Mars essay topics

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  • Water On The Surface Of Mars
    621 words
    Mars, it's where aliens come from, a Hollywood Sci-Fi mainstay, the mysterious red planet. But, what is Mars really? Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun, orbiting 227,940,000 km away. It's diameter of 6,794 km and mass of 6.4219 e 23 kg, makes it the seventh largest planet in our solar system. Mars, which is the Greek name for the god of War, probably got this name due to it's red color, and is often referred to as the red planet. What makes Mars look red? Mars' atmosphere is mostly carbon di...
  • Mars As A Resource
    638 words
    Why did you do it the captain asked. Jeff Spender quietly laid the pistol at his feet. Because Ive seen that what these Martians had was just as good as anything well ever hope to have. They stopped where we should have stopped a hundred years ago (64) In the Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury, Spender realized the truth before the rest of the crew. He knew that only harm could come out of the habitation of Mars. Humans dont learn from their mistakes. They prove this by failing to preserve Marti...
  • Four Expiditions By Earthmen To Mars
    470 words
    The Martian Chronicles, written by Raymond Bradbury, is a book that discusses's what might happen if Earthmen were to try to colonize Mars. There were four expiditions by Earthmen to Mars. The first three expiditions were destroyed by martians who were jealous or who were afraid of being colonized. The fourth expedition was different. There were no hostile martians or any martians at all. The men sent out a search and discovered that the martians had been wiped out by chicken pox, presumably tra...
  • Mission Plan For Mars
    1,216 words
    Final Draft For hundreds of years the Red Planet, Mars, has fascinated people. Today it appears as if we re on the brink of exploring, or rather learning to explore, this great mystery. However, though the desire to explore Mars exists, an actual mission will take more than just will and reasons; it will require new technology, time, manpower and money. There are many reasons people, specifically scientists, want to explore Mars. On top of natural curiosity, there are other themes that fuel Mars...
  • Mission To Mars
    1,047 words
    Summary: My God, it's full of cliches! (with apologies to the writers of 2010) A good cast, some impressive special effects, and an experienced astronaut providing technical advice. What could have gone wrong Let's start with the script. It combines every possible sci-fi cliche (look for these movies as they appear in M 2 M: 2001 and 2010 in a big way, Dune, The Abyss, Apollo 13, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, to name only a few) in a melodramatic, hokey script. Granted, there's a really go...
  • One Statement Mr Quayle
    573 words
    Dan Quayle once said "Mars is essentially in the same orbit... Mars is somewhat the same distance from the Sun, which is very important. We have seen pictures where there are canals, we believe, and water. If there is water, that means there is oxygen. If oxygen, that means we can breathe. 8/11/89" In the following writing you will be informed as to why those statements were wrong. The basis of his statement was made on fuzzy photos showing what looked to be canals; the problem is, he does not m...
  • 3 Both Mars And Earth
    928 words
    On August 7, 1996, NASA announced a startling discovery - by examining a meteorite that originated on Mars, they found what they believe is evidence for a primitive form of life that may have existed on Mars 3.6 billion years ago. More work needs to be done to confirm this preliminary result, and many scientists remain unconvinced by the present evidence. But if this preliminary result is confirmed, if the structures inside the meteorite turn out to be fossil evidence for cellular organisms, the...
  • Cupid To Mars
    623 words
    The first artist I have chosen is Bartolomeo Manfredi (1582 – 1622). He was an Italian painter born in Mantua, and active mainly in Rome where he was one of the most important Caravaggio's followers. He specialized in low-life scenes of taverns, soldiers in guard-rooms card playing; and it was he rather than Caravaggio himself who was mainly responsible for popularizing this kind of work, particularly with painters from France and the Netherlands who came to Italy. (1) "Inspite of his cont...

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