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  • Gun Control
    1,204 words
    Gun Control Ever since America has been a country, Americans have owned and used guns. Recent events, such as Columbine and other mass shootings, have caused Americans to look at guns in a whole new perspective. Many argue guns protect us as United States citizens, while others will argue that guns are killing United States citizens. Who is right Is there a right or a wrong What should be done if anything There are many different factors that contribute to finding the answers to these questions;...
  • Most Persuasive Piece On Gun Control
    655 words
    Persuasive articles about Gun Control Persuading an audience can be done in several different fashions, one of which is Hugh Rank's Model of Persuasion. Rank's model states that two major strategies are used to achieve the particular goal of persuasion. These strategies are nicely set into two main schemes; the first method is to exaggerate an aspect of something, known as "intensify". While the second is to discredit it, which is referred to as "downplay". Al Franken, Jeffrey Snyder, Harlan Ell...
  • 20000 Gun Control Laws
    1,160 words
    GUN CONTROL Gun Control can be called the 'acid test' of liberalism. All true liberals must favor stricter gun controls. After all, doesn't the United States have the most heavily armed population on the earth? Are we not the world's most violent people? Surely these facts must be at least casually connected. Therefore the apparently desperate need to 'do something' about the vast quantity of firearms and firearms abuse is obvious. Guns are employed in an enormous number of crimes in this countr...
  • Tighter Gun Control Laws
    966 words
    In the wake of all the school shootings in the past two years gun control has become a more serious issue than before. Gun control has always been a concern in the United States, but not until the first major school shootings at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado did this topic become a reality to the American public. In 1999, this massacre left fifteen people dead including the assassins. And just recently on March 5, 2001 did the tradition continue, when Charles Andrew Williams kille...
  • Juveniles Homicide With Guns
    783 words
    Gun Control Fifth of July and me and my boyfriend are just sitting around watching T.V. when the phone rings. I answer the phone and here my best friend Laurie trying to tell me something through her tears. I knew it was more thana family problem because she wouldn't call me at my boyfriends if it wasn't serious. I tried to get her to calm down so I could half way understand her. I could here her say something about our good friend Jerry. I took her a few minutes but I finally understood her. Je...
  • Force Of Momentum From The Bullet
    1,004 words
    How Guns Work gun is a weapon that uses the force of an explosive propellant to project a missile. Guns or firearms are classified by the diameter of the barrel opening. This is known as the calibre of the gun. Anything with a calibre up to and including. 60 calibre (0.6 inches) is known as a firearm. The precise origin of the gun is unknown, although they were in use by the early 14th century and were common place in Europe by mid-century. These early guns were nothing more than large calibre c...
  • Terrorist Attacks And Gun Control Laws
    986 words
    The Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights gives people the right to keep and bear arms. The ideas of setting strict laws that allow only hunting rifle use, and laws that allow more freedom has been argued over for many years. The best argument protecting the Second Amendment is that people have more security when possessing a gun. Although this is possibly true, gun control provides much more than comfort for the people. The second amendment has some benefits, but many dangers also come with ha...
  • Gun Control Laws
    489 words
    Gun Control Abortion, euthanasia, and capital punishment are all controversial issues in today's society. Just as important of an issue to many people is gun control. Gun control lobbyists believe that there should be more control over firearms while anti-lobbyists believe there is already enough. Although many people are killed or seriously injured by firearms which are improperly stored, statistics show that assaults with firearms have been progressively lowered since 1975. Therefore, Justice ...
  • Players Like Heavy Guns And Barrels
    2,138 words
    everybody. Players range from six to sixty, and are of any race or sex. There are many different ways to play, and an almost infinite amount of equipment for you to choose from. It is a great sport because of all the different types of equipment, and playing fields and other players can be found almost anywhere. Paintball is a very new sport. The first games were played by a few enterprising players who used cattle marking guns to play. Their paint was non-washable and expensive, costing up to a...
  • Gun Control
    810 words
    Dan Nenninger: Essay # 1 Gun Control According to the Coalition for Gun Control, last year a total of 291 people were killed by handguns in Australia, Sweden, Great Britain, Japan, and Switzerland. In the United States more than 24,000 people will be killed by the end of this year. So what is the big difference between the U.S. and these other countries? In these other countries it nearly impossible to buy any kind of gun. In these countries there are no gun shows. In these countries you can't b...
