Mind Control essay topics

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  • Contactee's Presence
    4,513 words
    Interview with an Alien Ida Kannenberg, an elderly lady, lives in Hillsboro, Oregon, where she and her husband own and operate a successful antique shop. Although she is now nearly [eighty], she continues to travel all over the world searching out and buying antiques for their shop. She is highly energetic, well- educated, and interested in a wide variety of subjects. Mrs. Kannenberg's first physical UFO encounter took place in 1940, during a night when she was out on the desert. At first she wa...
  • Learning About The Lead Shelley
    748 words
    Kelli GregorczykEnglish 1302 Mrs. McGinty Euphoria Glengarry Glen Ross is a movie based on the award winning play by David Mamet dealing with the corrupt world of real estate salesmen in hot pursuit of closing their next big deal in hopes of obtaining the American Dream. The desire for the next big lead or prospect as it is called in the real estate world causes the salesman to act out in a foolish and oftentimes violent manner. The behavior the salesmen demonstrate when a lead is unavailable ca...
  • Control Over A Human's Physical Behaviour
    2,902 words
    ISU Essay Rough Draft Natural human behaviour is built on the premise of freedom; freedom of thought and action that give the human race limitless capabilities. For the most part, human behaviour and thought are very spontaneous in nature and do not follow a step by step or calculated process. Nor, can the actions of humans be easily predicted... The freedom inherent in humans is undeniable. Human beings work in a way completely opposite to machines and computers. Machines have no freedom to thi...
  • Complete Control Over The People's Minds
    838 words
    Humankind has always had a thirst for power; over its peers, environment and spiritual beliefs. To quench this thirst it has gone as far as genocide; but has often employed more subtle techniques, such as mind control. In today's socio-economical and political worlds, mind control plays a key role in dictating tastes and lifestyles; as well as controlling political thoughts, views, and people's understanding of the world. It is accomplished using various channels to condition people's thinking. ...
  • Coercive Mind Control And The Different Tactics
    1,778 words
    The first question i'm going to ask is. Is there really such a thing a "brainwashing", or "mind control" What kind of person is susceptible What exactly is a "cult" and how are followers controlled How can one recognize an organization that engages in such practices, and should such organization be held responsible for the damage intentional manipulation can cause I personally think if the brainwashing and mind control are for an improper use they should be held responsible, which most of these ...
  • Party Of The Novel 1984
    733 words
    Renee Brin do-Vas Period 6 / March 8,200 AP English The Normality of Mind Control Mind control is more common then many people think. Take Television, for instance. Most people won't admit that commercials and TV shows influence them, but of course they do. People buy cars, peanut butter, and soda because of the advertising they see in newspapers adds, magazines, and billboards. Many people don't realize that the information they receive is chosen by someone else. Someone else controls how much ...
  • Powerful Forms Of Control
    660 words
    Soma and orgy-porgies, sex hormone chewing gum and erotic play among children-all of these things further the power of the centralized world government in Brave New World. In a civilization that is without disease, old age, and all negative emotions, the people are forced to pay a price without even realizing it. That great price is their freedom. With mass consumption as a diversion, the New World quickly forgets the advantages of true independence. In the futur ized novel by Al duos Huxley, co...
  • Foucault's View
    655 words
    As if writing a trailer for a bad slasher movie, Michel Foucault opens his treatise on punishment with a gruesome account of the apparently inhumane execution of the regicide D amiens in 1757. I say "apparently inhumane" because Foucault appears to believe that elimination of death by torture in favor of incarceration is no improvement. Although Mr. Foucault's very complex book discusses "reforms" in punishment systems beginning in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, it is eviden...
  • Control Of The Human Mind
    1,816 words
    A Mind Is The Slave Of Passion Mind Is The Slave Of Passion Through Its Own Choice While he may best be remembered for his classic autobiography Confessions, St. Augustine was also the author of The Problem of Free Choice, which raises many questions and provides answers for a plethora of questions regarding human life and the ability to think. He titles one of the sections of his book? A Mind is the Slave of Passion Through its Own Choice? (MS). In this section, he reveals many interesting thou...

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