Medicinal Use Of Marijuana essay topics

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  • Aids And Cancer Patients Use Marijuana
    1,402 words
    The Magical Green Herbs of Life Imagine this, you are a 70-year-old man / women lying in your deathbed. Your destiny is foreseeable, and you know you will soon die. All your life you have had to deal with the emotional pains of life, and now in the last few weeks of your life, you feel every part of your body aching, your AIDS has gotten worse, you hardly have enough energy to hold up your head. Alas, you realize there is an escape, that magical herb that puts the pain to sleep. Marijuana could ...
  • Aids Patients Marijuana
    1,080 words
    Should the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes be legalized? Wouldn't it be simple to provide a simple black or white answer to this question? Across the nation there is much debate on this very topic, one that I don't believe can be solved so easily with a yes or no. There are so many activists that have strong opinions on this subject and go to the fullest extent to ensure they are heard. As simple straight forward as this question is it was hard for me to determine which side of the line ...
  • Medicinal Use Of Marijuana
    1,724 words
    "Let me ask you something if you had a choice, what would it be: Marijuana or Martinis" This question appeared in the New York Times on Tuesday, May 12th, 1998. Due to the "Marijuana Tax Act" of 1937 the only legal choice that you and the 18 million other adults who used marijuana last year can make is the martini ("Against Drug Prohibition" ix). The legal acceptance of alcohol, however, does not exclude it from the category of a "drug", even in the eyes of the Food and Drug Administration. The ...
  • Illegal Drug Users Smoke Marijuana
    1,682 words
    The Argument Over the Decriminalization of Cannabis The majority of Americans choose the same issues as the most threatening to the nation. Invariably among these one will see "drugs" as a major concern of most Americans. There is speculation that this is due to a perceived association between drugs and crime (Inciardi 1). A good deal of the argument over government policy towards drugs centers on the least unhealthy and most socially accepted of the illegal drugs, marijuana. Marijuana, scientif...
  • Use Of Medicinal Marijuana
    674 words
    Aaron Lamb Professor Calabrese Hum 102029 November 2004 Legalization of Marijuana Imagine that your only father is lying in a hospital bed with one of the many life-threatening ailments. The disease has left him with nothing but agonizing pain and he only has a short time to live. Wouldn't you like to see him live the last weeks of his life not having to deal with the pain? Sure you would, however, this would only be possible by the use of a drug called marijuana. Cancer patients smoke marijuana...
  • Marijuana Use Isth At Drug
    1,075 words
    Should Marijuana be Legalised Marijuana should be legalised for a number of reasons. It is a relatively safe drug, in comparison to harder, more addictive drugs like heroin and cocaine. It is the most widely used drug, behind only alcohol and is even more popular than tobacco. Marijuana can have many positive effects on the body, such as relaxation and pain relief. The legalisation of marijuana would result in a decrease in crime and let police concentrate on more serious offences. The health an...
  • Marijuana As A Medicine To Patients
    1,604 words
    About Medical Marijuana Marijuana is medicine. It has been used for thousands of years to treat a wide variety of ailments. Marijuana (Cannabis sativa L.) was legal in the United States for all purposes - industrial and recreational, as well as medicinal until 1937. Today, only eight Americans are legally allowed to use marijuana as medicine. NORML is working to restore marijuana's availability as medicine. Medicinal Value Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically acti...
  • Marijuana And Combinations With Other Drugs
    4,391 words
    Americans have been trying to legalize marijuana for years. It seems that all of their opinions divide into three basic groups. Many think that it is not worth legalizing marijuana, many seem to think it should be legalized, and a group of people say it should only be legalized for medicinal purposes. In the following paragraphs I will try to show you reason for all three opinions. My hopes of doing this research project were to specifically determine what effects marijuana in combination with d...
  • Of The Effects Of Marijuana Use
    3,078 words
    Mary Jane "Legalization of Marijuana" For many years now there has been a constant argument over whether or not the medicinal uses of marijuana are enough to overlook the side effects of the drug and make it legal for medical use in the United States. To many people, when they think of the plant marijuana, technically known as Cannabis Sativa, or hear the phrase "legalization of marijuana", they tend to only think of the addict smoking it for a high and not the person using it as a medicine. How...
  • Use Of Marijuana For Medicinal Purposes
    2,517 words
    The medical community continues to expand our ability to handle life-threatening illnesses and prolong life. With that ability comes an extension of the treatments that patients must undergo. Many patients today refuse medical treatment that may save or prolong their life, out of a desire to avoid the unpleasant side affects associated with the treatment. In recent years it has been discovered that the use of Marijuana alleviates several symptoms associated with cancer and AIDS treatments and di...
  • Marijuana As A Medicinal Drug
    630 words
    Maggie Mercado English 1301 Professor Shade Anti- Marijuana Cheech and Chong had it all figured out; when all goes wrong hit the bong. What would it be like if weed was legal? Hippies would think they finally found their utopian paradise; a relaxed, mellow atmosphere with the scent of ganja in the air. Now back to reality. The legalization of marijuana brings up two main issues, those who are pro- marijuana and those who are anti- marijuana. Often times many people are deprived of the truth, and...

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