Morality Of The War essay topics

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  • Just War With A Very Persuasive Argument
    1,236 words
    Kevin Kearney March 23, 2003 History 220 Walzer, Michael. Just and Unjust Wars: A Moral Argument with Historical Illustrations. New York: Basic Books, 1992.368 pp. Michael Walzer first wrote Just and Unjust Wars: A Moral Argument with Historical Illustrations in the years following the Vietnam War, and unfortunately its premise on morality in war will always remain as relevant as it was then as it is now, with conflict between states forever existing. Michael Walzer is one of the most prominent ...
  • War Against Terrorism
    897 words
    War on terrorism is too soft to insure victory America seems to have learned nothing from Vietnam. A few troops here and there, appeasement of protesters and an overall mediocre effort by the 'forces of freedom' led to the debacle known as the Vietnam War. Our war veterans, who are truly heroes, fought for freedom, while a lack of impetus and an overflow of politics and propaganda in Washington fought the same war on the wrong side. Once again, America seems to have found a way to make a mess of...
  • Claim For Conscientious Objection
    2,768 words
    During the 20th century America has been involved in many conflicts that have led to war or the taking up of arms against other humans and nations. Although the vast majority of Americans have blindly accepted these actions throughout the century, more and more people are seeing war as morally wrong. Reasons for this epiphany are based off of a variety of things and encompass many other aspects related to war and killing examples include: due to moral and ethical principles, objection to war due...
  • Moral To The Situation
    673 words
    The Elusiveness of War and the Tenuousness of Morality in Tim O'Brien's "The Things They Carried,"How to Tell a True War Story", and "Style" In the novel The Things They Carried, Tim O'Brien demonstrates how exposure to the atrocities of nations at war leads to the soldiers having skewed perspectives on what is right and wrong, predominantly at times when the purpose of the war itself appears elusive. The ambiguity that consumes the stories of "The Things They Carried" and "How to Tell a True Wa...
  • Neutral Political Stance Towards Modern Wars
    599 words
    Michael Ignatieff's The Warrior's Honor is a graphic and unflinching portrait of modern warfare and humanitarian engagements to make war more "civilized". While Ignatieff is skeptical towards avowedly "neutral" engagements such as the Swiss Red Cross, he retains a measure of hope or at least reserved optimism for the prospect that warring parties can reconcile if "rituals in which communities once at war learn to mourn their dead together" (190). The tone of the book is both journalistic and lit...
  • Movie Of The Vietnam Experience
    585 words
    Apocalypse Now is a movie of the Vietnam experience. Not as much the war as the experience, the thing that made this war personal for each soldier. US Army Captain Willard (Martin Sheen) receives orders to infiltrate renegade special forces Colonel Kurtz's troops and terminate his command. "Terminate with extreme prejudice". Reports tell of Kurtz having gone insane, and using "unsound" methods while running his own private army in the jungle in Cambodia. Willard makes his way to Kurtz with the h...
  • Civilian Morale On The Home Front
    2,727 words
    What factors influenced civilian morale on the home fronts? During World War Two, the moral of all countries involved remained intact. There were numerous factors that influenced the morale of civilians on the various home fronts. The intensity and importance of each nation's struggle with morale was strongly influenced by the regime they were subject to. The subsequent policies and actions of the governments had significant impacts on their nation's morale. Propaganda, threats and terror all co...
  • Political From Moral Issues
    445 words
    Until recently, I had never really thought much about the justifications of war. It had never pertained to my life; however when the subject became a reality for me this past year, I began to delve into the depth of the philosophies, legalities, policies, and political theories relating to war, attempting to justify past wars. I looked at war from all points of view, as each side of the fight has its own justifications for pursuing conflict. From taking a course in ethics at my university to att...
  • Soldiers In The Vietnam War
    417 words
    American Dream Of The Soldiers Of The American Dream Of The Soldiers Of The Vietnam War? When we first got here– all of us– we were real young and innocent, full of romantic bullshit, but we learned pretty damn quick.? This quote was extracted from the book The Things They Carried by Tim O? Brien, and exemplifies the power that the war had in exploiting one's innocence. The Vietnam war drastically altered the soldier's American Dreams due to the great abundance of evil which was cele...

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