Moral Truths essay topics

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  • Ultimate Truth
    545 words
    What is Gandhian philosophy? It is the religious and social ideas adopted and developed by Gandhi, first during his period in South Africa from 1893 to 1914, and later of course in India. The twin cardinal principles of Gandhi's thought are truth and nonviolence. For Gandhi, truth is the relative truth of truthfulness in word and deed, and the absolute truth - the Ultimate Reality. This ultimate truth is God (as God is also Truth) and morality - the moral laws and code - its basis. Ahimsa, far f...
  • Reader Through The Telling Of The Story
    673 words
    'I know that it is not a question of malice or ill will or meanness of spirit that prompts our citizens to support executions. It is quite simply that people don't know the truth about what is really going on' (p. 197). This passage, found in the book "Dead Man Walking", written by Sister Helen Prejean, speaks directly about the theme of this book: the morality of Capital Punishment. Sister Helen Prejean has written an insightful book about the morality of killing a human being and a society and...
  • Disgraceful Misperception Due To Their Religious Austerity
    1,186 words
    All throughout the seventeenth-century, there was a continuous influx of religious individuals into North America. This inflow of settlers was primarily the result of the persecution of their denominations in their home by the established churches. The region with the most persecuted settlers was Massachusetts, which was to become the new residence of the Puritans. These ascetic folks based their theology on different grounds, praising simplicity in a very difficult way. Their views are dark, no...
  • Sense Of Trust And Openness Amongst Scientists
    902 words
    Moral Judgements Jakob Bronowski's book, "Science and Human Values" argues that the scientific method of inquiry into reality provides a generally applicable foundation for moral judgement. Bronowski says, "in order to keep the study in a manageable field. I will continue to choose a society in which the principle of truth rules. Therefore the society which I will examine is that formed by scientists themselves: it is the body of scientists" (Bronowski 58). Bronowski makes it clear in his book t...
  • Truth
    666 words
    This paper explains how I weigh the need for valid results against the ethical dilemma of using deception. Here is the situation: I took some data from the sales and marketing projections in relation to manufacturing costs. According to my colleague, my analysis of the mid year forecast was right on the button. I have discovered a serious flaw in the forecast recommendation, it was understated. My friend tells me the increase in sales will make up for any downturn the mistake may have caused - a...
  • Truth In Salem
    701 words
    The Truth Cannot Set you Free The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller, is a tragic story of injustice suffered by an innocent community who are subjected to the hypocritical, prideful judges of their trial. These Judges use their power to eliminate evidence of their mistakes and return their community to puritanical ways. The leaders of Salem are not concerned with seeking the truth and justice, but with maintaining their authority and reputations; this objective leads them to consistently reject...
  • My Mother And Grandmother The Truth
    824 words
    Ethical Dilemma A couple of years ago I was faced with a dilemma about a piece of jewelry. For my High School Graduation I received a Tiffany's bracelet which was originally my grandmothers. My grandmother gave this bracelet to my mother for her High School Graduation as well. This antique piece of jewelry had a very special place in both my mother and mines heart, since my grandmother died about ten years ago. It was a plain silver bracelet with my grandmother's initials engraved on the back ba...
  • Every Cultural Group
    3,123 words
    The Christian Worldview and MulticulralismRacial reconciliation should be a top priority for every Christian, of any race or cultural background. But will this demand for a 'multicultural center of learning' produce a less prejudiced society? Multiculturalists insist on greater sensitivity towards, and increased inclusion of, racial minorities and women in society. Christians should endorse both of these goals. But many advocating multiculturalism go beyond these demands for sensitivity and incl...
  • Natural Truth And A Learned Truth
    580 words
    What evidence of truth do you need to except a clam, be it moral, religious, philosophical, ect. Do you distinguish between these, if so why and how There are no new truths, but only truths that have not been recognized by those who have perceived them without noticing. A truth is something that everybody can be shown to know and to have known, as people say, all along, Mary McCarthy. I believe that someone can recognize the truth without having physical evidence to prove it, just by their intui...
  • Truth Tv
    1,205 words
    "Truth morals and good taste are all irrelevant in commercial t. v". How does frontline and other supplementary material explore this idea? How far is too far? In today's society there is a fine line between telling the truth and not. Each day we encounter lies and concealment. And who would of thought, most of the false accusations we are fed, come from those we rely on for the truth. "Truth is created by the powerful person". And who is more powerful then those that inform and instruct? Commer...

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