Marijuana Plant essay topics

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  • Side Effects Of Marijuana Use
    496 words
    Should Marijuana be Legalized? Aaron Roberts Mr. Marshall 4/5/00 Marijuana should be legalized. Marijuana's composition is complex, and has a number of physiological effects. Also, a reason for marijuana legalization is the potential wealth of health benefits that have largely been ignored (web). In addition, there are many industrial uses for the cannabis plant (web). Marijuana consists of a mixture of leaves, stems, and flowering tops of the Cannabis sativa plant, or hemp plant (Britannica 7/4...
  • Toxins In Wild Plants Like Marijuana
    1,261 words
    THE RECREATIONAL POISON The debate is whether or not marijuana and other drugs should be legalized for personal use. The marijuana plant may serve several beneficial uses to us, but there is one use in which it is only harmful. Marijuana should not be legalized for personal use because people do not understand, or care about the effects it causes on them and the people around them. While the War on Drugs attempts to dissuade people from using drugs primarily in economic terms (Boyle, 3), I want ...
  • Marijuana As A Crude Drug
    499 words
    Marijuana Better Kept Illegal Marijuana Colliers Encyclopedia defines marijuana as a crude drug composed of the leaves, stems, and flowering buds of the Indian hemp plant, Cannabis sativa. The flowering tops of the plant secrete a sticky resin that contains the psychoactive material for which marijuana is used. There are both male and female hemp plants; however, the female plants contain denser flowering clusters; therefore it is preferred. Hashish is also a crude drug produced from the hemp pl...
  • Marijuana Smoke
    811 words
    Marijuana Marijuana, weed, grass, pot, reefer, the sweet, bud, skunk, the chronic, the sticky icky, , ganja, mary jane and such other names for the drug, Marijuana. This drug is used to give feelings of relaxation, in peace with ones surroundings, and of course to get cranked up. Although all that is illegal in the united states, because uncle sam doesn't want anybody to have fun. Marijuana is illegal when either it is bought, sold, or in possession. Engaging in any of those acts would result in...
  • Several Applications For The Marijuana Plant
    478 words
    Every person in the United States has heard of the illicit substance called marijuana. Yet, unknown to most people, there is one place in the United States where marijuana is grown legally. That place is the Medicinal Plant Garden, right here at the University of Mississippi. The Medicinal Plant Garden, a part of the Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (RIPS) is part of the Marijuana Plant Facility The garden is over 20 years old, but the laboratory was created only four years ago. Acc...
  • Marijuana Users
    786 words
    Legalization of Marijuana What is marijuana? According to Harvard Medical Professor LesterGrinspoon, it is a 'miracle drug', one that prevents blindness, acts as an appetite stimulant for AIDS patients, and prevents muscle spasms in epileptics. When speaking of the same plant, head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics for over thirty years, Harry J. Anslinger said that this 'evil weed' led to killings, sex crimes and insanity. How can two such highly respected experts have such night and day outlo...
  • Same Time The Recreational Use For Marijuana
    1,131 words
    Marijuana or cannabis is one of the most commonly abused drugs. Marijuana consists of the dried and crushed leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds of the cannabis sativa plant. Delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol, also know as THC, is the primary psychoactive, mind-altering ingredient in marijuana that produces the feeling of being "high". In this paper I will discuss some of the uses of marijuana, the effects of marijuana, its history, and some of the treatment methods for marijuana. Cannabis is one of the...
  • Legalization Of Marijuana
    664 words
    Marijuana has been falsely criticized since the beginning of the century. The fact is that the legalization of marijuana can only have positive effects. Marijuana has been proven to be less likely to create crime, it can be used as a medicine, and isn't any more harmful than most other legal substances on the market. It's hard to understand why it is illegal. Legalizing marijuana would reduce the numbers in our prisons, help the country medically, and make money for the government by taxing the ...
  • Chronic Harmful Effect Of Marijuana Use
    3,620 words
    The topic of marijuana use is very broad and has an intricate effect on society as a whole, however, for the purpose of this paper; the literature review is based on facts covering a brief overview of the existence, use, and effect of marijuana. The history of the Cannabis plant and the outcomes associated with the use and abuse of marijuana is the major focus of this paper. What Is Marijuana Marijuana is a drug obtained from dried and crumpled parts of the hemp plant Cannabis. Cannabis is botan...
  • Use Marijuana
    1,152 words
    Marijuana What's illegal, friendly to the environment, not supported by the powers that be, and gets you banged up in nick for possession of it Well the answer can only be the green bud, the Buddha, the wacky back or the puff, well what ever you call it it all boils down to the simple name of marijuana. So how come this plant has gained such a cult following over the thousand and odd years it's been subjected to us Well I suppose you I could spout out the useful purposes of the plant, such as th...
  • Average Thc Content Of Illicit Marijuana
    910 words
    Marijuana (Cannabis) Cannabis sativa, the hemp plant, grows wild throughout most of the tropic and temperate regions of the world. Prior to the advent of synthetic fibers, the cannabis plant was cultivated for the tough fiber of its stem. In the United Stated, cannabis is legitimately grown only for scientific research. In fact, since 1980, the United States has been the only country where cannabis is licitly cultivated for scientific research. Cannabis contains chemicals called cannabinoids tha...
  • Use Of Marijuana
    663 words
    Jim Stephan Definition Paper ICW #2 2/5/03 Marijuana What is Marijuana? Marijuana is a plant that originated in china over 5,000 years ago (Clark 1). In my attempt to define Marijuana I will discuss it in all aspects possible, including street / slang terms, how it is used, what it is used for, and how it affects the body. This plant made its way over to the United States by some early settlers and was traded to the Indians. The Indians began to smoke parts of this plant at many rituals and cere...
  • Cannabis Plant For Drug
    1,657 words
    Lately, cannabis use has been a highly controversial subject. Some talk about decriminalization, some are all for legalization, and others want harder laws altogether. Although there are currently laws prohibiting its use, cannabis still grows wild in many parts of the world. It is much like other plants such as the red poppy, a national Remembrance Day symbol, which is rich in a much more potent and dangerous drug, opium. Cannabis should be legalized. Its uses should be maximized, ranging from ...
  • Marijuana Plants
    997 words
    Hemp Marijuana is the most common name for the hemp plant, cannabis sativa, in the United States. The term marijuana is derived from the Mexican Spanish marijuana / marijuana that translates to 'Mary's leaf or plant. ' The term marijuana entered in to English in about 1894 and has become the mainstream term in the United States. Cannabis now has a variety of names such as hashish, pot, ganja, hemp, tea, grass, and weed. Cannabis is a unique plant, with a long history. It is also a useful plant m...

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