Marijuana Users essay topics

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  • Long Term Cannabis Use Causes Brain Damage
    936 words
    Legalize Marijuana The myths about marijuana are endless and almost all are, false. Over the years people have come to believe many things about how marijuana affects your body and mind. Many other people believe that marijuana is more harmful then tobacco. People believe that "pot" kills the brain cells in the parietal lobe and the cerebellum. The brain is almost completely unharmed in the smoking of cannabis. Another rumor is about how your body reacts to the cannabis in your system and the ha...
  • Occasional Marijuana Use
    749 words
    I. Marijuana causes behavioral changes A. Chronic Marijuana users become more aggressive during withdrawal. People who have smoked marijuana daily for many years display more aggressive behavior when they stop smoking the drug, according to a new study by researchers at Harvard Medical School. The study, funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), National Institutes of Health, is further evidence that a withdrawal syndrome is associated with abstinence from long-term marijuana use, a...
  • Long Term Effects Of Marijuana Use
    3,954 words
    Marijuana Marijuana has been used as a drug since the beginning of time, yet there are still many mysteries about its health effects on humans. Marijuana, or cannabis sativa, is a preparation of the crushed flower or buds of the female hemp plant. The existence of the plant has been reported as early as 1500-2000 BC in China, and cannabis has been described as an analgesic as early as 200 AD. Since then, an overwhelming number of studies have attempted to explain the physical and psychological e...
  • Syndrome To Marijuana Use
    905 words
    Marijuana Is Illegal And Should Stay Illegal. Marijuana is a green, brown, or gray mixture of dried, shredded flowers and leaves of the hemp plant (Cannabis sativa). You may hear marijuana called by street names such as pot, herb, weed, boom, Mary Jane, gangster, or chronic. Marijuana has not been proven to be of any medical use and is harmful to the body. If the making and selling marijuana was legal, it would do nothing but promote it and advertise it to the people, the government would put he...
  • Marijuana's Effects On The User
    1,067 words
    Marijuana Marijuana arrests in the united states doubled between 1991 and 1995. In 1995, more than one-half-million people were arrested for marijuana offenses. Eighty-six percent of them were arrested for marijuana possession. Tens of thousands of people are now in prison for marijuana offenses. An even greater number are punished with probation, fines, and civil sanctions, including having their property seized, their driver's licenses revoked, and their employment terminated. Despite these ci...
  • Marijuana Users
    2,278 words
    Marijuana and Consciousness Does marijuana create an altered state of consciousness, or does it simply allow users to interpret more information at a quicker speed giving us the illusion of being "stoned"? For many years people of all ages have been using marijuana mainly for recreational purposes, not knowing that it increases their senses and perhaps even helps cure or prevent disease. After many carefully constructed experiments, it is now accepted by several scientists around the world that ...
  • Marijuana For Use In Legitimate Medical Research
    2,360 words
    ... ng some medicines and fatigue.. SET AND SETTING The responsible cannabis user will carefully consider his / her set and setting, regulating use accordingly. IV. RESIST ABUSE Use of cannabis, to the extent that it impairs health, personal development or achievement, is abuse, to be resisted by responsible cannabis users. V. RESPECT RIGHTS OF OTHERS The responsible cannabis user does not violate the rights of others, observes accepted standards of courtesy and public property, and respects pre...
  • Author Of Marijuana Use And Criminal Sanctions
    1,618 words
    The Smoke in the Air Marijuana is probably the most debatable plant in history. It has been around for millennia in various forms and uses. However, it's known mostly as a drug. In the Americas, its beginnings can be traced back almost 456 years when the Spanish first brought it with them in 1545 (Levinthal). Cannabis sativa or marijuana, as it's commonly known, is commercially valuable in the production of hemp rope, crude cloth, twine, shoes, sailcloth and containers (Levinthal, Kees e). Notab...
  • Thc Receptor Site In The Brain
    827 words
    Marijuana is the most widely used illegal drug. It is considered to be a drug that is very addictive, and bad for you. Even though scientists have proven that it is not addictive, and that it is really no worse for you than other socially acceptable drugs like caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol. There are many common myths about it, and about the people who use it. Some of which include, that marijuana is a gateway drug that leads to the use of harder drugs like heroin, LSD, and cocaine. Others say ...
  • Negative Effects Of Marijuana
    1,485 words
    A drug is described by Webster's New World Dictionary as, "any chemical agent that effects body processes". Is marijuana good or bad? Does it have more positive short-term effects than bad? What about the long-term effects? Is there really something that smokers have to be in fear of? By examining both sides of this controversy, we can decide if marijuana has more positive or negative effects. Marijuana is a green, brown, or gray mixture of dried shredded flowers and leaves of "cannabis sativa",...
  • Moderate Users Of Marijuana
    262 words
    Negative effects of Marijuana Marijuana is the least harmful drug, but it does have negative health effects. Though moderate users of marijuana are taking less risks than a moderate tobacco smoker or alcohol consumer. Negative effects of marijuana include confusion, acute panic reactions, anxiety attacks, paranoia, a sense of helplessness, and loss of self control. Chronic marijuana users might develop an a motivational syndrome, which the users motivation decreases making them lazy. People with...

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