Moore's Movie essay topics

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  • Moore's Movie
    1,208 words
    The title of 'Fahrenheit 9/11' is a play on the title of the famous Ray Bradbury novel, 'Fahrenheit 451' in which society has been transformed into an authoritarian, repressive regime, in which subversive ideas are crimes and books are burned. In the book, a lonely protagonist is awakened to this reality and joins the struggle to keep underground dissidence alive. In Michael Moore's movie, he leads an above-ground assault on the Bush Presidency, questioning his legitimacy, his character, abiliti...
  • We Were Soldiers
    1,157 words
    I will Leave No One Behind Extended Essay of We Were Soldiers The Vietnam War was a nightmare for many soldiers. It re-defined the meaning of war to an entire generation. As the conflict grew it became known around the world that this was a war that could not be won. After this was realized by America the main focus became to 'get out' instead of 'getting a victory'. In the 2002 film We Were Soldiers, directed by Randall Wallace, a true account of the first major battle in Vietnam is given. At t...
  • Moore's Film
    1,972 words
    Fair? enh eit 9/11 It was a typical Saturday at Florida State University. The Notes has defeated, pretty decisively, UNC and the people were conducting normal activities. However, this Saturday was different in the fact that Academy Award winner Michael Moore was to speak to students at the Ruby Diamond auditorium about the upcoming 2004 presidential election. I had received my ticket from the College Democrats, who had arranged for their group to have block seating. During the event itself, whi...
  • Bowling For Columbine
    659 words
    In "Bowling for Columbine", writer-director (and often provocateur) Michael Moore travels North America in search of an answer to a genuine puzzler: Why does the United States lead the world in gun-related deaths? In the course of this enlightening, frequently uproarious and often shocking collection of real-life vignettes, Moore sorts through theory after theory -- our country's blood-spattered history, too many violent movies, widespread paranoia, wicked rock stars, etc. -- and reveals a count...
  • Pro Gun Rally As Micheal Moore
    669 words
    Bowling for Columbine is an interesting and entertaining documentary about the state of gun laws and violence in the United States as compared to similar countries. In the film Micheal Moore asks questions such as, "Why do Americans kill each other with guns 10 times as often as other countries?" and, "What could have caused the massacre at Columbine in Colorado?" While these questions may not be answered specifically during the film, many interesting and sometimes horrifying facts are brought t...
  • Moore Believes Dick Clark
    555 words
    After watching "Bowling for Columbine" written by Michael Moore, your mind may be filled with many new thoughts on who to blame for our nation's knack of always acting in violence. Some of the problems that come to mind after watching this movie may be poverty, gun control, media, or even politics. Moore doesn't necessarily place the blame on anything in particular, but through the movie you are able to see that things need to be changed when Americans act in violent ways such as killing 11,127 ...

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