Marijuana As Medicine essay topics

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  • Legalization Of Marijuana For Medicinal Purposes
    761 words
    Just Some Bad Logic The Battle For Medical Marijuana in The War on Drugs is an article written by William E. Stempsey debating over why the dispute against the legalization of medical marijuana is just bad logic. The article is clearly for the legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes and gives several opinions on why opponents of this issue are incorrect with their arguments. Stempsey argues three main points in this article and I feel that all three contain fallacies. I oppose legalizat...
  • Marijuana In Combination With Other Medicines
    974 words
    There should have been a NO vote on Proposition 215! Marijuana is NOT a medicine! There currently exists controversy concerning smoking marijuana as a medicine. Many leaders and members of the public have been misled, by the well financed and organized pro-drug legalization lobby, into believing there is merit to their argument that smoking marijuana is a safe and effective medicine. A review of the scientific research, expert medical testimony and government agency findings shows this to be fal...
  • Legalization Of Marijuana For Medicinal Purposes
    689 words
    Weeding Through the Debate: Should Medicinal Marijuana be Legal Legalize Marijuana for Medicinal Purposes The debate is hot. Each side has its argument and is ready to fire away with statistics and facts. Should marijuana be legalized for medicinal purposes Is marijuana actually safe for the body Can marijuana really help patients in need of a pain killer There are people who support the legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes, and there are those that are against it. But the fact is, t...
  • Marijuana Use As A Medicinal Drug
    905 words
    A Healthy Dose The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 federally prohibits marijuana. Dr. William C. Woodward of the American Medical Association testified against this Act (Thompson, 25), realizing that prohibition would ultimately prevent marijuana use as a medicinal drug. His success was minimal, as only eight Americans with special permission from the federal government are legally allowed to use marijuana as medicine (Stumpsey, 14). The main factor that led to the negligible use of marijuana was The ...
  • Usefulness And Effectiveness Of Marijuana
    2,462 words
    The legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes has become an increasingly controversial topic, with many different issues on which people have many different opinions. There is opposition to the legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes because it has the potential to be used incorrectly, however it is also considered that there is the potential for marijuana to be used in relieving the suffering of many seriously ill patients. Marijuana has been used by people for thousands of year...
  • Con's Of Marijuana For Medicinal Purposes
    841 words
    Title of speech: The Pro's And Con's Of Marijuana for Medicinal Purposes. Purpose of the speech: After hearing my speech the audience will be able to tell us What Is Marijuana? , Medical Uses of Marijuana, and also the pro's and con's of Marijuana. They will also be able to tell us the four main medical uses of marijuana for medicinal purposes. Types of Visuals: Three posters showing what Marijuana is. The pro's of marijuana and the cons of Marijuana. Introduction: Marijuana is one of the oldest...
  • Bills In Support Of Medicinal Marijuana
    499 words
    Marijuana, mixture of leaves, stems, and buds of the indian hemp plant Cannabis sativa, Smoked or eat in for its hallucinogenic and pleasure giving effects. The main ingredient of marijuana is THC is concentrated in the flowering tops of the plant, Has ish a drug prepared from the plant resin, has about eight times more THC than marijuana. Marijuana grows throughout temperate regions with the most potent varieties produced in dry hot upland climates. Except for limited medical purposes, cultivat...
  • Helpfulness For Marijuana To A Parkinsons Patient
    974 words
    Marijuana: A new medicine In society today, there are many serious diseases that plague nations all across the world. Diseases like Glaucoma, Epilepsy, Parkinsons disease, and migraine headaches. What do all of these serious illnesses have in common Every one of theses sicknesses can be cured or helped by the use of Marijuana. Throughout this paper I will discuss the positive aspects of Marijuana and the negative aspects. This issue has been raising a lot of eyebrows ever since scientific eviden...
  • Satisfying Antidote Medicinal Marijuana
    720 words
    Tens of thousands of patients are denied of medical cannabis that could benefit from its therapeutic use. Not only does it help ease the pain of many agonizing diseases, but it also contributes to the prevention of some illnesses. It can also replace harmful antibiotics that we use now. An abundance of arguments have been made on this issue, but I feel as though most of them are a bit far-fetched and can be retaliated with legitimate responses, which will be further explained later in this essay...
  • Legal Use Of Marijuana
    1,160 words
    Marijuana has yet to proven addictive, deadly, and it's role in being a 'gate-way drug' is extremely controversial. Ten states have already taken steps in the right direction to do the right thing about the Marijuana issue. The states of California, Colorado, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, and Oregon have decriminalized the possession of small amounts of Marijuana. Therefore, making the possession a mitigate fine with no jail time. Still in other states of...
  • Use Marijuana For Medical Purposes
    1,010 words
    Proposition 215: Should Marijuana Be Legalized? Medical Marijuana Initiative Section 1. Section 11362.5 is added to the Health and Safety Code, to read: 11362.5. (a) This section shall be known and may be cited as the Compassionate Use Act of 1996. (b) (l) The people of the State of California hereby find and declare that the purposes of the Compassionate Use Act of 1996 are as follows: (A) To ensure that seriously ill Californians have the right to obtain and use marijuana for medical purposes ...
  • Marijuana With Aids Patients
    930 words
    Marijuana-for-AIDS Study The first domestic study of marijuana's effects on AIDS patients is expected to begin in May in San Francisco. While this preliminary study is designed to focus on whether marijuana is safe enough for AIDS patients to use, it is the first clinical trial in 15 years that would obtain any data whatsoever on marijuana's medical effectiveness. On September 18, 1997, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) announced that it would give Donald Abrams, M.D., a grant to study...
  • Effectiveness Of Medicinal Marijuana
    1,273 words
    Speech on the Legalization of Marijuana Mary Jane. Herb. Buds. Chronic. Reefer. Ganja. Char as. Sens. Boom. Buddha. Dope. Weed. Pot. All of these names describe one thing: marijuana. Over the years, this plant has acquired many names and uses. At this time in the United States, marijuana is an illegal drug with numerous users and is widely available for a price. Many users speak of the benefits of smoking marijuana and want to get it legalized for that purpose. My name is Dr. -- -- and I am the ...
  • Legalization Of Marijuana For Medicinal Purposes
    2,536 words
    Description: Marijuana Legalization Body of Essay: Everybody Must Get Stoned Pot. Weed. Dope. Marijuana has many names and slang terms associated with it, and many perceive it to be the most widely used illicit drug in this country. Music stars are thrown in jail for possession of it. Movie stars are arrested for planting it. Non-violent drug offenders are in jail next to murderers. Some states allow people to smoke marijuana for medicinal purposes to make them feel better, while others are put ...
  • Use Of Marijuana
    1,134 words
    There currently exists controversy concerning smoking marijuana as a medicine. Many well-intentioned leaders and members of the public have been misled, by the well financed and organized pro-drug legalization lobby, into believing there is merit to their argument that smoking marijuana is a safe and effective medicine. A review of the scientific research, expert medical testimony and government agency findings shows this to be erroneous. There is no justification for using marijuana as medicine...

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