Money And Riches essay topics

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  • Money And Riches
    1,391 words
    People live life wanting everything they can't afford. Millions of Americans idealize famous movie actors and musicians, and wish to aspire to that degree of wealth. Many people are envious of such billionaires as Bill Gates, and tell themselves they could have done that. Everyone wants to be rich. They feel that if they had all the money they wanted, they could truly be happy. The truth is that money and riches really don't bring anyone an unsurpassable or measureless amount of happiness. For e...
  • End Of The Book Myrtle
    434 words
    The Great Gatsby could be described as a book about the complicated lives of aimless people. The character Myrtle was so obsessed with money and reaching the American dream that it ended up destroying her. Through wrecking her marriage, staying in an abusive relationship and overall greed for money, her death was inevitable. Myrtle was extremely greedy and through coveting the rich began to destroy her marriage. She spoke to her friends telling them; I only married him (Wilson) because I thought...
  • Second Lesson Rich Dad
    680 words
    A true tale of two dads, one dad is a highly educated professor, the other, an eighth grade dropout. The educated dad left his family with nothing, except a few unpaid bills. The dropout later became one of Hawaii's richest men and left his son a fortune. The educated dad would say, "I can't afford it" while the other, asked, "How can I afford it?" Rich dad teaches the boys priceless lessons on money, by making them learn through experience. The most important lesson he teaches is to free yourse...
  • Francis And San Damiano
    1,100 words
    Francis of Assisi - " Brother Son Sister Moon" Ben Ngkaion per: a 2/26/97 Crisis and conversion: While Francis is sick and dreaming, he has images of nature which represent the happiness and peacefulness. He also has images of war which help him understand that it isn't the greatest thing neither is it the most honorable. Francis has many great conflicts with his father. Francis' father is very materialistic and possessive. Francis' father did not honorably earn the money, he bought the "loot" f...
  • Old Rich People
    720 words
    Within the veins of every American flows the undeniable drive to succeed. This power creates rich from poor, turns struggles into money and ultimately opens the window for all peoples to better themselves. Although the American dream still converts dirt into gold today, views on this leap to greatness have changed moderately since the 1920's. In the beginning America was new and undiscovered. There were resources just waiting to be taken hold of in order to attain great riches and with this came...
  • Selfish Rich People
    584 words
    Carnegie's philosophy in his Gospel of Wealth is that if the rich were to set an example to the poor then maybe they will fallow. He also says that the rich should live modestly and shun extravagance. He goes on to say that if a man gives charity for personal satisfaction is one of the most selfish actions of his life. Carnegie say that he wealthy need to give back to the community by giving them parks and works of art to do them lasting good. He finishes by saying that if you die a rich man and...
  • Happy And The Ones With Money
    2,902 words
    Through the study of two of American literature's classics, F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, and Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire, the decline of the American Dream is evident. Fitzgerald uses the East and West to compare the moral decline of each, while Williams uses the Old South and the New South to distinguish the differences in morality. The American Dream is just that, a dream. A long-lost hope based on the idea that anyone can succeed in America. The phrases, "from rags...
  • Seth With Money And Business
    894 words
    Boiler Room takes place in modern day New York. The main character Seth Davis is running a successful underground casino from his apartment for friends and local students after dropping out of college himself. He is very ambitious and street smart but has a low self-esteem from being belittled by his father his entire life. One night he is visited by an old friend Adam (class clown of the group "big bird mode") who introduces Seth to Greg, a conservative rich stockbroker who intimidates Seth wit...
  • Contradictions About Carnegie
    1,368 words
    Andrew Carnegie was a man of contradiction. Throughout his life his actions and beliefs were often contradictory. A lot of this contradiction had to do with his economic and social philosophy which was that the rich were meant to be rich and the poor were meant to be poor. This was what he believed as an adult and it was how he ran his business empire. However, he had been the poorest of the poor when he was a kid, but then he became the richest man in the world at one point. So Carnegie contrad...
  • Green Light In The Great Gatsby
    1,043 words
    New York City: a place of wonder that people visit just to see anything and everything on any and every day of the week. In our times in New York City a person relieving themselves on the sidewalk or someone stumbling around drunk are both observed and during the 1920's a person could witness the same. During his life as a rich man F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote powerful encounters about life during the 1920's in New York City. His most famous novel, The Great Gatsby is full of symbolism which makes ...
  • Tod Clifton's Dancing Sambo Dolls
    2,527 words
    The American Dream is different for everyone, though it is most commonly associated with success, freedom, and happiness. The concept of the American Dream seems to have dwindled from where it was in the past few generations. It has gone from success, freedom, and happiness to having lots of money and the nicest possessions. It has been said that Americans are no longer trying to keep up with the Joneses, and instead looking at celebrities and the characters they portray in films or on televisio...

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