  • Gun At My Moms House
    429 words
    1. Describe your relationship with your mom, overall how much time do you think you get to spend with her? -she raised me, so naturally we have a closer relationship and spend more time together than my dad and me. -we " ve had an ok relationship, ever since she met carl and started her business, we " ve spent less and less time together. 2. What happened to get you and your friends brought to the police station? 3. How did you meet Terry Bottler? 4. Do you think its a good thing to talk to Terr...
  • Congress On The Issue Of Gun Control
    2,218 words
    web The Politics of Gun Control Legislation The recent violent phenomenon of tragic shootings such as the incident at Columbine high school in which 13 students and one teacher were killed and 23 other people were wounded has captured the attention of both the public and politicians alike and has stirred a need to take action. With shootings in Littleton, Colorado followed by Conyers, Georgia and yet another in Gibson, Oklahoma, gun control has become a pressing issue in congress. However while ...
  • Citizens Use Guns For Protection From Criminals
    1,470 words
    Who is the Real Killer Do guns kill people or do people kill people This is one of many questions brought up when we talk about gun control. Gun control is a very controversial issue in our country today. This paper will hopefully give us a better understanding about the pros and cons of private citizens owning guns. American children are more at risk from firearms than children in any other industrialized nation. In one year, firearms killed no children in Japan, 19 in Great Britain, 57 in Germ...
  • Successful Alternative To Constrictive Gun Control Laws
    1,777 words
    Part One Statistics on an issue such as gun control are not hard to come by. The numbers seem to sway in the favor of gun control being ineffective against the epidemic of gun violence that is facing this nation today. There is evidence to support that many guns used for illegal activities are obtained by illegal means anyway, making laws to restrict the purchase of said guns ineffective at keeping firearms out of criminals hands. Evidence also supports the statements that guns are used in defen...
  • Information On Gun Control In Illinois
    558 words
    People against gun control often argue cars kill more people than guns. But ask yourself, can a gun get you to work quickly Or does a gun have room to take a 4 member family to Florida No, it is obvious that guns have one purpose. To kill. Al Gore agrees. "We " ve got an epidemic of violent crime and a lot of members of the NRA have told me, these assault weapons were not made for hunting deer or squirrels or for homeowners. They shouldn't be in the hands of our children on the streets of our ci...
  • Gun Control Laws
    935 words
    Fighting for Gun Control We, as part of a free country, naturally abhor violence. It is a factor that has risen and fallen over the years. In today's society, guns have become common weapons used in violent situations. They are an escalating problem that are only leading to more deaths over the years. However, Americans generally believe that gun control cannot do much to reduce these high levels of deaths. Many serious scholars have already accepted the argument that the huge number of guns alr...
  • Gun Control Advocates Claim
    1,448 words
    Thesis The debate over the issue of whether or not American citizens have the undisputed right to bear arms is a controversy that has been brought up many times dating back to the late 1800's. One of the biggest controversies is the true meaning of the Second Amendment of the Constitution and whether or not gun control is constitutional. Even after multiple debates a clear interpretation of the Amendment on which everyone can agree has still not been reached. Both sides continue to decipher the ...
  • Guns To School
    1,585 words
    Pro Gun Control Introduction It is a Friday afternoon in Charlesbay High School. Students are piling into the lunch lines awaiting hot pizza, fresh French fries and ice-cold sodas. As the students discuss what they are going to do after the football game and how their 1st hour test was, a gunshot is heard not far away. The students are ordered to stay low to the ground by school security guards. None of the students know what is happening outside the lunch lines. What is going on is a 17-year ol...
  • Gun Control Laws
    880 words
    Gun control in American Nowadays, people have more freedom than ever. However, not everybody has the right to own a gun except those people who are in America. In America today there are between 250 and 30000 million firearms in private hands, amounting to one weapon for every American. (Spitzer, J.R.) Are American people safer than others? Do more guns mean less crime? Many people doubt it for American has higher crime rates and frequently school shooting events. Every year there are approximat...
  • Support Gun Control To People
    909 words
    Name Teacher Class Date THE WIDOWS, THE WOUNDED AND ALL WHO BELIEVE "Americans believe in gun control, its about time for them to act as if they do". This statement from the article " The Widows and the Wounded" by Anna Quindlen of Newsweek, seemingly pleads to our emotions as well as our common sense to evoke stronger actions for gun control. Quindlen's usage of pathos and logos allows her argument to pull at the heartstrings of the reader, making it almost personal. Her sarcastic jabs at the r...

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