Moral Of The Novel essay topics

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  • Novel Tortilla Flat 7 Religion
    2,357 words
    TORTILLA FLAT by John Steinbeck Henry James wrote that the novel is to be experienced-therefore the reader must completely understand what happens in it. You should appropriate comparisons, contrasts, draw analogies of what is in the novel and one's own experience. While the elements of fiction are important in isolated ways, relating the parts is most important. A novel should show, "a direct, personal impression of life". The form of the novel is so free, so liable to variation, so open to inn...
  • Atticus Finch As The Novel's Core
    698 words
    The Core of Stability There are certain elements in literature that are essential in the creation of a classic. One of the most critical elements is that of a character who acts as the novel's core or base. The character is responsible for maintaining the stability of society within the novel, exhibiting qualities of a true hero, and constantly emphasizing the novel's central theme or themes. In the timeless classic, To Kill A Mockingbird, Atticus Finch serves as the core of the novel by display...
  • Moral To The Situation
    673 words
    The Elusiveness of War and the Tenuousness of Morality in Tim O'Brien's "The Things They Carried,"How to Tell a True War Story", and "Style" In the novel The Things They Carried, Tim O'Brien demonstrates how exposure to the atrocities of nations at war leads to the soldiers having skewed perspectives on what is right and wrong, predominantly at times when the purpose of the war itself appears elusive. The ambiguity that consumes the stories of "The Things They Carried" and "How to Tell a True Wa...
  • Only Morals
    549 words
    Introduction H.G. Wells's science fiction masterpiece The War of the Worlds was originally published in Pierson's magazine in 1897 and was issued as a novel the following year. A century later, it has never been out of print. The story has become an integral part of our culture, frequently retold in graphic novels and films. In 1938, it became part of one of the greatest and most horrifying media events of all times. The Mercury Theatre on the Air, headed by twenty-three-year-old Orson Welles, b...
  • Old Europe With Its Values And Culture
    2,185 words
    Farewells To Justice, God, Politics And The European Way Heinrich Boll, Women In A River Landscape, translated from the German by David Mcclintock, London: Seeker & Warburg, 1988. (Originally published in 1985.) Albert Camus, The Fall, translated by Justin O'Brien, N.Y. : Modern Library, 1958. (Originally published in 1956.) Friedrich Durrenmatt, The Execution Of Justice, translated from the German by John E. Woods, N. Y: Random House, 1989. (Originally published in 1985.) Graham Greene, Dr. Fis...
  • Nately's Whore And Yossarian's Fault
    1,970 words
    The character of Yossarian has been described and interpreted in many different ways; some view him as an eternal innocent in the Huck Finn tradition of American protagonists, some a symbol of humanistic faith, others argue for Christian interpretations of his character, while others consider him as an antihero in an insane world. Certainly by the end of the novel, one is more likely to hold the latter judgement as being true than after the opening half of the book. Yossarian's viewpoint and att...
  • Nicholson's Airbrushing Of Lolita's Perceived Moral Transgressions
    1,851 words
    'Lolita' and Censorship The twentieth century's two most infamous literary censorship cases - 'Lady Chatterley's Lover' and 'Ulysses' were brought to trial ostensibly because of fears about the public's exposure to obscene material. There were undoubtedly a number of other tacit reasons for prosecution bound up in the social, sexual and political economies of the early twentieth century. Nonetheless, it is fair to say that the danger, in Britain and the US, was seen to lie in the textual represe...

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