Material On The Internet essay topics

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  • Offensive Material On The Internet
    1,114 words
    Ximenes 1 Should the Internet Be Censored?" No bones about it, the Internet needs to be censored". At least according to Gerry Morgan, president of an Internet contents provider and a parent, he among other non-denominational Christian parents claims that they have found "the only realistic answer to the Internet porn-crisis". They " ve created a program where all Web sites are pre-screened, avoiding any material that can be harmful to kids (Watson). They say that the Internet has to be censored...
  • Several Issues About Pornography
    566 words
    The internet was created for the cold war, in the event that the U.S. were attacked, there would be no communication among the nations leaders, because traditional communication would be disrupted by a nuclear blast. Since that time, the internet survived only though commercialization, the original form of the internet was scrapped when the cold war ended. Now, with this medium in the hands of anyone who wants to pay for service, the Internet has exploded with controversial materials that some p...
  • Pornography And Other Offensive Material
    737 words
    Refutation Paper Most Internet users are enjoying their freedom of speech on the Net, which is supposed to be protected by the First Amendment of the United States. However there are many organizations who are trying to strip americans of their rights. Their main argument is that of pornographic access to children via the web. Only a very small portion of the Net contains offensive material, most people do not use the Net for pornography. Caragata from Maclean's magazine observes that, "it is po...
  • Indecent Materials On The Internet
    1,485 words
    Should the Internet Be Censored or Screened to Protect Users Right now hundreds of thousands of people have just sat down in front of a computer. After brief negotiation of something called a mouse, these same people will be transported into a realm of virtually unlimited possibilities. Beep... beep... pulse... waiting almost there, wham! connection. To clarify, this is not a transcription of the latest episode on the Sci-fi channel, rather, this description friends, encompasses the Internet. Wh...
  • Internet And Indecent Material
    904 words
    I believe that the Internet is a good source of information on a wide variety of subjects. I have personally used the Internet for a year now and have found it very useful for helping me with my school work as well as being very entertaining. However I have been deterred by some of the information that is easily accessible and that anyone could look at such as, detailed instructions on how to make harmful or fatal explosives and illegal pornographic material. Growing concern about the availabili...
  • Indecent Material From The Internet
    1,609 words
    The internet became a very popular and huge way of getting millions of different kinds of materials and information for everyday use in the later 80's early 90's. It became easy for anyone to access millions of different kinds of materials ninety nine percent of which is decent according to our governments standards and one or less percent which is considered to be material the is indecent or harmful to minors. (ABC) These facts maybe deceiving however because there are millions of internet site...
  • Access To The Internet
    486 words
    The Internet BY AL NUR ISAM IL 8-6 Introduction w What is the internet? w Why you should have it? w I have itBodyw Who sells the internet? w Equipment that's is needed? w Legal / illegal implications? w Accessibility- which browser? w Material Protection Upload / download Conclusion Advantages? w What can it do for you? w New world Internet The internet is a service that is available on computer to subscribers. The internet opens up a whole new world of communication, information and entertainme...
  • Communication Over The Internet
    498 words
    First Amendment rights for Net users: The Internet can be credited for being the greatest invention of the twentieth century. Along with this marvelous invention comes great controversy, should the Internet be Censored Granted that the Internet is seen a vast array of pornography and explicit material, it is also one of the greatest communications, learning, and reference tools ever created by man. This double edged sword, better known as the Internet has caused a feud between family value group...
  • Bbs's Offer Callers Access To Adult Material
    2,179 words
    Improving Cyberspace Improving CyberspacebyJason Crandall Honors English Research Paper 26 February 1996 Thesis: Though governments cannot physically regulate the Internet, cyberspace needs regulations to prevent illegal activity, the destruction of morals, and child access to pornography. I. Introduction. II. Illegal activity online costs America millions and hurts our economy. A. It is impossible for our government to physically regulate cyberspace. 1. One government cannot regulate the Intern...
  • Internet Materials
    4,111 words
    Government Censorship would damage the atmosphere of the freedom to express ideas on the Internet; therefore, government should not encourage censorship Thesis: Government Censorship would damage the atmosphere of the freedom to express ideas on the Internet; therefore, government should not encourage censorship. Introduction I. In the Internet community, there is a large volume of technical terms. For this reason, it is first necessary to examine the terminology specific to Internet. 1. The int...
