, the ancient world of Greece still remains present throughout the cradle of humanity in several ways. It's rich contributions in literature, drama and art have shaped even modern civilizations. Through the characters in the Greek myths, morals and standards that remain to dominate society are presented to us. These figures in mythology appeared as gods, goddesses, heroes, and even mortals, who teach not just through their triumphs but also through their less hon...
  • Memorable To The Many Native Americans
    554 words
    The Floating Island The Floating Island, is a great tale from the Montagnais Indians and first heard about in 1633^1. The account was related and was written down by Josiah Jeremy, a Micmac Indian, in 1869^1. This is a story that is a great Native American tale that has been told and remembered through the years because of the great surprise of the Native American tribes when the French landed in this new land. I believe that most of this story is true, but not all of it. I assume that most of t...
  • Life Stories Of Grace And Alida
    716 words
    In the short story called The Roman Fever brings up many metaphoric ideas that make this story effective. After analyzing this short story, there were many ideas that ran through this story, but three main metaphoric ideas really stuck out to me. The metaphor of the illness, that deals with hate and life, the sexuality rivalry, and the surprise ending that the reader does not expect. This story is very effective because of how the life stories of Grace, and Alida affected their two daughters, an...
  • Short Story Chopin
    1,073 words
    Kate Chopin dared to write and voice her opinions in a time where women were not be able to do so. Perhaps she can be called a woman before her time, a woman who wasn't scared to tell it how it was. After years of negative criticism and her death, Chopin's literary work began to receive praise. In Hall's biography of Chopin it is said, "Chopin's works were reassessed and began to receive serious critical attention in the late 1950's (141)". Chopin has been criticized for her ironic endings that ...
  • Popular Motif In Her Stories
    319 words
    Throughout history there have been many tales passed down from generation to generation. Arabian Nights has been one of them. Arabian Nights contains an outer and inner framework. The outer consists of Scherazade telling stories to the Sultan each night to stay alive. The inner framework is the stories that Scherazade tells. This tale contains many motifs. Some are very familiar from other tales that have also been passed down. I think throughout this tale one of the most popular motifs would be...

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