Medical Marijuana essay topics

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  • Use Of Marijuana
    624 words
    MEDICAL MARIJUANA Recently the dispute over the use of marijuana for medical purposes has grown a great deal. Marijuana is a very beneficial drug and could improve the lives of many very ill people. Marijuana should be legalized for medical use in the United States. This paper is based on the studies conducted by the IOM (Institute of Medicine) and will help to display the actual benefits of marijuana (Mack and Joy 5, 8). One of marijuana greatest benefits is its ability to increase the overall ...
  • Crude Marijuana As A Medical Drug
    1,606 words
    The question of marijuana being legalized for medical purposes has been a very controversial issue for a long time. It's been controversial for the reason of the bad track record that it has sustained over the years. Marijuana is considered to be a schedule one drug. This means that it has a high potential for abuse, lacks an acceptance for legal medical use, and is unsafe for use under medical supervision, as is clearly stated under the controlled substance act. Many individuals who are highly ...
  • Legalization Of Marijuana For Medicinal Purposes
    689 words
    Weeding Through the Debate: Should Medicinal Marijuana be Legal Legalize Marijuana for Medicinal Purposes The debate is hot. Each side has its argument and is ready to fire away with statistics and facts. Should marijuana be legalized for medicinal purposes Is marijuana actually safe for the body Can marijuana really help patients in need of a pain killer There are people who support the legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes, and there are those that are against it. But the fact is, t...
  • Marijuana As Medical Drug
    499 words
    Legalizing Marijuana The purpose of this paper is to discuss marijuana and compare both sides of the issue of legalizing marijuana. We have two opposite opinions fighting each other, those who are pro marijuana and those who are anti-marijuana. These two sides have been fighting on this issue for years. Pro marijuana legalization groups such as the Physician's Association for AIDS Care argue that marijuana should be legalized in order to treat terminally ill patients. Among them are AIDS victims...
  • Use Of Medical Marijuana Against Federal Laws
    815 words
    UP IN SMOKE Cannabis has been one of the most controversial and most misunderstood genus of the plant kingdom. Used for a number of things including clothing, paper, fuel, food, and medicine, marijuana seems to be a wonder crop. However in 1937 due to some of its medical and chemical properties, U.S. president Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Marijuana Traffic Act, outlawing the possession and sale of marijuana. Since then the majority of countries around the world have created similar laws. Why...
  • Opponents To Medical Marijuana
    1,294 words
    By: jim E-mail: Recently doctors have prescribed marijuana, and "the Clinton administration threatened to prosecute doctors who prescribe marijuana", (Gonnerman 40). Doctors are prescribing marijuana for its medical benefits. The Clinton administration on the other hand is outlawing marijuana because it has not been approved by the FDA. Since doctors feel marijuana has medical benefits it should be clinically tested so they can prescribe it for their patients. Marijuana can be used for many medi...
  • Ban On Medical Marijuana
    672 words
    Marijuana: A Horticultural Revolution, A Medical and Legal Battle For years there has been a wonder drug which has befriended countless sick patients in a number of countries. A relatively inexpensive drug that is not covered by health care plans which has aided the ill both mentally and physically -- marijuana. Significant scientific and medical studies have demonstrated that marijuana is safe for use under medical supervision and that the cannabis plant, in its natural form, has important ther...
  • Reduction Of Marijuana's Recreational Use
    1,670 words
    ... out enhancing my appetite" (Wesner). Attitudes toward the legal reform of cannabis was shown by strong support for the legalization of marijuana. Many felt that under a medical prescription, they would consider using it. One lady expressed her emotions by saying, "I feel in my heart that if this could help people like myself and my husband who have HIV, then it should by all means be legal for treatment only. We really must open our minds to what can be done for this disease" (Wesner). A tot...
  • First Written Record Of Medical Marijuana Use
    1,925 words
    Marijuana Legalization Marijuana is one of the most controversial drugs today. Everyone is talking about it, and the question everyone is asking is why is it not legal? Many studies have been done on this drug for medical uses. Also to find what harm it can do mentally and physically. Marijuana has many different parts that can be used for everything from a medication to a bed sheet. Many countries use marijuana everyday, they use it for medicine, textiles, religious aid, and recreational use. S...
  • Medical Usefulness Of Marijuana
    1,175 words
    THC (Cannabis) Between 1840 and 1900, European and American medical journals published more than 100 articles on the therapeutic use of the drug known then as Cannabis indica (or Indian hemp) and now as marijuana. It was recommended as an appetite stimulant, muscle relaxant, analgesic, hypnotic, . As late as 1913 Sir William Osler recommended it as the most satisfactory remedy for migraine headaches. Today the 5000-year medical history of cannabis has been almost forgotten. Its use declined in t...
