Math Class essay topics

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  • My Experience With Math
    766 words
    This course had forced me to analyze the psychological effects one's negative thinking has in impacting the ability to embrace a situation that originally may be perceived as fear. My first obstacle with this course was to admit to myself that I had created my own fear of math. I had fully produced what I now view to be a huge challenge. The inevitable had finally arrived. I had postponed my taking this math class for close to ten years. I was now at age 29 sitting in a math class that I had avo...
  • Euclid's Elements
    928 words
    EUCLID: The Man Who Created a Math Class Euclid of Alexandria was born in about 325 BC. He is the most prominent mathematician of antiquity best known for his dissertation on mathematics. He was able to create "The Elements" which included the composition of many other famous mathematicians together. He began exploring math because he felt that he needed to compile certain things and fix certain postulates and theorems. His book included, many of Eudoxus' theorems, he perfected many of Theaetetu...
  • Uncle Bill To Del
    1,400 words
    One of Munro's trademarks is her ambivalent presentation of characters. Choose three characters from the novel and show how they support this claim. Whenever I find myself thinking about the years I spent in junior high and high school the memory of my grade eight-math class stands out. Math was never my favorite subject; therefore, I never really enjoyed math class. I remember clearly the first day I set my foot in my grade eight-math class I thought to myself how awful it was going to be to sp...
  • My High School Math Teacher Mrs Giagomi
    429 words
    In the Thurber's story, University Days his instructors show varying degrees of patience, empathy, and understanding with their students. Three qualities which my high school math teacher Mrs. Giagomi didn't have, she was quit the opposite, in fact she was down right sadistic. Her reign of terror in my high school career began when I was a sophomore. I had her for geometry. I was kind of lost and never really understood what she was talking about, so I had ask here, "Mrs. G, what are you taking ...
  • Failure By Procrastinating
    1,863 words
    Procrastination was my topic of choice for this research project. I have chosen this topic because my life style is based on the definition of procrastination. Procrastinate means "to defer action; delay: to procrastinate until an opportunity is lost" (Merriam Webster Dictionary, pg. 1147). Procrastination is almost everybody's non-favorite verb. As you read, you will notice spelling errors and comma splicing along with other common grammar errors within this report. This is to show you that pro...
  • My Math Teacher About My Problems
    634 words
    College Application If you ask me who the most influential person of my life Is, I wouldn't have to think about it twice. My English Teacher from my junior year in high school Is the most positive person I have ever known; her name? Is Mrs. Schoenbucher and she is encouraging, always Friendly, permanently offering help and always there For you when you need somebody to talk. You might ask What does that have to do with my college application? I have always been a really good pupil, always went t...
  • Learning Mathematics
    811 words
    To me, the skills you learn from mathematics are very useful in your every day life. It is a study that shows you step-by-step methods to solve any mathematical equation. To understand math not only do you need to know how to solve the problem step-by- step, but you also need to understand the reasons why you are solving it the way you are. Understanding math teaches you different ways to problem solve. With certain information you go about solving the problem in a certain way. Being a well-roun...
  • Labs In Physics Class
    648 words
    Throughout this year, I have greatly enjoyed doing labs in Physics class. Not only did I have fun while doing these labs, but also learned a lot from them. By doing these labs, the abstract concepts that I learned by reading the textbooks came alive; I was able to experience firsthand the wonder of physics. The lab that I enjoyed the most doing was the Egg Drop Lab. It is quite obvious why anyone would like doing this lab. It was very interesting trying to come up with the container that would k...

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