Military Combat essay topics

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  • Combat Positions
    733 words
    The idea of women in combat is not unusual anymore. They should be able to hold combat positions physical strength matters, the military still needs the intelligence that women can bring. Also, banning women from the combat hurts their military careers. Although women account for only ten percent of the enlisted personnel (Time, 8/21/95/ Pg. 31), the yare still a major part in the armed forces. Their performance recently has generated support from Congress and the public for enhancing the role o...
  • Jessica Lynch
    1,396 words
    "I'm an American soldier too " Can a woman handle fighting in combat? Should women be able to come face to face with the enemy? Will women be able to control their emotions and take the horror that war inflicts? Should women be grateful that they are not included in such a terrible thing as combat, or is it wrong to exclude them just because they are women? I say if a woman chooses this kind of challenge, then she is more than capable. During the daring rescue of prisoner of war Jessica Lynch fr...
  • Women In Combat Roles In The Military
    3,534 words
    Women in the United States have long fought for the right to be included in many facets of society such as the right to vote to breaking into professions like the medical field and getting females elected to major government offices. But one of the most intriguing questions of integration has yet to be fully answered. Apart from all others is the battle to allow women the right, the honor, and the privilege of serving and defending their country as part of the United States Armed Forces. Being i...
  • Occupational Hazard For Combat Pilots
    819 words
    GI Jane In today's society, with affirmative action full out in most industries and businesses, and the equal rights movement having made great progress; there is finally a snag in the nylons of woman activists. The question of whether women should have to serve in combat is upon us. And I am all to happy to give my whole hearted no. If you have kept up with the news in recent years, women have been fighting their way into the top military academies, the Citadel being the most recent case. These...
  • Combat During A War
    670 words
    Throughout the history of the United States of America, Civil Rights have expanded to include everyone. Many activists have fought for rights, setting precedents to be followed. In 1920, the 19th Amendment granted suffrage to women. Since then, women have been gradually stepping up on the ladder of success. Everyday more and more opportunities are opening themselves up for women. Because of these changes, we have had to add unheard of words such as congresswoman, policewoman, etc. to the diction...
  • Combat Roles
    1,333 words
    Women in Combat Women have played a tremendous roll in many countries armed forces from the past to the present. Women have thoroughly integrated into the armed forces; all positions in the armed forces should be fully accessible to women who can compete with men intellectually and physically. Yet, many argue that the distinction between combat and non-combat becomes blurred in the context of women warfare (Ladin; Holm, Hoar). In actuality, many women are assigned to jobs that will expose them t...
  • Physical Standards For Combat
    1,036 words
    Women have been compared to the frailty and beauty of ripe apricots in modern poetry; the reference could be construed as sexual. However, in spite of their frailty and beauty, women have served in combat positions in one capacity or another since the beginning of the United States, long before the establishment of the Army Nurse Corps in 1901. Many women willingly entered the pits of battle, disguised as men and using male names in past wars. With growing numbers of women in the military and th...
  • Military Jobs For Women Including Some Combat
    1,364 words
    Women in the Military Before World War I, women assisted the military during wartime mainly as nurses and helpers. Some women, however, did become involved in battles. Molly Pitcher, a Revolutionary War water carrier, singlehanded ly kept a cannon in action after a artillery crew had been disabled. During the Revolutionary and the Civil War, a few women disguised themselves as men and took part in hand-to-hand combat. The first enlisted women served in World War I as telephone and radio operator...
  • Front Lines Of Combat
    1,161 words
    Women in Front Line Combat When it comes to combat assignments and the needs of the military, men take precedence over all other considerations, including career prospects of female service members. Female military members have been encouraged to pursue opportunities and career enhancement within the armed forces, which limit them only to the needs and good of the service due to women being not as "similarly situated" as their male counterparts when it comes to strength or aggressiveness, and ar...
  • Physical Strength Infantry Units
    1,353 words
    Some people believe that for men and women to be equal they have to be the same. Regardless of tradition, strengths, weaknesses, and honor we to be somehow pushed into the mold of sameness. Part of that effort is for some to claim that women have to be allowed into active combat roles. In this paper I m going to discuss some of the attributes of this idea. Living in the here and now. What does it mean to do so Life in general has proven to be a game of which domino falls first. Because everybody...
  • Certain Combat Duties
    1,451 words
    "In my 22 years of active duty, I have survived two military plane crashes; rescued a sergeant from drowning; helped remove dead bodies from the flight line after an RB-47 crash; disarmed a knife-wielding troop in a barracks brawl; disabled and removed a would-be rapist from my squadron's barracks; thwarted two bloody suicide attempts; and performed many casualty and mortuary duties too gruesome to mention". - Captain Barbara A. Wilson, USAF (Ret) (Wilson). Would you believe that this military o...
  • Question Of Female Prisoners Of War
    609 words
    "You throw like a girl!" So, what exactly does this imply? In the year 2003, humanity still battles prejudice. The role of women seems dynamic in regard to the past two hundred years of history. So were women meant for certain roles in society? This age old question is entirely too broad to be answered completely. One question that does appear time and again, is the question of women in combat. Should our women be able to serve in combat? Lets take a look at the history of women in the military,...
  • Enlist In The Military
    2,034 words
    America's Military For decades, America's Military Essay, Research Paper For decades, America's military, and it's citizens, have been grappling with a very important decision: should women be allowed to serve in combat? This issue has been in the media since I was in elementary school, and so far there is no end in sight. Although there are many advocator's for allowing women to fight in the military conflicts, such as liberal feminists and equal rights activists, there is a great number of peo...

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