Mercury essay topics

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  • Mercury's Rotation Period
    591 words
    As you may already know Mercury is the first planet. Which makes it the closest to the sun. It is 57,900,000 km (36,000,000 mi.) Because Mercury is so close to the sun it has extreme temperature differences. Mercury's surface temperatures range from -180 C to 450 C (-290 F to 840 F). Temperatures that hot can melt iron, and other metals. The dramatic temperature difference on Mercury are not only because it is so close to the sun but, also by Mercury's surface features. The places that are the c...
  • Amount Of Mercury The Human Body
    598 words
    The article "Our Preferred Poison" in the March 2005 issue of Discover magazine brings up the issue dealing with mercury poisoning. The author, Karen Wright, writes, "Mercury is unimaginably toxic and dangerous. A single drop on a human hand can be irreversibly fatal. A single drop in a large lake can make all the fish in it unsafe to eat". This was the opening statement in the article which first grabbed my attention, because I had not thought mercury to be such a deadly substance. After all, i...
  • Good Use To Mercury
    351 words
    The Quicksilver Chemistry I October 25, 1996 One day an ancient alchemist was sitting at his and noticed a strange silvery liquid-like metal. He called several of his colleagues over to admire it. It was passed down through the years, this chemical reaction, that formed this " Quicksilver' as the alchemists called it. One day a French chemist Antoine Laurent Lavoisier tested and proclaimed it a metal. And he named it Mercury (Hg). With strong controversy from scientists around the world, Lavoisi...
  • Project Mercury Except Deke Slayton
    623 words
    Project Mercury Project Mercury, the first manned U.S. space project, became an official NASA program on October 7, 1958. The Mercury Program was given two main but broad objectives: 1. to investigate man's ability to survive and perform in the space environment and 2. to develop basic space technology and hardware for manned space flight programs to come. NASA also had to find astronauts to fly the spacecraft. In 1959 NASA asked the U.S. military for a list of their members who met certain qual...
  • Use Of Mercury In The Thermometer
    419 words
    Mercury Mercury is a metallic element that is a liquid at room temperature, its one of the transition elements. Mercury's atomic number is 80. It is superconductive when cooled to within a few degrees of absolute zero. Mercury was once known as liquid silver or quicksilver which was studied by the alchemists. Mercury was first distinguished as an element by the French chemist Antoine Laurent Lavoisier in his experiment on the composition of air. At room temperature mercury is a shining, moving l...
  • Surface Tension Of Water
    620 words
    Surface Tension My problem was to find out how to test or measure surface tension. I think the reason of some of the force in surface tension is cohesion and gravity. Surface Tension is the condition existing at the free surface of a liquid, resembling the properties of an elastic skin under tension. The tension is the result of intermolecular forces exerting an unbalanced inward pull on the individual surface molecules; this is reflected in the considerable curvature at those edges where the li...
  • Magnificent Planet Mercury
    2,059 words
    Mercury Report The magnificent planet Mercury is the planet I have chosen to research. I this report I have explained all there is to know about Mercury and its aura. The Romans gave Mercury its name after the fleet-footed messenger of the gods because it seemed to move quicker than any other planet. It is the closest planet to the Sun, and second smallest planet in the solar system. Its diameter is 40% smaller than Earth and 40% larger than the Moon. It is even smaller than Jupiter's moon Ganym...
  • Surface Of Mercury
    555 words
    Mercury Mercury is the eighth largest planet in our solar system, equaling roughly one-third of Earth's size. It is also the planet closest to the sun, and is often visible with binoculars, or even the naked eye. It's difficult to see in the twilight sky. One of Mercury's most distinguishable features is its rugged surface, which is similar to the surface of the Earth's moon. In Roman mythology, Mercury is the god of commerce and thievery. He is considered the Roman counterpart of the Greek god ...
  • Roles Of Mercury And Sosia
    1,048 words
    The play Amphitryon, by Plautus, revolves around a small circle of characters. The major roles in the play are those of Amphitryon, Jove, and Alcamena. Two slightly lesser roles, though of equal importance, are those of Mercury and Sosia. These two characters act as main intermediaries for their masters. This is one of the similarities I found in their roles. However, I also found many differences in these two characters. I believe the roles of Mercury and Sosia to both be important ones, with s...

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