Minority Rights essay topics

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  • Rights For The Ethnic Hungarian Minorities
    5,785 words
    Since the 17th and 18th centuries, the Carpathian Basin has become one of the most diverse and conflict-ridden macro regions of Europe from both an ethnic and religious perspective. After the fall of the communism the newly emerged democratic states had to face the problem of the minorities. National minorities reacted in a self-defensive way, by re organising and establishing their cultural and political organisations and parties. This established the core for both ethnic tensions and inter-sta...
  • Right To Equal Treatment With Group
    1,723 words
    Are differentiating measures justified in the name of a group right or interest or should they be condemned as violating the rights of individuals to equal treatment? It has been argued that differentiating measures that grant rights exclusively to groups are unjust as they trespass on the individual's fundamental right to equal treatment. This essay seeks to prove that when applied in a fair manner group rights can enhance the equality of treatment received by the individual. The notion that eq...
  • Rights Of National Minorities
    1,492 words
    To what extent should governments protect minority rights On December 10, 1948 one of the most important declarations ever pronounced came about in Paris, France. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by members of the United Nations in order to set a standard for governments around the globe to strive for. This manifesto laid the groundwork for equality, freedom, justice, and peace throughout the world today. It declared that no matter what your color, sex, religion, ethnic back...
  • Protection Of Minority Rights
    1,753 words
    Minority: A racial, religious, or other group regarded as being different from the larger group of which it is part (Webster's Dictionary). Should the majority, defined only as the larger of the smaller, be given more rights to government concerns than minorities Should size govern the decisions of the nation Some individuals believe that the desires of the majority are more important than the protection of minority rights. Others believe that minority rights must be protected at all costs to en...
  • Minor Over Several Years To Oxford
    1,018 words
    The Professor and the Madman, written by Simon Winchester, is a biography about the making of the Oxford English Dictionary. Winchester, who is an author, journalist, broadcaster and foreign correspondent, has written for many magazines and newspapers distributed worldwide. In an interview between Winchester and a host of C-SPAN, Winchester was asked where the idea for the book came, he replies Well, it came to me in a rather bizarre way. I was reading a book on lexicography in the bath one morn...
  • Far In The Protection Of Minority Rights
    2,902 words
    Freedom means diversity. This simple truth is nowhere more evident, and more relevant, than with the peoples and countries that constitute today's global society. None of these is homologous in ethnic, cultural, or religious terms. Globalization and the increasing movement of people across borders threatens to kill off the 'nation's tate once and for all. However, the dominant or majority cultures in countries around the world seek to impose their identity on other groups with whom they share a ...

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