  • Internet Access Controls Without Censorship
    833 words
    Freedom By definition, censorship is the suppression of words, images, or ideas that are "offensive", it happens whenever some people succeed in imposing their personal, political, or moral values on others. Internet censorship is a controversial issue that requires careful thought in order to have a well-formed opinion. It has become a hot topic in the Media and countries that are currently seeking this type of censorship. Many believe censoring the Internet is a violation of our rights. Perhap...
  • Internet Freedom And Child Protection Act
    2,258 words
    Everyone has heard of the Internet and how it is going to help set the world free. The Internet is the fastest growing form of communication and is becoming more and more commonplace in the average American home. Companies these days do big business over the Internet, and online shopping has grown tremendously in the last few years. For instance, the online auction site e Bay sells millions of items every year online. Many companies are making even more plans to expand their business to the Inte...
  • Issue Of Censorship Of The Internet
    823 words
    Censorship and the Internet The Internet is the fastest growing and largest tool for mass communication and information distribution in the world. People use the Internet for communication, expressing their opinions, or obtaining unlimited information access. Nowadays, the issue of wether is it necessary to have censorship on the Internet is being argued all over the world. Censoring the Internet can protect children from strangers, filter unpleasant material and prevent young people imitating n...
  • Explicit Sexual Material On The Internet
    2,995 words
    'Inevitably, being an uncontrolled system, means that the Internet will be subjected to subversive applications of some unscrupulous users. ' (Kershaw) The concept of the Internet was created in answer to a strategic problem faced by the United States government during the Cold war era. A nuclear attack would easily disrupt a traditional computer network and hence make communication impossible. The solution was found in a new type of network. A network where all nodes would be equal in status, t...
  • Form Of Censorship On The Internet
    1,989 words
    Internet Censorship In writing this essay I aim to give an insight into one of, if not the most important issue on the Internet today, that of censorship. I will first give a brief outline as to how the Internet came about and how it works, as this is needed to understand how the Internet can or cannot be censored. I will also give reasons why governments and individuals want to censor the Internet, attempts that have been made, and why people are opposed to these attempts at censorship. Lastly ...
  • Availability Of The Pornographic Material
    863 words
    There are more people getting on the Internet and this will increase the probably of more crime. In 1997 there were 12 million users. Last year, 1998 there was 85 to 170 million Internet users, this information varied by the source. And for each of the years the crime rate has gone up. The statistics for 1997 were 12,775 complaints filed that's 35 each day. In 1998 there was 47,000 complaints filed and that was 156 per day. The Number of projected complaint files might be 188,000 or 515 per day....
  • Shows Like Censorship By Definition
    272 words
    Censorship by definition is the suppression of published or broadcast material to the public. People have fought and died for the right to hear, read, and see anything and everything that is available. But our right goes beyond that, we have the full right to publish and broadcast material, even though it is controversial. This is not for pleasure, but for the right of knowledge for us and for the people who would like to learn. The more information we know, the more we know about how to do thin...
  • Web Sites With Indecent Materials
    1,004 words
    The Internet is one of the technologies that are widely used in the world. It is also one of the most controversial technologies. The government wants to put some regulations on the Internet. These regulations mainly consist of the censorship of it. These regulations are lead by the Communications Decency Act. This censorship causes a lot of problems to its users. People are arguing that all this censoring would run people away from it. Other people believe that censorship has been needed to con...
  • Parents Monitor Internet Access
    905 words
    Since the introduction of the World Wide Web in 1989 by Tim Burners-Lee, many different debates have arisen over various aspects of the Internet. That is expected since there are so many different types of information available on the Web ranging from poetry to games to news to even pornography. Some argue that not all kinds of data should be accessible to all; that is where censorship comes in. Internet censorship includes restriction of access or publication of any material not thought to be a...
  • Internet Access Of Children
    1,766 words
    Need for Internet Censorship A forum where speech and conduct can be hard to regulate, the Internet poses serious problems when it comes to minors accessing inappropriate sites. After all, kiddies' cartoons and adult magazines are all accessed in the same way and it is this very reason that prompts some kind of control over the access and content of the Internet. The above brings to light a much debated issue - Is it the responsibility of parents or the government to implement measures to ensure...

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