Mao Zedong essay topics

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  • Mao's Early Experiences With Peasant Revolution
    2,167 words
    Mao Zedong or Mao Tse-tung Pronounced As: mom d zu-doing, 1893-1976, founder of the People's Republic of China. One of the most prominent Communist theoreticians, Mao's ideas on revolutionary struggle and guerrilla warfare were extremely influential, especially among Third World revolutionaries. Of Hunan ese peasant stock, Mao was trained in Chinese classics and later received a modern education. As a young man he observed oppressive social conditions, becoming one of the original members of the...
  • Four Goals For The Cultural Revolution
    504 words
    Mao Ze Dong started the Great Cultural Revolution in 1966, in what appeared to be a massive cleansing policy to ensure the final victory of Mao and his supporters over the rest of the Chinese Communist party. Mao Zedong officially launched the Cultural Revolution at Eleventh Plenum of the Eighth Central Committee. Over the next decade, literally millions of people were destroyed, imprisoned and blamed for previously hidden 'bourgeois tendencies' while tens of thousands were executed. Mao Zedong ...
  • Lin Biao And The Cult Of Mao
    5,970 words
    The Red Book and the Power Structure of Communist China Propaganda in China during the Cultural Revolution took on many forms; there were mass Red Guard demonstrations in Tianamen Square in support of Mao Zedong, pictures of Mao were put up in every conceivable location from restaurants to the wallpaper in nurseries, and pamphlets and books of Mao's teachings were distributed to every Chinese citizen. One of these propaganda publications Quotations from Chairman Mao which later became known as t...
  • Of Mao And Deng's Ideas
    493 words
    Mao Zedong was one of if not the most famous communist leaders in the history of China. His views of modernizing his country won him millions of followers. After his death in 1976, a man by the name of Deng Xioping attempted to win over Mao's former followers and rule China. These two men were probably the most influencial people in China inthe 1900's. Though they both brought thoughts of ending poverty and inequality in China, Deng's ideas for economic reform was more successful. During the ear...
  • Communist Party Leadership And Mao
    2,591 words
    Mao turned China into a complete Totalitarianism state. It was the Communist ideology that ran the country. All social, political, economic, Cultural and intellectual activities were in some way controlled by Mao. Mao set many rules by which the people were to live by making China at the time, a totalitarianism state. At the time of Maos birth, Emperor Yuan ruled China in the Qing dynasty. The Qing dynasty had been controlling China since 1644 and had never been popular. Members of the Qing dyna...

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