Meursault's Trial essay topics

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  • Part II At Meursault's Own Trial
    974 words
    The Stranger by Albert Camus is a story of a sequence of events in one man's life that cause him to question the nature of the universe and his position in it. The book is written in two parts and each part seems to reflect in large degree the actions occurring in the other. There are curious parallels throughout the two parts that seem to indicate the emotional state of Meursault, the protagonist, and his view of the world. Meursault is a fairly average individual who is distinctive more in his...
  • Meursault's Rebellion Against The Expectations Of Society
    1,420 words
    Conflict in the Outsider A Man in Revolt The major source of conflict in the text, The Outsider written by Albert Camus, is ultimately Meursault's rebellion against the expectations of society. This conflict, caused be rebellion, controls the plot line of the text from the time of Meursault's mother's death and eventually leads him to his own death. Like Camus himself, Meursault was in love with the sun and the sea. His life was devoted to appreciating physical sensations. He is devoid of any em...
  • Manufactured Interpretation Of Meursault's Life
    1,004 words
    The Stranger - II Society has always been known to judge people based on their age, sex, appearance, culture and social status. In the second part of the novel "The Stranger" the narrative stile changes and we as the reader no longer see the story developing in front of us, but we read a case, a trial that already happened. Albert Camus is guiding us thru the trial and the state of the defendant with an objective narrative stile, allowing us to make out own opinions about Meursault's crime and t...
  • Mersault's Mothers Funeral Meursault
    1,477 words
    Topic: The Outsider is not about the murder of an Arab but about the inability of society to understand Mersault's Detachment In The Outsider, Meursault is ultimately punished not for the murder of the Arab, but for his lack of adherence to the social codes governing appropriate behavior after his mother's death. In this respect we can argue that Camus novel is not about the Arab's murder but it is about the inability of society to understand Meursault's detachment. The murder trial turns into a...
  • Meursault's Killing Of The Arab
    482 words
    Meursaults court-appointed lawyer informs him that the investigators checking into Meursault's private life have learned that Meursault was "insensitive" at Madame Meursaults funeral. Meursault explains that he probably did love his mother, but it didn't matter. The lawyer is clearly uncomfortable with Meursault's response. During the course of the eleven-month investigation that ensues, the magistrate takes to calling Meursault "Monsieur Antichrist" with an almost cordial air. Meursault's desir...
  • Meursault's Murder Of The Arab
    401 words
    Meursault, a young man living in Algiers, receives a report of his mother Madame Meursault's funeral. He attends her funeral, but he does not show any outward signs of appropriate grief. He returns to his home and immediately begins an affair with Marie Cardona, a former co-worker. After the weekend ends, he concludes that his mother's death has changed nothing. The banal rhythm of a Sunday afternoon remains exactly the same as it was before. He strikes up an acquaintance with Raymond Sites, a l...

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