Microsoft Windows essay topics

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  • Netscape And Microsoft's Internet Explorer
    682 words
    By now everyone is familiar with the case U.S. vs. Microsoft. What is all this about According to my two articles, Microsoft, the world's leading software company, is being sued by the Justice Department joined by 19 states. As we all know, Microsoft dominates the personal computer's operating system. Almost every computer in schools, libraries, offices, and home is equipped with either Windows 3. X, Windows 95, or 98. As far as browsing the web, there are three major browsers: AOL, Netscape and...
  • Their Internet Browser In Windows Although Microsoft
    685 words
    As this paper is written there is a landmark court case proceeding in Washington in front of a federal judge. This case involves the charging of the Microsoft Corporation for violating antitrust laws set up by the government to preserve market competition. A general overview of the accusations brought against Microsoft by the Justice Department was given by Hayes in the Scholastic Update article The U.S. versus Microsoft (1999). This article explains why the federal government is suing Microsoft...
  • Position In The Market Microsoft
    1,903 words
    Monopoly and Microsoft Webster's dictionary defines monopoly as exclusive ownership through legal privilege, command of supply, or concerted action; exclusive possession or control; a commodity controlled by one party. In other words, through a variety of means, a producer may obtain sole or near sole control of a market. Through the control of the market, a monopoly restricts production, raises prices above fair market value, and prevents markets from efficient use of resources. This is accompl...
  • Lindows Com
    282 words
    OS upstart can continue operating under its current name until April, when the two companies go to trial. By Tony KontzerLindows. com Inc. posted its latest courtroom win over Microsoft this week. It's the second setback in Microsoft's attempt to prove that the Lindows name infringes on its Windows trademark. A U.S. District Court judge rejected Microsoft's appeal of a decision in March to deny an injunction request that would have prevented Lindows from doing business under its current name. In...
  • Microsoft Corporation Antitrust Lawsuits
    1,384 words
    Anti-trust Acts in the Information Age As many people have noticed, recently there has been a huge focus in the media on Bill Gates, and his huge Microsoft Corporation. This past Friday, May 22, 1998, a federal judge combined two lawsuits and set a trial date for September 8, 1998. This trial date will address a government request for a preliminary injunction concerning Windows 98 as well as broader issues. The Sherman Anti-trust Act was passed in 1890. Then in 1914 the Clayton Act was passed to...
  • Danger Of Microsoft To Its Competitors
    1,276 words
    How Far Will Microsoft Get? The first question that we must ask is, "How dangerous is Microsoft?" There are two chief groups as the objects of that question - that of Microsoft's product consumers and that of Microsoft's competitors. A distinction must be made between the two when answering such a question due to the extreme differences between both. Whether a decision or action made by Microsoft is beneficial or not to one of the two does not mean that it's true for the other. Often times the o...
  • Microsoft Windows 3 1
    479 words
    Microsoft Product Support Services Application Note (Text File) WW 0548: WIN 87 EM. DLL PATCH FOR INTEL 80387 Revision Date: 5/92 Disk Included The following information applies to Microsoft Windows 3.1. INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT AND ANY SOFTWARE THAT MAY || ACCOMPANY THIS DOCUMENT (collectively referred to as an || Application Note) IS PROVIDED 'AS IS' WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY || KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO || THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL...
  • Browser Microsoft
    847 words
    Many have asked the question of whether Microsoft has turned into a monopoly of the high technology and software industry. This question is an easy one to answer, yes it is. Over the years, Microsoft has used its wealth and influence over the software industry to pull away from the competition by threatening competitors of withdrawing contracts and software deals. This is how Microsoft has grown to become a modern monopoly. Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson presided over the case and at the end of a...
  • 1991 Microsoft And Ibm
    785 words
    History of Microsoft My research paper is going to be on whether or not Microsoft should be broken up by the Justice Department. In order to understand what is going on in the trial, you need to know the history of Microsoft. Without knowing the history of Microsoft, there would be no way of forming an accurate opinion of whether Microsoft should be broken up or not. Microsoft first came into existence in 1975 and was founded by William H. Gates (Bill Gates) and Paul Allen. The first product tha...
  • Most Successful And Influential Software Company
    286 words
    (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA, web) The most successful and influential software company. Microsoft's software and Intel's hardware pioneered the PC and revolutionized the computer industry. Founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen, its Windows operating systems are the de facto standards on the desktop and major contenders in the server arena. Microsoft Office is the most successful application suite in history. The company also has a thriving business in programming languages, which ...
