Moral Courage essay topics

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  • Confucian Ideals Of Moral Goodness
    1,044 words
    Confucianism was one of the most influential of the four Great Traditions in ancient China. However, it did not become such a big way of life until after Confucius death, as he only had a small number of disciples following him during his lifetime. Confucianism stressed the importance of some of the greatest virtues of life, including filial piety, Jen, Chi, Yung, and Li, as these represented devotion to the parents, benevolence, wisdom, moral courage, and ritual, and were the keys to achieving ...
  • Defiance Of Fear Courage
    496 words
    The Defiance of Fear Courage shows itself in many different forms. From standing up for what you believe in, to surviving near tragedy, to putting yourself on the line for someone else. The mentality to act and disregard for fear are simply triggers symbolizing judgements that lay ahead. Overcoming fear is courageous in itself. But creating in yourself a mental and moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand fear marks the righteous among all. Courage is not only a dismissal of fear but ...
  • Next Display Of Moral Courage
    368 words
    To Kill A Mockingbird: Courage In the novel, 'To Kill A Mockingbird', we were presented with several displays of courage. Some of the courage in the novel were displays of physical courage. However, physical courage was not the only type displayed, we also saw examples of moral courage. I saw several examples of physical courage in this excellent novel. One example of courage however insignificant to me or you is Jem's courage to run up to the Radley's house, now to me or you that is nothing but...
  • Courageous Soldier
    397 words
    . Courageous Fear And What It Means To Be A Courageous Soldier Many soldiers of today know what courage is. Courage is doing what is needed to do, not what absolutely must be done. In Tim O'Brien's "The Things They Carried", the soldiers were not what one would think of as courageous. The soldiers were courageous in the sense that their courage came from fear of dishonor. The soldiers did what must be done in order to keep their honorable reputation. True courage was not present until the end of...
  • Laura Lalonde's Moral Courage
    391 words
    Moral courage is found in humble places, and it takes place every day. To some, moral courage may seem like a menial occurance, such as giving change to a bigger on the street. This sort of courage does not require a superhuman act like saving a child from drowning, or rescuing a dog from a burning house; this sort of courage requires human decency and a kind heart. My friend Laura Lalonde is your typical girl-next-door. She grew up in Halifax, and when she turned nineteen in the year 2001, she ...

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