  • Marijuana As A Medicine To Patients
    1,604 words
    About Medical Marijuana Marijuana is medicine. It has been used for thousands of years to treat a wide variety of ailments. Marijuana (Cannabis sativa L.) was legal in the United States for all purposes - industrial and recreational, as well as medicinal until 1937. Today, only eight Americans are legally allowed to use marijuana as medicine. NORML is working to restore marijuana's availability as medicine. Medicinal Value Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically acti...
  • Medical Legalization Of Marijuana
    2,238 words
    Should Marijuana be Legalized for Medical Purposes? Marijuana has been used extensively as a medical remedy for more than five thousand years. In the early 1900's, medical usage of marijuana began to decline with the advent of alternative drugs. Injectable opiates and synthetic drugs such as aspirin and barbiturates began to replace marijuana as the physician's drug of choice in the twentieth-century, as their results proved to be more consistent than the sometimes erratic effects of the hard-to...
  • Marijuana As A Safe And Effective Medicine
    549 words
    Medical Marijuana Marijuana, a drug that has been studied for many decades, provides for a very heated argument. No longer is it seen solely as a hallucinogen, but some claim that it is miracle drug for chemotherapy and glaucoma patients. However, no legitiment medical organizations, see marijuana as a safe and effective medicine. Society is also aware of the harmful and long-term effects of the drug, and therefore are strongly opposed to it's legalization. Marijuana should not be considered for...
  • Legalization Of Medical Marijuana
    919 words
    Medical Marijuana's Pros and Cons After having my interview with Dr. Lucido about his knowledge on medical marijuana I've noticed some pros and cons. After the interview I could really tell he has extensive knowledge about this topic. He really knew a lot of the details on marijuana, as I'm sure he does about everything he prescribes. He was aware that sometimes people take advantage of the health care system and get their hands on medical marijuana, but he stills stands up for its use in the me...
  • Marijuana With Aids Patients
    930 words
    Marijuana-for-AIDS Study The first domestic study of marijuana's effects on AIDS patients is expected to begin in May in San Francisco. While this preliminary study is designed to focus on whether marijuana is safe enough for AIDS patients to use, it is the first clinical trial in 15 years that would obtain any data whatsoever on marijuana's medical effectiveness. On September 18, 1997, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) announced that it would give Donald Abrams, M.D., a grant to study...
  • Aids Use Many Doctors
    556 words
    Fifteen years ago the word AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) was barely used in the United States. Today, it's on the cover of every newspaper, and parents and kids discuss it regularly in the household. It is no longer considered someone else's problem; it is now everyone's problem. Not a day goes by that a person doesn't worry about AIDS. The fear of AIDS is heightened only by the fact that there is no cure. People with AIDS must live with the fact that they are eventually going to di...
  • Pharmaco Wps Medical Technology Ethical Dilemma
    818 words
    The thesis of this 10 page paper is that there is a medical necessity for the legal use of marijuana. There is significant evidence that supports the benefits of THC, a chemical found in marijuana, is beneficial for sufferers of cancer, AIDS and glaucoma. Though THC is available in tablet form, many seriously ill patients cannot take the oral medication, and many complain that the pill is ineffective. If the use of marijuana can significantly reduce the suffering of severely ill individuals, it ...
  • Marijuana's Classification As A Schedule One Drug
    1,540 words
    Marijuana has become one of the most controversial drugs in America. Ever since its cultivation began around 1611, marijuana has puzzled people with its effects. Many question marijuana's classification as a schedule one drug. A schedule one drug is one that has a high potential for abuse and no medicinal value. Some argue that the war on drugs, in particular marijuana, has cost taxpayers billions and is wasting funds that could be used on more important tasks such as improving transportation or...
  • Use Of Marijuana By Patients
    524 words
    For years, there has been a controversy over the legalization of marijuana. Marijuana is a drug made from the top of hemp plants. In the United States, it is classified as a narcotic drug that has been illegal since 1937. Unlike most narcotics though, it does not cause a physical dependency or addiction. Intoxication May cause and of the following: giddiness, sedation, pleasant tranquility, mood changes, and altered sense of time space, and body dimensions. Such effects are desired my many and c...
  • Marijuana For Medical Purposes
    542 words
    The debate of the benefits of medical marijuana has become a worldwide issue. The United States, Canada, England, and Australia have on going clinical trials exploring the possible medical uses and benefits of marijuana. Does marijuana have significant medical uses and could it be beneficial, for those patients suffering from chronic pain and disease, if legalized for medical purpose? Marijuana has an extensive history of medical and practical uses, but also wide spread abuse. In China nearly 50...

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