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  • Liberal The Idea Of Freedom
    2,920 words
    I want to talk with you about freedom. Freedom! That seems simple enough, but it is a word with profoundly different meanings for different people. Some of the people whom I most despise and whom I consider the greatest threat to freedom have, in fact, represented themselves as champions of freedom. I'm talking about liberals. The name "liberal" comes from the Roman word meaning "free". How ironic! - although I am sure that most liberals don't see the irony. Their concept of freedom is radically...
  • Improvements To Other Nations
    1,015 words
    Simplicity and Freedom in Walden In chapter two of Henry David Thoreau's Walden, entitled "Where I Lived, and What I Lived for", there are two themes that run throughout the narrative. The key theme that emerges continually is that of simplicity with the additional theme being that of freedom. Thoreau finds himself surrounded by a world that has no true freedom or simplified ways, with people committed to the world that surrounds them rather than being committed to their own true self within nat...
  • Freedom Country
    869 words
    America is a country of great wealth and, often, greed, but it's also a worldwide known unique culture where men seek freedom. America. Different ideas of our crazy non-traditional world flow in and out of men men people's minds each day. And not all of them are American thoughts. To men, we are selfish and ignorant, as well as greedy. Thus may be true, but we have good qualities as well. Some (maybe lots) of countries recognize that we go over seas to help others and we share out knowledge and ...
  • Only A Virtuous People
    496 words
    "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters". Benjamin Franklin What Benjamin Franklin meant by this does not only apply back during his day, but it applies throughout history. This quote can apply to the history of Africa, Latin America, and Asia. To fully explain this quote, I must divide the quote into three parts: "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom,"As nations become corrupt and vicious", and "they have mor...
  • Deadly Weapons
    658 words
    THE ISSUE OF GUN CONTROL When the framers of the Constitution penned one of the most influential works in history, they could never consider what the consequences of the freedoms they set forth. The second amendment of the Constitution is one of the most important and most frequently called upon that recent history can think of. Since the age of the Civil War, the weapons that we have produced have become increasingly more deadly. We as citizens of this country are watching our children and frie...
  • Only Problem Americans
    736 words
    3,974 lives were lost between 1778 and 1781 in the American Revolutionary War. During the Civil War 600,000 more were sacrificed. In World War I, 57,476 lives lost. Such a large number, and for what Is 661,450 the price of freedom 661,450! And that isnt even including lives lost during the womens rights movement, the anti-slavery movement, or the civil rights movement. Not to mention wars Americans fought for the freedom of other countries! World War II, Vietnam, the Gulf War! Can a single count...
  • Samir And Mernissi
    1,492 words
    Mernissi seemed to have a happy childhood. She spoke fondly of many of the memories she shared in Dreams of Trespass. This happiness was threatened though, by the more liberal women that lived on the terrace. In their quest for women's liberation, Mernissi's freedom was jepardized. One of the things Mernissi spoke most fondly of was the amount of freedom the children had. Since they saw everything the women on the terrace did, the children had a lot of leverage, which Mernissi speaks of in chapt...
  • Fromm's Book Escape From Freedom
    1,451 words
    Escape from Freedom- An Academic Review Over the course of history, man's desire for complete freedom has been overcome by the responsibilities and dangers involved with liberty. Freedom can represent different things to people, this can entail civil, political and ethic liberty's. The more freedom we poses, the bigger the burden and the more we are responsible for. This causes some of us to desire less freedom in favour of support for those who will decide for us, freedom then becomes a negativ...
  • Mona From Vagabonde
    1,691 words
    Vagabonde possesses many themes which when viewed on the surface are almost invisible. However, when a closer 'post-mortem's style of analysis is adopted they soon become clear and more distinguished. The themes included in this film are Mystery, Jealousy, Loneliness, Independence and ultimately, Tragedy. We see the themes develop in front of us individually as the film progresses, but as the viewer, we only become aware of the super-structure by the end of the film. We know from the start that ...
  • Current Restrictions Upon The Media
    277 words
    Egypt and Defamation. According to Committee to protect Journalist, "In March, a court in the capital, Cairo, sentenced Adel Hammouda and Essay Fah my, both of the independent weekly Sat al-Umma, to six months in prison each for defaming prominent Egyptian businessman Na guib Sawiris. The case stemmed from an article in which they had accused Sawiris of financial misconduct. Although the journalists were never jailed, the ruling may have fostered even more self-censorship among journalists tryin...

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