Moral Decision essay topics

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  • Dr Rutland
    2,288 words
    There is a firefighter who is obligated to make a crucial decision. Upon arrival to a five-alarm blaze, the firefighter must make a life or death decision. There are two individuals unconscious in the burning building, and only one can be saved. One person is Dr. Rutland, a world-renowned pioneer in treating suicidal-depressives. The medication he has developed has helped thousands of patients already, and when perfected, will save many more. The other individual is Dr. Rutland's secretary. Bein...
  • Part In The Vivisection
    547 words
    Changing Times versus Changing People It has been said that while times change, people do not. From my past experiences, and from things that I have learned throughout the years, I have to agree with the previous statement. I feel that the morality of a person almost always rules when it comes to making serious and important decisions. Different time periods can alter ones thinking in certain situations to an extent. For example, in The Sea and Poison, Nobu Ueda had moved to Manchuria with her n...
  • Six Stages Of Our Moral Development
    438 words
    What does it mean to be moral Our morality is used every day in every situation and decision we make. Morality is very much a part of who you are. To be a person who is moral you know what is right and wrong on your own. To be moral is to be able to tell the right from wrong. There is no universal right and wrong because everyone develops their own ego. According to Freud we have three different components: The Id, the Super ego, and the Ego. Your id is the animal in you it's your instinctual dr...
  • Aristotle And His Virtue Theory Of Morality
    2,519 words
    As adolescents growing up in such turbulent times, it is often difficult for persons of my young age to make decisions that are both rational and moral. I have watched a countless number of my peers make decisions that they understood to be immoral. Whether or not they were simply trying to "fit in" or avoid peer pressure, I cannot say. I can only say that I observed this with sadness. For I only wish that my friends could have the strength to believe in their morals, values and reason that are ...
  • Legal Issue And A Moral Issue
    2,095 words
    Law and Morality It is not an everyday occurrence that someone must decide the fate of another's life. The dilemma of making a decision that someone must die in order for the others to survive, can obviously be troubling. The process in which the termination of one's life may be easy to make, but to justify that decision is the most difficult one. This paper is given a situation in which a decision of taking one's life is essential. The situation is that a nuclear war has occurred, which has des...
  • Process Including Moral And Ethical Decision
    3,261 words
    "We do not quite say that the new is more valuable because it fits in; but its fitting in is a test of its value-a test, it is true, which can only be slowly and cautiously applied, for we are none of us infallible judges of conformity". , the famous poet T.S. Elliot once said. Ethics and conformity go hand in hand; it is hard to talk about one subject without involving the other. The past two weeks of this humanities course has been centered around the relationship which exists between these tw...
  • Moral Conflict For Benjamin
    1,026 words
    Benjamin... the kind of man he wanted to become. The film, The Graduate, illustrates a young man's development of moral maturity. Benjamin proves to us that maturity does not come at a certain age but through experience of inquiry, questioning, analysis, judgment, and the habit of doing good. Benjamin Braddock, the main character of the story, has just returned from his four years away at college. Unsure about where his future will take him, he allows the wife of his business partner, Mrs. Robin...

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