  • Operating System For Ibm's Pc
    430 words
    Computers have come a long way in the last 40 years. From the room-filling machines of the 60's to the relatively tiny, sleek ATX form factor. The main reason for this achievement to be possible is the advent of the microprocessor made by IBM. This company had revolutionized the world of personal computer and fabricated the groundwork for the modern day PC. In the late 70's, IBM was looking for someone to program an operating system for the revolutionary PC. They looked to one man by the name of...
  • Base Of The Microsoft It Certification Track
    617 words
    Microsoft IT Certification Tracks Introduction: The Microsoft IT 1 certification tracks, is a complete program that provides students with the Internet technology skills essential in a universal economy. Microsoft Certifications delivers class-based learning, online examinations, student follow ups, labs, instructor training and support. Launched in 1995 in the USA, the Microsoft Certifications spread to more than 200 countries and all over the United States and Canada. Over 1.000. 000 students ...
  • Microsoft's Share Of The Market For Intel
    1,047 words
    Viewed together, three main facts indicate that Microsoft enjoys monopoly power. First, Microsoft's share of the market for Intel-compatible Personal Computer (PC) operating systems is extremely large and stable. Second, Microsoft's dominant market share is protected by a high barrier to entry. Third, and largely as a result of that barrier, Microsoft's customers lack a commercially viable alternative to Windows, the operating system of all PC's. Microsoft enjoys so much power in the market for ...
  • Development In The Communication Technology
    362 words
    The opening up windows-based technologies has resulted in new vistas of opportunities. Is this technology is going to revolution alize as windows did it one decade ago. What the new technology is going to bring? What are all its advantages? What are all the likely disadvantages of the Windows vistas? Windows is one of the enthusing technologies that is paving new and encouraging vistas of business via bilities. But despite its assurance, it is misconstrued by many, disheartened by some and even ...
  • Compaq's Dependence On The Microsoft Windows Program
    1,260 words
    The Microsoft Dilemma During the early 1980's, a Seattle based company named Microsoft began it's business campaign. Lead by a young computer programmer, Bill Gates, Microsoft would soon become the largest computer software maker in the world. This title did not come without a heavy price. Many of the corporations that contributed to Microsoft's domination of the software market are now filing lawsuits claiming unfair business practices. Besides these corporations, the U.S. government and 20 oth...
  • Microsoft's Monopoly Power
    1,175 words
    The Microsoft Antitrust Case The case against Microsoft was brought buy the U.S. Department of Justice, as well as several state Attorneys General. Microsoft is accused of using and maintaining monopoly power to gain an unfair advantage in the market. The case has been under observation for a long time, but the Justice department is having trouble coming up with substantial evidence against Microsoft. Specifically, the Department must prove: That Microsoft has monopoly power and is using it to g...
  • It Professionals On Use Of Microsoft's Products
    453 words
    Course #: CIS 240-W 1 Assignment #: Microsoft Certifications Email: Technology is changing at an unprecedented pace and organizations struggle to stay abreast of it all. Organizations need to find and hire people that understand technology well and can put it to use for the organization's benefit. However, the problem most organizations face is to find the right people for this job. To alleviate this program, many companies have introduced certification programs for their products. For networkin...
  • High Requirement For The Pc's Hardware Components
    1,280 words
    1. Introduction: This report describes hot to purchase a computer for each different customer to meet different requirements. It will describe how to purchase a computer step by step from the original plan. This report will discuss three different customers option their owner computers. Computer hardware components based on the software packages, in order to get high function suited to personal requirements while using their budget. Customers 1: Lorissa 3.1 Identify all software packages Because...
  • Bill Gates And Microsoft
    973 words
    A Comparison And Contrast Of Microsoft vs. A Comparison And Contrast Of Microsoft vs. The Department Of Justice It is my intent to assess the Anti-Trust lawsuit brought against Bill Gates and Microsoft... Essentially, Bill Gates position is that the government has no case against him, and he assumes a correct moral and legal posture. A key concern for government lawyers is Microsoft's ability to bundle additional functions into the Windows start-up menu, such as the Internet Explorer browser tha...
  • Ms Dos And Microsoft's Other Operating Systems
    758 words
    Anti-Trust Case Against Microsoft Anti-Trust Case Against Microsoft Essay, Research Paper A battle is raging in the United States Courts with the Microsoft Corporation. The federal government maintains that Microsoft's monopolistic practices are harmful to United States citizens creating higher prices and potentially downgrading software quality and should be stopped while Microsoft and its supporters claim that they are not breaking any laws and are just doing good business. Microsoft's antitru...

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