Mind essay topics

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  • Seat Of Action For The Subconscious Mind
    978 words
    This book report will be a little unorthodox for me - not because of the book, but because I am not taking the time to write as I usually would if I have more time and resources at my disposal. I am hopeful that it will not be too low below my normal standards. The exercise of thinking and growing rich is not a process f making enough money to pay your bills or buy a nice car. It's a process of becoming wildly rich where money flows in abundance. The story of Edwin Barnes' quest to go into busin...
  • Mary Astell's Ideal Place
    298 words
    Mary Astell's From A Serious Proposal to the Ladies Discussion Question: Why did Mary Astell suggest such extreme solutions as a learning environment for woman, and is it necessary? In Mary Astell's From A Serious Proposal to the Ladies is a plea for intellectual equality among the sexes. The author was tired of the oppressive nature of man, which kept her and her sisters from developing their minds. She felt that females back then should have the same rights as women have achieved through the C...
  • Problem Lies With The Stress Of Eating
    777 words
    Your Not Fat, Just Big Boned. Many people have heard the terms your not fat, just big boned, well nourished, or perhaps husky. Well, as somebody of my generation might say "WHATEVER". Face it America were fat. I am talking about fat, the spare tire syndrome, or however you would like phrase it, but were still fat. We are all looking for a good get thin quite steam, you know the one that takes no effect, and possible enjoyable. Then, again I'm afraid to disappoint you, there is not, nor will ther...
  • Everyday Life In A Concentration Camp
    802 words
    Man's Search for Meaning is a relatively short but powerful novel about an experience through a concentration camp from the eyes of psychologist and author, Victor E. Frankl. "I had wanted simply to convey to the reader by way of a concrete example that life holds a potential meaning under any condition, even the most miserable ones". (Victor Frankel). The first half of the book takes place in concentration camps throughout Europe, including the legendary Auschwitz. In his account of the camps, ...
  • Use Of The Reactive Mind
    1,405 words
    Scientology is a fairly new religion. Founded in the twentieth-century by a man by the name of L. Ron Hubbard. He began his studies long ago and wrote a book in 1950 called Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. He claimed that this book was one of the first tools used to solve the problems of the mind. This book focused on irrational mind, war, crime, and insanity. Mr. Hubbard designed this book so that anyone can use it to improve oneself. He did not stop at Dianetics, however, he fel...
  • Free Thinking And Open Mind
    536 words
    Societal Conditioning According to "Self-Reliance", an essay by Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Society everywhere is in conspiracy against the manhood of every one of its members", and. ".. you will always find those who think they know what is your duty better than you know it". Emerson obviously understood the workings of human society quite well. He says that society works to destroy the "manhood " of its members. This "manhood" could be a number of things, but any interpretation, directly or indirect...
  • Realness Of The Situation With His Mind
    1,157 words
    This can't be happening thought Bill. Man I'm in so much trouble, there's no way I can get out of it. I'm stuck. Bill had just wrecked his parent's BMW in an accident, and they had no idea that the expensive car was even missing from the garage. And a terrible thing had happened as a result of the crash. A young woman lay dead in the passenger side of the vehicle, swarmed by medics. Bill had escaped injury, but as his body was still at the crash site, his mind wasn't. He was in total shock at wh...
  • Moments In My Mind
    382 words
    It is that time again; the 22nd annual "End of Summer Bash" held by the Donohue's - my Mother's LARGE Irish family. As usual it is the 3rd weekend of September & I'm sure that this year's picnic is by far the most perfect one we " ve ever had. We all know what is on our minds but today isn't about that, it is about US. The heat of the sun is still strong enough to warm the wind yet there is just enough of a coolness in the breeze to remind us what we are celebrating. That very breeze carries the...
  • Person Of Narrow Mind
    519 words
    In the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, narrow-minded is defined as lacking in tolerance or breadth of vision. A narrow-minded person can be considered as marked by or reflective of narrow interests, sympathies, and / or outlooks. However, the previous consideration is a somewhat broad assumption. Even though a person is of narrow-mind, does not necessarily mean they have few interests and outlooks. Definitely though, one who is narrow-minded should not be considered open-minded, but should not be co...
  • Swedenborg's Reported Vision Ofthe Stockholm Fire
    2,153 words
    10 Extra Sensory Perception In the world of everyday existence, the five senses reign, but their powers are sharply limited. We perceive the universe in glimpses through narrow portals, acquiring our knowledge by sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. But what if knowledge has wider gateways and thresholds What if, beyond vision, humans have another way of seeing (Brill, Dr. A.A. p 3+) From all over the world, from the beginning of time, some people have been called gifted with what is known a...
  • E Empowered Indie Musicians
    464 words
    I heard the term 'indie' bounced around a lot these days and I wonder what the definition of indie is. I think of it as a reference to a musician, small record label or film company without an affiliation with a major corporation. I read this article by Bob Baker, the author of 'Branding Yourself Online: How to Use the Internet to Become a Celebrity or Expert in Your Field' and the 'Guerrilla Music Marketing Handbook. ' He defines I-N-D-I-E as: I - Inspired He said to embrace the indie frame of ...
  • The Memories Of The Millennium Force
    719 words
    Millennium Force The ear piercing noises that I heard reminded me of hearing Jamie Lee Curtis shriek at the sign of Michael Myers in Halloween. I quickly realized that I was not in the theatre, but rather in the midst of the world's largest theme park, standing next to the tallest rollercoaster ever constructed. As I made sure that my jaw was still attached and not scraping the ground, I stared with awe at this massive tangled array of steel which brought together the Millennium Force. Heard abo...
  • Beginning An Intellectually Healthy Life
    778 words
    Intellectual health comes from mental stimulation and what we get out of our work, school and other hobbies that we take part of. To begin an intellectually healthy life we must first have the desire to learn more and have an overall interest in what is going on around us. Every human being has the desire to know, but what's more important is how we go about that. At a young age school teaches us that we must gain all the knowledge we can in order to be successful, therefore making school the fi...
  • Toth And Ephron
    517 words
    Toth and Ephron might have been born around the same time, but did not share the same views for the most part about adolescents. Ephron had a very mentally troubled adolescents while, Toth account of her adolescents was very cut and dry. Ephron wrote about her whole life mostly from age 10 to her present age. The writers didnt have much similarities, except that they both grew up in the same time and that they both had boyfriends that didnt really respect. They both drove in their boyfriends car...
  • Vulgar Fanatics
    1,497 words
    "The Puritans". 1 We would speak first of the Puritans, the most remarkable body of men, perhaps, which the world has ever produced. The odious and ridiculous parts of their character lie on the surface. He that runs may read them; nor have there been wanting attentive and malicious observers to point them out. For many years after the Restoration, they were the theme of unmeasured invective and derision. They were exposed to the utmost licentiousness of the press and of the stage, at the time w...
  • Back Of My Mind
    551 words
    Overcoming "Hurdles" Nervousness! The one feeling our bodies never seem to hide. For some people, they have to be faced with a great challenge to experience this. While for others, just standing in front of a class size full of people like myself can be very nerve wrecking. I have a short story to share about a moment in time when I felt this feeling of apprehension the most. A freshman, yes that's what I was. My first home track meet of my high school career. Today was a fairly warm spring day....

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